Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
FIC: Odeon Leicester Square: May 25, 1980 
27th August 2008 16:03
Title: Odeon Leicester Square: May 25, 1980
Author: [info]westernredcedar
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Rating: mild NC-17
Warnings: off-screen violence discussed
Themes/kinks: Pheromones, insufflation (if blowing in ears counts...?), public sex
Word count: ~2000
Summary: Remus doesn’t need to be able to see in the dark cinema. He can smell Severus anywhere.
Author’s Notes: Thank you to the wonderful [info]blpaintchart for the beta. Sorry my fic is so short this month! This is related to another fic of mine, Why Severus Snape Might Have to Shout “Yoda” in the Midst of Battle, that I wrote for [info]bronze_ribbons, but you certainly do not have to read that one to read this one! This stands alone.
Oh, and one more Important Fact: The Empire Strikes Back premiered in London at the Odeon Leicester Square on May 21, 1980. :D

The theatre was already darkened when Remus finally made his way inside, but he was able to walk directly towards Severus. The sullen man was hunched down in the last seat in the corner of the last row.

Remus didn’t need to see. He could smell him.

Severus’s scent, musky, sour, herbal, and sharp, cut like a...well, like a sabre through the popcorn and sticky sugar odour that filled the cinema. It wasn't a good smell, but inhaling it was like a kick to the core of Remus's being. Remus had never told Severus how easily he could identify him by the telltale chemistry of his body; Severus was paranoid enough already. Once, the year previous, Remus had been stopped on the street by the smell, and followed the trail of alluring scent markers along the crowded pavement for five and half blocks until he stumbled into a surprised and disgruntled Severus, trudging in the rain towards his flat.

As Remus eased past the knees of their fellow cinema-goers, Severus pulled his wool coat out of the seat next to him, his only acknowledgment that he knew Remus had arrived to join him. A loud fanfare announced the beginning of the film just as Remus took his seat.

“Sorry I’m late. The line was very long,” Remus whispered, now close enough that his head was swimming in Severus’s scent, making him dizzy.

Severus was quiet, but in the thin light from the screen, Remus could see him roll his eyes.

“These are the perfect seats,” Remus continued in his quiet voice, “for us.”

“Indeed.” Severus’s hands were folded maddeningly in his lap.

“How did you…?” Remus stopped and gave Severus a long stare, his eyes narrowed. “Severus, you didn’t…arrive early and wait in line, did you?”

“Shhh!” A balding man the row in front of them spun in his seat and held one finger to his lips.

“Sorry!” Remus whispered. Severus already had his wand out, held low and out of sight of the audience members surrounding them, and Remus could feel the cool rush of Severus’s unique sound muffling spell surround them.

“You are upsetting the Muggles, you uncouth canine,” Severus sniped, tucking his wand up his sleeve.

“You did wait in line, didn’t you?” Remus said with a grin, shaking his head. “You git. How long have you been here? I have no interest in seeing that piece of trite drivel, you said. I should have known…”

“Shhh!” Severus said, his finger to his lips as well, his hiss drowned out by the beeps of an Imperial probe echoing from the screen. Severus had not yet looked towards Remus; his dark eyes were fixed on the screen.

“You think you are going to get to watch the film, do you?” Remus asked, one hand sneaking past the armrest and resting on Severus’s knee. Severus jerked away.

“That is the point of being at this miserable event, Lupin.”

Remus leaned over until his lips were almost touching Severus’s ear. “Is it? I thought seeing me was the point,” he replied, letting his warm breath tickle into Severus’s sensitive ear before sucking in his soft ear lobe and taking a nibble.

Severus shoved Remus back into his own seat with one arm, still keeping his eyes on the snowy landscape projected in front of them. “Get off. It’s a silencing charm, not an invisibility cloak, you idiot,” he snarled.

Remus looked next to him, where a Muggle couple, the only people they could possibly bother, were staring in unblinking fascination at the screen in front of them, shoving popcorn in their mouths.

“No one is watching, Severus.” Remus let his wandering hand ease behind Severus’s thin neck. The feel of his smooth skin was almost as stimulating as the scent that filled Remus’s nostrils, and made him reckless. He applied gentle pressure, attempting to pull Severus towards him and into a kiss, but Severus let out a startled hiss and pulled away so violently that Remus was sure there was more to his resistance than his natural stubbornness.

