Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Professor Sprout, in the Greenhouse, with Mandrakes. 
6th July 2009 17:42
Title: Professor Sprout, in the Greenhouse, with Mandrakes.
Artist: [info]didodikali
Media: pencil, PS.
Characters: Professor Sprout, Lavender, Parvati.
Rating: NC-17.
Warnings: I got nuthin' here.
Themes/kinks chosen: Sex at work.

Professor Sprout: This project is such huge fun! You just pull them out and then snap off the baby rootlets and replant then in the nursery pots. And then, when you snap the parent plants apart, you can snap off his organ, too, and that will grow into a whole new plant, too. Mandrakes are very easy to propagate. But wear your gloves because they might give you a rash. And they bite.

Lavender: Did my parents sign a note for me to do this? Because I didn't ask them to.

Parvati: What?
8th July 2009 11:27
Thanks! =)
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