Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Quietly (Hermione/Ginny) 
22nd September 2008 09:17
Title: Quietly
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Hermione/Ginny
Rating: R
Warnings: public sex, and Hogsmeade is cold this time of year. ;)
Themes/kinks chosen: frottage
Artist's notes: Yay, background!
Art preview:

22nd September 2008 08:34
They'll be warm in no time! ;) Gorgeous background of Hogsmeade. I like the light on their faces, the way Ginny's leg is between Hermione's. Hermione seems a little reluctant, Ginny in charge-which I like. Very nice indeed.
22nd September 2008 09:22
Wow, that is lovely! So beautiful and just perfect. I love the background, too, and the detail. Everything is so soft and wonderful.
22nd September 2008 09:25
Gorgeous! I love the setting you've chosen, the winter background, the bleak ground, the drifts of snow around them, and the two characters in their winter gear, bright splotches of color in the more earth-toned setting.
22nd September 2008 10:17
Very nice! My favorite parts are the moonlight and Ginny. (And her outfit. What lovely winter wear! *g*)
22nd September 2008 10:55
Hurrah for femslash frottage!!! Love the background, and the snowiness! Love the Hog's Head sign, too, and both girls are so awesome. Love Ginny's toque and Hermione's fur hood and the we-shouldn't-be-doing-this look on her face, just, a;slkjg. ♥ !
22nd September 2008 12:24
I recognize this! It's amazing how far it's come from the sketch in Bryant Park. Wow--I'm totally impressed. That background is amazing, and I love the warm light on the girls and all the textures (and I want Hermione's coat, pls thx) and that look of surrender on Hermione's face. Beautiful!
22nd September 2008 12:44
Oh, my! That's simply gorgeous! Everything! The tightly packed fairy tale little houses, and the girls esp. Hermione with her facial expression :D
22nd September 2008 13:20
oh, but that is beautiful.
22nd September 2008 14:10
This is brilliant and beautiful!
22nd September 2008 14:14
Absolutely, absolutely stunning!
22nd September 2008 14:49
This is so beautiful
22nd September 2008 15:51
Just going to gush over this again. I love it to bits. So beautiful, so evocative, so hot. And even though you said it was overly ambitious of you, I love the background and all the details. You're brilliant.
22nd September 2008 16:51
Wow! Just gorgeous.
They won't be cold for long. ;)
22nd September 2008 17:33
Gorgeous, hon! I love your town of Hogsmeade.
22nd September 2008 17:47
This is beautiful. I love the fact that they are fully dressed yet it is totally sensual and sexual.
22nd September 2008 18:20
so lovely! I feel colder (and yet hotter too!) from looking at it
22nd September 2008 21:22
Oooh, that's so gorgeous! I love how they're this one warm spot in such a chilly scene.
22nd September 2008 22:00
Yay background indeed!! That is so beautiful ... all the textures are so lush! And the poses/expressions on the girls are divine. Lovely, lovely work!
23rd September 2008 02:38
Mmmm... I'm struck by how the quiet intensity of the moonlight village reflects the tautness of the girls' silent activity.

In contrast to the still night and all the open countryside about them, the girls hunch close in fervent activity. Suggestively, the houses of Hogsmeade huddle close together, too, which leads me to wonder what more is taking place beneath their thatched roofs and in the shadows between on this deceptively placid night.

Ha, thinking about it... I grew up in a place where winters were cold and snowy, and there was no private place to be found inside with everyone indoors. On many a night like this, eager youngsters braved the cold to gain some privacy - and didn't notice the cold, or were even more excited by its tingle.

A very evocative illustration. The books should have your art!
23rd September 2008 03:31
Oh, that's wonderful. I love your background! Love. Great visual of Hogsmeade. It does have this magical feel and the beautiful colouring really adds to that. Love the contrast between the colder night colours of the village and the warmer ones of/around Hermione and Ginny, which also accentuates the hotness of the moment in the cold night. :-)
23rd September 2008 18:55
I love Ginny's knee and the way their pants look inthe light. Guh. And Hermione's facial expression is awesome. Way to go!
23rd September 2008 20:39
This is so incredibly beautiful!

The town is just perfectly rendered and the snow looks so fluffy and cold! I swear I shivered! The candles in the windows are so inviting and the moon shining so brightly is just perfect!

Hermione is totally gorgeous here in her complete surrender to Ginny. The way she's biting her lip and the little crease between her eyebrows, plus the abandoned way she's got her arms raised like that... mmmm. Just... gorgeous! I love your art!

The colors are so bold and yet so soft at the same time. Just deep and perfectly in tune with the season.
23rd September 2008 20:57
Oh so pretty! I love Hermione's coat.
24th September 2008 02:29
Ooooohhhh... the girls are wonderful, they are, but I love how much you put in the background. Backgrounds are awesome. As is Ginny's hat. Also, I would please like Hermione's coat, kthx.

The little line between Hermione's brows may just be the sexiest thing ever. I love the thought of them getting off together just out of sight while still all bundled up in winter gear. Oh, and if Ginny's fingers have made it into Hermione's pants, then those cold cold fingertips? a;sldkjfsdfsd YUM.
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