Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: Up On The Housetop, Drarry, R/NC-17 
20th December 2008 23:25
Title: Up On The Housetop
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Characters: Draco/Harry
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: Fluff
Themes/kinks chosen: For [info]ghot. Prompt: The roof, romance
Word Count: 1981
Summary: We're going to pretend this is their first Christmas together so that there is some form of first time in this fic, okay? So, Draco and Harry spend their first Christmas together as a couple. Harry experiences the angst of a man who has NO IDEA what to get his lover for such a special holiday.
Author's notes: This is actually my second attempt at this fic. The first one was very porn-resistant, so…. *wink* Not so much for a Kinky Kristmas extravaganza. [info]ghot, I really hope you enjoy this and that it is everything you were hoping for! Have a wonderful holiday, dear readers!

ETA: OMG, I completely overlooked the kink when writing this! ARGH! It wasn't until I was filling in the prompt for the header that I realised I'd messed up. [info]ghot, I promise I will write you another fic, with first time. I so fail and I am so sorry.

"Why do you look like the cat that got the cream?" Draco watched, amused, as the reference to cream momentarily distracted Harry before he went back to bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet. Marking his place in the book he'd been reading, Draco laid it to the side before he asked, slightly exasperated, "What?"

Harry's smile was wide, but there was more than a hint of nervousness in his expression when he said, "I think I have your gift."

Draco blinked and let out a slow breath, steeling himself to 'love' whatever it was Harry had managed to procure for him. Over the weeks leading up to Christmas, Harry had become increasingly tense, and when questioned, wouldn't admit to anything being wrong. Finally, though, three nights previous, Draco had found Harry staring at their tree with an overwhelmed expression on his face.

"I wanted to buy you the perfect gift, but… you have everything," he'd said when Draco pressed him again.

Draco had scoffed, brushing aside Harry's concerns, which had only worked to send Harry retreating into himself. Three days of awkward silence from his normally affectionate lover was not something Draco was keen to experience again any time soon, so he chose his words carefully.

"You've given me yourself. How greedy would it be of me to expect anything more?"

Harry scowled at him. "When have you ever turned your nose up at being greedy, Draco?"

Draco couldn't hide a slow grin. "Never." Just like that, their relationship was back on even keel. "Okay, so what is it? What did you get me?"

Harry smirked at him, the expression all wrong on his handsome face, and tossed a small package across the room. Draco caught it, itching to unwrap it. He loved presents, even if he really did have at least one of everything worth having. A life-sized, fully functional Harry Potter included.

"If you open it before Christmas morning, it will turn to ash."

Draco scowled, the threat serving only to make him that much more eager to look. Setting the package levitating in the air in front of him, he studied it from every angle while Harry watched from the doorway.

"What is it?"

Harry's delighted laugh rang through the room for a long moment before he said, "Christmas morning." With a wink, he turned on his heel and disappeared down the hallway, forcing Draco to abandon his perusal of the gift to go find Harry and cash in on some sweaty make up sex.


Draco stumbled into the living room, cranky from waking up in bed alone. It was Christmas. He should have been woken with a warm wet mouth surrounding his cock—or the opportunity to wake Harry in such a manner—not with an owl pecking irritatingly at their window carrying a slew of packages from his parents.

Draco shuddered at the thought that his mother's owl must have seen him sleeping in the nude before attempting to peck through the glass of the window.

Draco frowned when he looked around. Something was wrong—and not just the fact that Harry appeared to be missing. Glaring at the tree blinking merrily at him from the corner, it took Draco's sleep-befuddled mind a moment to realise what the problem was. There were no gifts.

A horrified gasp escaped him before he realised that he was wrong. There was still a gift under the tree. Just one.

Harry's gift.

Muttering under his breath, Draco stomped over to the tree and knelt down, fishing under the prickly branches for the rather untidily wrapped gift. Draco lifted it, turning it this way and that before giving it a tiny shake. No rattling.

"Harry Potter! I'm about to open my gift! If you want to be here for this auspicious occasion, you'd better move your arse!"

Draco counted to three—really, the house wasn't that big—and slowly peeled back the spellotape that bound the paper to the gift. Inside the paper was a box, plain and white. Draco opened the box, expecting to be blinded by the glint of at least three carats, and blinked stupidly at what he found.

There, nestled inside the box, was a rusty key. Taped to the key was a note that read, Do you trust me?

"I let you sleep in my bed, your wand within arm's reach. Of course I trust you, idiot," Draco muttered, upending the box so that the key dropped onto his hand.

Without his morning tea, Draco was a bit slow, so the instant navel-jerking sensation of a Portkey activating took him by surprise. When the world stopped spinning enough for him to step off, he looked around, hoping against hope that he wasn't about to be arrested for public indecency. Especially as he didn't have his wand.

What he saw made him blink and rub his eyes, assuming for a wild moment that he was still sleeping. He was ankle-deep in snow, but standing twenty feet or more in the air. The vista spread out before him looked like a postcard winter wonderland, complete with a tiny bunny hopping about in the distance. Unfortunately, the gorgeous scene came complete with freezing temperatures, and Draco winced as his balls shrank to the size of… well. Very small things, indeed.

"Where in the name of Merlin's blue balls have you brought me, Potter?" he muttered irritably, his feet already stinging with cold, shivers wracking his body.

"It's our roof," Harry murmured, slipping his arms around Draco's midsection and pulling him back against Harry's wool-covered chest.