“What’s the matter?” Remus asked, suddenly serious, sitting up in his seat.

“Nothing.” But Severus was rubbing his own neck, and when the screen flashed bright again, Remus was able to see the dark bruises like fingerprints impressed against the pale skin of Severus’s throat.

Remus inhaled hard, the overwhelming intoxication of Severus’s scent now enhanced by a surge of anger that blasted through him. Every hair on his body was standing on end.

“Who did that to you?” he asked, keeping his voice steady, leaning closer and attempting to run his fingers over the ugly bruises. Severus knocked his hand away. On the screen, Remus’s favorite characters, Leia and Han, were sniping at each other, and Remus didn’t even care.

Severus’s dark gaze finally turned towards Remus. “I did, Lupin. I was careless. I brought the trouble on myself, so take that vengeful fucking look off your face. It’s pathetic.”

Remus lost all sense of where he was for a moment, grabbing Severus by the arm and yanking him around in his seat. He could smell Severus’s anger simmering below his skin, adding an acidic tang to the air. “You are not supposed to get yourself hurt, Severus. You promised.”

“I am not hurt,” Severus said, his voice stiff and calm, in a way that bordered on danger. “You are missing your dear Captain Solo, so I suggest you sit back and…”

Severus was not able to complete his suggestion, however, as Remus smothered out his sarcasm by grabbing Severus's jaw and pulling him into a violent kiss, hoping in the deepest part of his mind that no one was glancing over at them at this moment, but desperate to relieve the throbbing pressure that had been building in him since the first moment he caught Severus’s scent as he walked into the theatre.

Severus pulled back, breathing deeply, and Remus let his lips drift down onto his injured throat, dragging kisses over the livid wounds. “Someone will see, Lupin,” Severus hissed. “Sit. Back.” He shoved him away, but Remus could both smell his arousal and sense his regret at their separation. Remus flopped back into his seat, crossed his arms over his chest, and attempted to focus in on the moving images on the screen. Severus similarly cocooned himself in his own arms, and crossed his legs. Remus sighed, his heart pounding, his mind lost in a haze of scent, his body eager for touch and taste. But that would have to wait, it seemed.

Just as he was finally relaxing and becoming vaguely interested in where Luke was and whether he would survive the night out in the ice and snow, Remus felt a light hand come to rest flat on his lower belly, and then inch lower. He glanced over at Severus, who was watching the film with intense focus, as if his fingers were not currently pulling open the buttons of Remus's jeans.

"No more kissing," Severus muttered, not turning his head.

Remus grinned. "Your coat," he whispered, his body immediately back at attention. Without a word, Severus passed the coat across their laps like a blanket.

Remus inhaled and closed his eyes. He hoped Luke would be fine without him.

Severus's hand crept under the coat and back to work on Remus's flies. Remus let himself slide down in his seat to give Severus further access, while also snaking his own arm under Severus's and grappling at the growing bulge at Severus's crotch. He tried not think about Severus's unknown assailant, but his blood rushed through his veins when he pictured those bruises coloring Severus's throat. As always when they managed to find a few moments together, Remus wondered how they were both possibly going to survive this damn war.

"I told you you were here to see me," Remus muttered, letting his fingers trace the shape of Severus's prick under the thin fabric of his trousers.

"I do not need to see you at all, Lupin. I'm watching this frivolous film, in case you hadn't noticed." Remus groaned as Severus pulled his prick free of his confining pants and wrapped his long fingers around him, giving him a firm stroke. The couple next to them continued to chew their popcorn.

"You loved the first one," Remus replied, reaching down to cup Severus's balls.

Severus did not reply, just gave Remus's prick an extra tug that made him jump a little in his seat.

"You did!" Remus said, his breathing growing strained.

"The dialogue was tolerable," Severus replied, his voice husky as Remus continued to gently knead and rub at him through his clothes.

Remus would have laughed at him if his mind and body were not rapidly becoming completely overwhelmed by the rough, rapid rhythm of Severus bringing him off under the coat.

"Fuck, Severus..." Remus moaned, and opened his eyes just as a crazed snow monster of some sort flashed on the screen. Remus yelped, and the added scare took him closer to the edge. Severus paused for a moment to spit into his own palm, still feigning focus on the film, before he brought his slick hand back down to Remus's weeping prick, and used his wiry arm strength to settle into the fast pace that Remus loved.

