Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Quietly (Hermione/Ginny) 
22nd September 2008 09:17
Title: Quietly
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Hermione/Ginny
Rating: R
Warnings: public sex, and Hogsmeade is cold this time of year. ;)
Themes/kinks chosen: frottage
Artist's notes: Yay, background!
Art preview:

28th September 2008 17:52
*blushes* Wow, what a thoughtful comment. Thank you!

I grew up in a place where winters were cold and snowy, and there was no private place to be found inside with everyone indoors. On many a night like this, eager youngsters braved the cold to gain some privacy - and didn't notice the cold, or were even more excited by its tingle.

Really? I thought that was the product of my overactive imagination -- I always rather hoped it was true, because it made for a lovely fantasy. I grew up wishing our winters were cold enough for snow, too, so I guess it was a double fantasy. ;)

Thanks again! :D
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