Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art - Friendly Competition - Bellatrix/Narcissa, NC-17 NWS 
28th August 2007 19:04
Right, it's Tuesday in enough places round the world by now...

Artist: [info]ships_harry
Theme/kink: AU (non-magic, 1930s)
Warnings: anal, femslash, object penetration, NWS, incest (nearly forgot that one :D)
Rating: NC-17
Media: PS + tablet
Compliant to: Absolutely nothing :).

Title: Friendly Competition
Pairing: Bellatrix/Narcissa
Summary: Narcissa prefers to win; note her marital alliance with Lucius Malfoy, even in the face of his seeming obsession with that scrawny dark-haired boy from school. However, she understands the value of a strategic loss. And Bella comes up with the most delightful forfeits...
Notes: Hiya; this is my first post, and I bite my nails nervously at you all :-). Bella is, entirely unintentionally, in Gryffindor colours, woe... Cissy's dress and bra were found after a bit of googling for period gear. They are decadent Bright Young Things :). I should've added champagne bottles :D. *hides now*


28th August 2007 07:05
Oh, wow, that's amazing! And hot, and gorgeous and just...yum!

I love the vintage looks, the colours, the fashions, everything. Great job! And welcome to the community!
28th August 2007 19:54
Yay, thanks so much! The clothes were so fun to do, all those patterns and textures. It made me want to do more vintage-y looking HP pics :).
28th August 2007 08:13
A good first post indeed. I *love* the style, is simply reeks Brideshead Revisited, and it fits so well. Maybe not so wizardy, but I could definitely see Narcissa in that dress. The textures are wonderful, and especially I adore the peek to a vintage car in the background. I am certain the Malfoys do have a Bentley for the few occasions they have to move between Muggles.
28th August 2007 20:02
*looks up Brideshead Revisited like the undereducated pleb I am* :D.

The golden age thing, yeah? I was thinking non-magical when I drew it, just an upper-crust sort of family, removed from the rest of the world in the same way that the Wizard world is isolated (and, in a way, insulated - the surrounding trees were part of that idea) from the grimness of the Muggle/lower-class world. The canon only really hints at the underbelly with Mundungus and Remus (which is kinda why fanfiction that gets into it is so appealing :) ).

But, *so* yes. If the canon Malfoys ever *did* have to go out driving, it'd have to be something lovely like a classic Bentley :).
28th August 2007 09:33
OK, I don't even like femmeslash (usually) but I LOVE this! The period setting -- the car, the building, the CROQUET SET! The clothes are exceptional. Bella's outfit looks exactly like what an elegant upper-class Dyke-About-Town would have worn, and Narcissa looks properly fluffy. I think it's excellent!

For some reason the phrase "sticky wicket" comes to mind; I'm sure I can't say why.....
28th August 2007 20:05
Lol, I don't usually go for femmeslash either :D. Apparently I somehow thought it was a good idea, on posting for the first time, to do something *completely* different... heh.

Ah, glad you like the clothes! I had a freakin' ball doing them, particularly Narcissa's sheer bra and the satiny dress. Clothes are awesome! I see more semi-clad boysex in my future. Er. I mean, *illustrating* more semi-clad boysex :D.

Sticky wicket. *dies*
28th August 2007 10:58
Narcissa's hair and dress are so perfect for that time period!

Great first DD post!
28th August 2007 20:06
Thanks so much! That's so good to hear - I was having trouble with her (she was re-drawn a couple of times), and the dress, hair, and underwear are all from google-hunting for pretty period gear.
28th August 2007 12:05
Beautiful! The background is really really well done! Your color choices are wonderful (yes, even though Bella is in Gryffindor colors! It's AU, she wouldn't know it - stop fussing! ;) I love Narcissa's hair, and her outfit is done very well! You did a great job on the folds where her skirt is rucked up around her waist. The positioning is also great!

Also. It is hot.