Remus hovered on the edge of orgasm for a long moment, his prick aching and shocks of pleasure radiating through him to his fingertips. Not losing any of his rhythm, Severus leaned over and exhaled hard into Remus's ear, the warm breath and the nearness of his agonizing, seductive scent tightening Remus's balls. The screen flashed bright light into the theatre again, and Remus pictured hot hands closing over Severus's throat, marking him, and then he was coming, coming, pulses of sticky spunk landing in his belly and Severus's hand and on the inside of the coat.

On screen, Chewbacca gave a loud and passionate howl, and Remus heard himself echoing him, hoping Severus's muffling spell held. Remus let his head drop against the back of his seat, his breath coming in deep huffs, aftershocks of his orgasm making his body twitch.

Sneaking a peep at Severus, Remus smiled. He was watching the screen with a stern gaze, and no one glancing at him would ever imagine his hand was still slowly massaging Remus's softening prick in the seat next door.

"I didn't finish you off," Remus whispered, pulling himself upright, and moving his hand up to Severus's flies.

"Shhh! I'm trying to watch this, Lupin," Severus sniped, knocking his hand away. Then he leaned over, and Remus had to shut his eyes against the tide of scent that washed over him, Severus's thick, heady fragrance. "That is for later," he whispered in his deep tones. "I hear the end of this film is worth waiting for, and I paid good money..."

Remus turned his head and caught Severus's lips in mid-sentence, and this time, Severus didn't complain when Remus let the kiss linger. When Remus broke off the kiss at last, he ran his fingers over the marks on Severus's throat and said, "I'd kill whoever did this to you, you know."

Severus grabbed his hand and pulled it away from his neck with his hot, firm grasp. His eyes met Remus's in the dark. "Which is why you will never find out," he muttered.

On the screen, Han was gathering Luke up from the snow, cradling him in his arms.
27th August 2008 19:07
Ooooh, fantastic and sexy! I love Severus just casually reaching over and jerking him off, then making Remus wait to return the favour until later. And such a descriptive fic, I could see everything... Mmmm... lovely. :D
28th August 2008 00:08
Thanks, m'dear! Glad the scene worked for you! :DD
28th August 2008 01:38
'The dialogue was tolerable.'

*snort* Oh, Severus, pick the one thing that Lucas can't do...

Wonderful fic, my dear. Absolutely fabulous. I bloody love Star Wars (original trilogy, of course) so adding Snupin and Star Wars is a very good equation.
Snupin + Star Wars + porn = even better, naturally.

I wonder what Severus thought of Jar Jar Binks. ;)
28th August 2008 09:36
Thanks, skitty! :D

Snupin + Star Wars + porn = even better, naturally.
That is an good equation! I am however, now snorting my cereal imagining the 40-year old versions of Remus and Severus waiting in line, all excited, and then suffering through Episode 1 together. *snort* Don't give me these ideas!
28th August 2008 09:46
*encourages ideas with big evil grin*
Because Severus on the subject of Jar Jar would be a lot of fun ... and Teddy would probably absolutely adore the wobbly flap-eared bastard, which would drive Severus mad.
28th August 2008 04:08
OMG! *flails* *twitches* That was wonderful!

SO many things I love here! Your Possessive/Alpha!Remus almost dropped me like a pole-axed horse the minute he saw the bruises, and Severus' response -- from 'I did it to myself' to 'you'll never know' is exactly how I picture him. They are both delicious, and I wish you'd posted this before Snusa sign ups closed because I would have changed one of my prompts to ask for something like this. (Which would have made my post even longer. Joy.)

Your description of the smells was so visceral, and I love the effect Severus' scent has on Remus. The interplay between them, the push/pull, and furtive groping in the dark theatre, it's all so good. I love how you've interwoven the movie in this, and the last part strikes the perfect end note -- Lupin's "I kill them" and Snape's "you'll never know" tied together with that luscious h/c scene of Han and Luke. GUH.

You totally made my nipples hard.
28th August 2008 04:10
God, I didn't even mention the sex. That was WAY hot, too! Remus' reaction... right, I'm speechless, words fail. Just, guh!
28th August 2008 11:48
I wish you'd posted this before Snusa sign ups closed because I would have changed one of my prompts to ask for something like this.

