Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Boys Keep Swinging (Ginny/Hermione) 
30th April 2009 11:59
Title: Boys Keep Swinging
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Ginny Weasley / Hermione Granger
Rating: R
Warnings: gender play, sweetness, lack of explicit porn
Themes/kinks chosen: andromimetophilia
Artist's notes: Special thanks to [info]ragdoll for listening to me whine about being slow, for letting me post late, for coming up with the title, and for pointing me to the video when I said I didn't know that song. My life is much enriched. :D
Art preview:

1st May 2009 12:42
Wow! Fabulous hon. :)
21st October 2009 01:34
*responding to old comments, don't mind me...

Thanks, dear! *hugs*
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