Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Keep Your Panties On 
29th April 2009 00:02
Title: Keep Your Panties On
Artist: [info]nk_aoede
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Media: Photoshop
Themes/kinks chosen: Underwear as a fetish (I think there's no tag for it though.)
Notes: Hello, this is my first post here. I hated Sirius so much while I was drawing this, he was being very difficult. Also, thanks to [info]red_squared for her last-minute help with the title. <3

(while i'm here, i might as well ask: who the hell is the white-haired dude in the community banner?)

EDIT: i don't seem to have an artist tag. may i get one?
29th April 2009 15:28
thank you!

i thought that too, but apparently it's karkaroff. yeah, no idea.
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