Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art - Friendly Competition - Bellatrix/Narcissa, NC-17 NWS 
28th August 2007 19:04
Right, it's Tuesday in enough places round the world by now...

Artist: [info]ships_harry
Theme/kink: AU (non-magic, 1930s)
Warnings: anal, femslash, object penetration, NWS, incest (nearly forgot that one :D)
Rating: NC-17
Media: PS + tablet
Compliant to: Absolutely nothing :).

Title: Friendly Competition
Pairing: Bellatrix/Narcissa
Summary: Narcissa prefers to win; note her marital alliance with Lucius Malfoy, even in the face of his seeming obsession with that scrawny dark-haired boy from school. However, she understands the value of a strategic loss. And Bella comes up with the most delightful forfeits...
Notes: Hiya; this is my first post, and I bite my nails nervously at you all :-). Bella is, entirely unintentionally, in Gryffindor colours, woe... Cissy's dress and bra were found after a bit of googling for period gear. They are decadent Bright Young Things :). I should've added champagne bottles :D. *hides now*


28th August 2007 20:19
Thanks loads! *is dragged*

Argh, I don't really know why I decided to do femme! I pretty much only draw slash! (the reference pic was two men, even) Probably put off half the audience of rabid slashers, which usually includes myself... I rarely even read femmeslash. I just got stuck on the idea of it. Heck, the initial idea was a steampunk Tonks/Padma, which may still get finished one of these days.

Women: totally bring the pretty. Apparently when I think decadent, I think sapphic sisters :).
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