I don't know whether Lore and Owl plan to run [info]dearsanta this year, but I will observe that (1) a number of Snupin-inclined writers tend to participate, (2) it tends to get announced later than SnuSa, and (3) that was the fest for which Cedar wrote "Why Severus Snape..." for me. ;-)
30th August 2008 00:54
I was wondering that too! It was such a fun exchange!
30th August 2008 00:53
Yay! Thank you, sweetie! *covers eyes and hides at lovely compliments, but sneaks a peek at nipples* ;P
I do love Remus being a bit of a dark character when it comes to Severus during this time period, and I'm glad that came through for you in this little scene. So glad the movie bots worked for you as well. Whee!
28th August 2008 11:10
Yum. The focus on the scent was very sexy - Remus was so clearly turned on by it, even though it isn't precisely pleasant. And I loved the public-ness, the risk, of course. So fun that you combined two huge pop culture things in this way!
30th August 2008 00:57
Thanks so much, Cel! I do like a chemical attraction between these two, and pheromones just screamed wolfy senses to me. Didn't everyone see Empire in 1980?? That would include the boys, then! Hee! I like to imagine Snape is a closeted sci-fi geek.
30th August 2008 08:01
I think even I saw Empire when it came out - I was nine. I know I didn't see Star Wars in the cinema, but I'm pretty sure I saw Empire (my favorite of the original three).
28th August 2008 11:50
Dangerous!Lupin! Protective-under-veneer-of-contempt!Snape! *sighs happily, hugs story and writer* I need go to see that movie again...
30th August 2008 01:00
*hugs lovely writer of comment, with added twirl* Thank you, my darling.
I need to see it again as well...my old, non-enhanced by Lucas VHS version!
Mmm, Dangerous!Lupin!
I am so behind on reading, what with opening school this week, but your fic for valis is at the top of my list!
28th August 2008 14:35
So hot and fascinating--I loved this fic. Delicious and vivid and so very interesting.
30th August 2008 01:01
Thank you so much! I like the idea that it was "delicious" to you! Yay! :D
28th August 2008 19:02
Very lovely and hot work! Well done.~Sophia
30th August 2008 01:01
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed! :D
29th August 2008 10:22
Ahahaha, Star Wars references ftw! I love that Snape is a not-so-secret fan. "The dialogue was tolerable." Oh, Snape! *squishes him* :) And woooooo to secret hand jobs in theatres! Oh, public sex kink, how hard you have been hit. ♥ !
30th August 2008 01:08
Thanks, my dear Lee! Don't suppose you remember how I said my next d_d fic was going to be all serious and respectable after the trapped in the wardrobe sitcom of last time? Well, Star Wars references and hand jobs in a crowded theater equals not so serious and intense, eh?? HEE. Oh well.
Snape is so scowly after being squished by you, it is adorable. I definitely have one version of Snape in my mind who is a total closet sci-fi geek, especially at this age. He makes me happy. :D Last fic with Star Wars references, he insisted he only saw the first one for the visuals. Now it's the dialogue. Just admit you loved it, Severus. ;P
30th August 2008 07:53
Don't suppose you remember how I said my next d_d fic was going to be all serious and respectable after the trapped in the wardrobe sitcom of last time?

I love your sitcoms! :) And that's the beauty of this place: so many pairings, kinks, genres... you really can do what you'd like!
29th August 2008 17:36
I never had a chance to comment on the first one, and now here's a lovely sequel! I love your first-war Snape/Lupin. You do it particularly well, and especially here. It's a feeling that's hard to capture, but I was completely wrapped up in them.

*HUGS* Thank you for writing and sharing!! You know, you should go back and put your name on the DS fic on IJ and LJ. ;)

love, lore
30th August 2008 01:11
Thank you, lore! *so flattered* I'm pretty sure the first war is my current favorite time to write in, so it is lovely to know that you are buying my take on them then. :DD Yay!
Oh, good point! I shall go back and label myself as the author. I totally forget to do that, ever. Are you guys thinking about running the fest again this year?? *curious*
1st September 2008 21:11 -
Oh God, I am totally wowed! Smell is so powerfully sexy, but it's so hard to WRITE about it, and you do it perfectly!