XD sorry. I can't help it. ;_; I like good art even more than p0rn *ducks*
28th August 2007 20:12
Fussing is what I do...

Eee, Soso glad you like it! And the colours, too - I spent a while after it was finished wondering if it was so bright as to be gaudy, but decided to mostly leave it. I definitely enjoyed doing the background, I don't do enough of those! *snuggles custom paintbrushes*

I am feeling all warm and fuzzy now. YAY :D.
28th August 2007 14:38
Dayum! *drags you out of hiding so we can fawn over you properly*

Femme is usually just not my thing (not as bad as het, mind. but close). This though, yeah... whew!

It is all those lovely things everyone has already mentioned and absolutely yummy on top of it. Good show, you!
28th August 2007 20:19
Thanks loads! *is dragged*

Argh, I don't really know why I decided to do femme! I pretty much only draw slash! (the reference pic was two men, even) Probably put off half the audience of rabid slashers, which usually includes myself... I rarely even read femmeslash. I just got stuck on the idea of it. Heck, the initial idea was a steampunk Tonks/Padma, which may still get finished one of these days.

Women: totally bring the pretty. Apparently when I think decadent, I think sapphic sisters :).
28th August 2007 15:18
Oh, wow, this is gorgeous! I love the colours, and the women are just beautiful. What a fantastic first post! YAY!!!
28th August 2007 20:20
Yay, thanks! *phew* about the colours, cos I spent a while thinking they were too bright, and even toyed with a grainy sepia version :-).

28th August 2007 15:39
Guh, so hot! Object insertion and anal and their expressions and clothes and the bra only half-covering Narcissa's breast and OMG did I say it's hot? Seriously, just... mmm, yeah.

Also - it's beautiful! I love the background and the vivid colours. The grass is fantastic! And Narcissa's dress is gorgeous and sexy, I love its shiny texture. Now excuse me while I stare some more. *g*
28th August 2007 20:37

The shiny dress, so fun to do! Even if the highlighting isn't quite right everywhere... still fun :). Ah, and I'm glad you like the pulled-down-bra, it was something I kept every time I changed everything else about her clothes/face/hair. Figured Bella had yanked it down and left it that way, so that Cissy (she's totally a "Cissy" in this pic) would look as debauched as possible :D.

The grass is a custom brush I made - it's not very tidy-lawn grass, but it does make a nice texture.
28th August 2007 21:42
I absolutely adore Narcissa's stockings!
28th August 2007 22:10
Thanks very much! :-)
28th August 2007 22:39
Hurrah, femslash!! I love what Narcissa's bra is doing, among other things I love. :) Welcome!
28th August 2007 23:50
Yay the bra! I wondered if it'd be noticeable, since the pic-focus seemed to be on the O Hai Thar Labia :D. But then, if I've been doing a pic for long enough, I entirely lose the ability to *look* at it as anything but a series of loosely connected flaws :). (need art betas like fic betas :D)
31st August 2007 18:46
Hell, woman! *falls over*
Thanks, now I've got a croquet kink. :P
31st August 2007 19:58
Hee! Glad to have been of service :-D. Corrupting the perception of mundane objects is surely an honourable pursuit ;).
12th September 2007 07:08
Oh I missed this in that flood of D_D posts!

This is simply lovely! the colours are so rich and they have such depth to them. I can't stop looking at the grass! *headdesk* I'm such a cat. Oooh shiny grass!!! *chews* *snorts*

But really, darling, the perspective is just lovely and the foreshortening on Narcissa's legs is fabulous. And oh Bella's vest! Hee! I think I want one just like it- it's so rich! I love the inclusion of the building and the car, just the perfect little touches to give this!
17th September 2007 01:04
Argh, and I somehow missed this comment! Thank you so much! The grass, it's a custom brush that makes it all so easy :D. Ooh, I'm so glad you like the details, because I had such a good time putting them all in!
15th December 2008 23:09
eek! flickr took it down, and it sounds so lovely... could you re-post? pretty please?
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