Draco twisted his head around to spear Harry with a look. "You brought me, naked, to the roof of our house? Why?"

Harry chuckled. "I didn't think you'd be naked, though I can certainly see the benefits." He waggled his eyebrows lasciviously, causing Draco to roll his eyes.

"My feet are freezing off and soon that won't be the only body part. Why don't we go back inside the house?"

Harry shook his head, determination lighting his eyes. "No, just come over here. I had to set the Portkey to put you outside the delimited area for the warming charms."

Draco pulled free from Harry and turned to see a section of roof that was cleared of snow. There was a blanket spread with an assortment of foods, and a pile of packages that had previously been under their tree. Moving quickly before his feet lost all feeling, Draco ran for the warmth of the blanket, delighted to see another folded neatly on top of it. Grabbing that blanket, he wound it 'round himself, rubbing the warm fleece over his body until his skin was once again pink with health. His balls, on the other hand, didn't appear to trust this sudden surge of heat, and remained hidden.

With a sigh, Draco turned to Harry and said, "What is this?"

"It's a new tradition." Harry smiled brightly, but ran his hand through his hair, mussing it further, a sure sign of nerves. "Christmas morning on the roof, where we can watch the world come to life around us."

Draco pursed his lips and looked around. While he would have preferred simply Transfiguring the back wall of the house into a pane of glass—temporarily, of course—he could see the benefit to being on top of the world. Nodding his head, he turned back to Harry and said, "It's a good thing we have no neighbours."

"A very good thing… since I have in mind another tradition. First we unwrap the presents, then…" Harry tugged lightly on Draco's blanket. "We unwrap each other."

Draco shook his head. "You have that backward, Potter. The gifts can wait. I have a situation that can't."

Harry glanced down and blinked. "Ahh. Still cold?"

Draco scowled. "Since that's your fault, I suggest you warm me back up."

Harry dropped to his knees, his eyelashes fanning across his cheeks as he leaned forward, nuzzling under Draco's lax cock to lave Draco's balls with his warm tongue. Draco sighed with pleasure, tilting his hips to give Harry better access as he carded his fingers through the thick strands of Harry's hair.

"Wait," he said after a long moment, tugging on Harry's head. "Are there cushioning charms on the blanket?"

"Mmm, of course," Harry said, pulling back and licking his lips as he eyed Draco's slowly hardening cock hungrily.

Draco smirked and lay down on the soft blanket. "You're rather overdressed for the occasion, Potter."

"I can remedy that," Harry said. Grabbing his wand from the corner of the blanket, Harry waved it over himself and suddenly he was just as naked as Draco.

"Much better. Please tell me you brought lube. I didn't think to put any in my pockets…. Oh, that's right, I didn't have pockets."

Harry rolled his eyes and Summoned a small basket that Draco hadn't noticed from the pile of gifts. Sitting up, he peeked inside as Harry opened it and saw not just their lube, but nearly all of their toys inside as well. "Ah, you did come prepared. I don't think we'll need those today, though," he said, nipping at Harry's hip. "Just the lube."

Harry groaned, dropping the lube to the blanket before stretching out beside Draco and swooping down for a kiss. Draco smiled against Harry's lips before flipping over, trapping Harry beneath him. His hands slid down Harry's compact form, tweaking nipples and brushing lightly over his ticklish sides before coming to a halt over his prick.

"What do you want for Christmas, little boy?"

"Not so much with the little, Malfoy."

Draco laughed huskily and attempted to bat his eyelashes—something even he had to admit he was pants at—and said, "But you're so tiny, I could mmmph!" Harry's lips stole the last of his words and succeeded in turning Draco's mood from playful to lusty.

One long stroke of his hand over Harry's not-at-all-tiny cock made them both moan, and Draco was suddenly impatient to move on to the fucking. Grabbing the lube, he quickly prepared Harry and slicked his cock before sliding slowly into the tight heat of Harry's arse.

"Oh God, yes," Harry mumbled, his eyes tightly shut as he pressed his heels into the small of Draco's back, his hands squeezing Draco's arms so hard there would be marks there later. For Draco's part, he was beyond words. He dropped his head to Harry's neck, sucking kisses into the sensitive skin below his ear as he sought to control his response to the perfection that enveloped him.

Soon, though, he felt Harry shift beneath him and he pulled out almost all the way before slamming back in. Draco bit his lip hard, gripping the blanket as Harry's arse clenched around him. "Harry," he said, his voice almost a wheeze. He needed to know, needed confirmation—

"More," Harry groaned, opening his eyes to spear Draco with a look so filled with heat and desperation that it nearly pushed him over the edge.

"Touch yourself," Draco pleaded, and when Harry's hand slid between them, Draco's gaze followed it. Shifting up onto his knees, he unwound Harry's legs from behind him and lifted them above his shoulders so he could easier watch Harry's hand as it slid over his cock. Almost without thinking, his own hips began to move in time with the motions of Harry's hand on himself and when Harry's back arched, it was Draco that screamed.

They came within moments of each other and collapsed together into a sweaty heap, Draco just managing to fall to the side so he didn't crush Harry. The charms surrounding their space on the roof kept them so warm that Draco simply curled against Harry and slid into sleep.

The gifts stayed in a pile, content to wait a few more hours before being opened.

22nd December 2008 21:27
:D What I wouldn't give for a pair of Omnioculars and a set of cute slashy neighbors. Hee, thanks!
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