The two boys are lovely together, I especially love Remus. He so often he ends up being a foil for someone flashier, but there was something about yours -- him hunting Snape through the streets and the cinema, him liking Han and Leia best, telling Snape he's not supposed to get hurt, but then coming when he thinks about Snape being throttled, which, in turn, sets Chewy off while Snape the double agent just keeps his eyes on the screen, bound & determined to get his money's worth!

And that last sentence left me breathless. On the screen, Han was gathering Luke up from the snow, cradling him in his arms. Allows you to hope they won't both of them end up senselessly slaughtered, after all!
3rd September 2008 00:51 - Re:
Thank you! I really appreciate knowing that you got so much of Remus out of this, because I do love writing him! I'm glad all the ties to the screen worked for you. What a lovely comment! Thanks again! :D
2nd September 2008 00:08
OMG *thud*

Star Wars and Snupin hand jobs in the cinema????

Fuck, that was hot and so descriptive, Red. *glances over at Star Wars trilogy on DVD*
You know I'll never be able to look at The Empire Strikes Back again without thinking of this fic! :P

And the LAST LINE!!! *flails helplessly*
3rd September 2008 00:52
Hahaha! WAKE UP, HONEY! :D
I hope thinking Snupin while watching Empire isn't too painful for you. Hee!
Thank you, sweetie! *spins*
3rd September 2008 11:47
We're gonna need some art for that story.... yepper.
2nd September 2008 04:13
That was great! But you do know, don't you, that I am never going to be able to watch that movie again without thinking of Snupin porn? ;) Might be tough to explain why I'm giggling hysterically throughout the film, although it helps that there were a lot of funny lines.
3rd September 2008 00:54
Ha! Thanks so much! Now I'm giggling imagining you giggling...:D
2nd September 2008 06:47
D'oh! My turn to fail at commenting [grin]

Heeheeheehee... Naughty boys. : ) Do they know about the trick where you make a hole in the bottom of your crisp packet? After eating the crisps, of course, cos otherwise it'd be kinda scratchy.
3rd September 2008 00:55
Hee! Well, I was thinking hole in the popcorn tub, but crisps would work as well. *thoughtful*

Thanks, dear skree! :D
3rd September 2008 05:35
Hee! The popcorn tub would be better cos you wouldn't get that tell-tale crinkling noise : )
2nd September 2008 07:44
Lovely and so hot! I like it when Remus gets protective.
3rd September 2008 00:56
Thank you, m'dear! I like that too...mmm. :D
2nd September 2008 12:15
Excellent fic! I think fandom has unleashed the inner exhibitionist in me, because PDA is one of my all time favorite kinks - particularly in Snupin. (You just can't beat grabby-hands!Lupin and a reluctant, proper Snape. Or I can't. Either way.)

I love that despite the lightness and fluffy scenario on the surface you've managed to incorporate a very tense undertone with just a few hints.

And just so you know: your Bennison!Snape icon? Totally my new Fannon!Snape.
3rd September 2008 00:58
Thank you! I'm glad this hit a few of your kinks!
Isn't Bennison!Snape the loveliest...goodness me. *stares more* And he's actually the right age for early canon Snape. YAY!
2nd September 2008 17:02
Ah yes, loved this the Star Wars references were hilarious, and either a indication of Snape true love for Remus that he showed at all, or hidden depths of nerdness, that I share with him lol! Alpha protective Remus and affected by pheromones,= him showing aspects of the wolf and it not being full moon which I love and I love the way Snape wanted to protect him too in his- 'who me? You'll NEVER prove it!' way of his. Great fic.
3rd September 2008 01:01
Thank you!
I have one version of Snape in my mind who is totally a closet sci-fi nerd, although I like the idea that he is there just for Remus too! :D And thanks for commenting on how they are both protecting each other! I'm so glad that worked for you. :D
3rd September 2008 15:53
Oooh, so hot! And I love how protective Remus is, and how Snape's sweet under his snarky exterior ... just lovely! <3
4th September 2008 20:29
Thanks, darling! And HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY! So sorry I missed it in the lead-up to the start of school. *smooch*
20th September 2008 13:49
Ooooh, how did I miss this?

*fails at reading*

He hoped Luke would be fine without him.

*coffee spit*

I remember the thrill of watching that when it came out. Don't know how they could be so distracted.... ;)
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