Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
11th May 2016 
01:44 - Banging Birthday Statistics: Naughty Numbers
In the vein of Kinky Kristmas' Wacky Stats, we have for you Banging Birthday's Naughty Numbers! And those numbers are pretty interesting. They vary quite a bit from the pattern we've seen over the past few Kinky Kristmases. Has there been a fandom-wide shift in preference? Or is it that some kinks and characters say "Happy Holidays" while others are more birthday appropriate? Or is it simply coincidence? We can't say, but perhaps the next Kinky Kristmas will reveal more...

Our birthday party was a smaller, more intimate affair than our Kristmas balls tend to be, so that could account for the difference in demographics as well. We had a total of 31 pieces: 25 fic, 4 art, and 2 fic and art collabs -- something we've never had in KK! Featured across those 31 pieces were 26 different characters (or perhaps 27 if Snape's wanking watcher was someone unique). For the most part, those characters were the usual repeat offenders. Well, Kristmas is a time for spreading the cheer around, and birthdays are all about you and your favorites. ;)

To further break things down...

Banging By the Numbers )

Reveals have been rescheduled and will now take place on Thursday, May 12 at noon U.S. Eastern time. Once again, apologies for the delay. Unfortunately, it couldn't be avoided. But we're back on track and will see everyone here on Thursday with the reveals and some final party favors.
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