Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Keep Your Panties On 
29th April 2009 00:02
Title: Keep Your Panties On
Artist: [info]nk_aoede
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Media: Photoshop
Themes/kinks chosen: Underwear as a fetish (I think there's no tag for it though.)
Notes: Hello, this is my first post here. I hated Sirius so much while I was drawing this, he was being very difficult. Also, thanks to [info]red_squared for her last-minute help with the title. <3

(while i'm here, i might as well ask: who the hell is the white-haired dude in the community banner?)

EDIT: i don't seem to have an artist tag. may i get one?
28th April 2009 23:53
Wheeeee, you posted it!

You know I love this :) From Sirius' shiny, shiny hair to Remus licking him -- licking him through the fabric, and licking him there.

And the expressions on Sirius' face and on what you can see of Remus'... Mmmm. *happy sigh*

Lovely work as always, sweet!
28th April 2009 23:56
This is AWESOME. My favorite is the blush on Sirius's face.

As to the white-haired dude, I think it's Karkaroff? IDK. The banner squicks me, so I try not to look at it.
29th April 2009 00:00
Mmmmph, this is hot. Love their lithe boyish figures, the judiciously placed spots of color, the discarded clothing... beautiful! What a way to begin your tenure here. :D
29th April 2009 00:40
We get porn from you at least once a month now?! Life is good. :D

Once of my favourite things about your art is the way you make them look so pretty, yet so hot at the same time. This is gorgeous. I love their position and Sirius's expression.

And I agree with Emiime, I think it's Snape and Karkarof.
29th April 2009 03:35
Sirius can be difficult some times, but this is what makes him the awesome character he is. He's lovely in your art. I'm glad he decided to cooperate in the end.
29th April 2009 03:56
Ooh, pretty and hot! I love your limited use of red especially. ;) And the highlights in Sirius's hair! I want to run my fingers through that hair. <3
29th April 2009 04:01
I've just made you an artist tag. There is a tag for this month's theme. Theme: underwear (i've added it in for you)

And I think the participants in the banner are Nearly Headless Nick & Severus Snape. I can't remember now!
29th April 2009 05:43
*moans* I am going to be staring at this ALL DAY. Oh. OH.
29th April 2009 06:53
I'm sorry Sirius was so difficult for you, but he turned out absolutely delicious! *eats him up with a spoon* Very, very sexy.
29th April 2009 07:18
So hot... *drools* Absolutely love the way how Sirius kneeling over Remus like that, with his hand in Remus's hair and Remus licking him. *drools some more*
29th April 2009 08:58
LOVE IT! Absolute love! That only their flush and the underwear have colour is SO spot on! And Remus against Sirius' crotch...! *GAH* Pushing all sorts of kink buttons there!!!
29th April 2009 13:30
Madam Brilliance I LOVE it!!!!!!!! I love the pink of Sirius's cheeks. I am assuming they are pink due to heat and not embarrassment. I love the hint og removed clothes on the bed *has tie fetish* and the curtains drawn around them. Plus it's a really damn sexy pic! Bravo darling!!!!
29th April 2009 13:36
Fanstastic pose-love the almost B&W except for the knickers and their cheeks. So so hot! Great job!
29th April 2009 17:22
Oh my!
Delicious! *g*
29th April 2009 17:58
I am just a little bit in love with the pink blush to Sirius's cheeks ♥
29th April 2009 20:29
adorable! what a sweet moment.

as for the banner, I always thought it was Snape and Shakespeare!
29th April 2009 21:14
Lovely! Innocent and sexy aren't mutually exclusive, are they? Glad to see you posting over here! Maggie
29th April 2009 22:13
Blimey. That is all kinds of right. Gorgeous.
30th April 2009 00:16
Could Sirius be any prettier?! His blush is just... guh (and Remus has a blush going on too, or is that just a reflection of the red panties? ;D) The whole thing is gorgeous and very hot.

Now that you're posting here, I may have to keep up with IJ!
30th April 2009 05:50
Just glorious! Seeing the finished piece, it's impossible to believe that you had trouble with Sirius here. He looks in all of his boyish beauty here. I know everyone has said it but artistically and emotionally, the placement of color in the picture works beautifully! The style here looks slightly different than your usual. Perhaps it's the bed curtains? But what is the usual for you is the charm. They look boyish and sexy and I'm totally taken with this!
2nd May 2009 12:54
Oh my, it's really HOT
3rd May 2009 00:25
I love this very much!
4th May 2009 15:27
Unbelievably awesome!*___*
Sirius's blush, and the red panties, and Remus licking them!>///<
I wish I had more time to point out all the things I love about this, but I don't. So, just know that I love, love, LOVE this and look forward to all the beautiful things you'll make in the future.^_^
8th May 2009 18:09
oh wow, that's lovely. Fantastic!
20th May 2009 18:30
Oh the use of colour is simply amazing here. I'm a total sucker for monochrome, for what can be done with shading. But just this little bit of red? *DIES* Guh. So incredible!
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