Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Be My Girl (Percy & the Real Girl), Percy/Doll, NC-17 
30th July 2008 11:59
Title: Won't You Be My Girl (Percy & the Real Girl)
Author: [info]ragdoll
Characters: Percy Weasley/Sally the doll
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex with an inanimate object, wanking
Themes/kinks chosen: courtship, fornicatory dolls, clothing fetish, lingerie
Word Count: 4050
Summary: Percy's a lonely boy until an advert in a special magazine catches his eye.
Author's notes: This story was lovingly ripped off inspired by the 1978 song "Be My Girl (Sally)" by the Police from their Outlandos D'amour album. It's always been one of my favourites so when I saw the theme of fornicatory dolls, I knew I had to use it.

Thanks to the usual suspects for handholding, cheerleading and not running away in terror when I told them what I was writing.

Percy Weasley was lonely. He had ignored the feeling for far too long, pushing it away in the back of his mind, trying to fill his days with work and devotion to his job. However, it was becoming more and more apparent that he was well and truly alone, and the lack of affection or companionship was driving him spare. Since walking out of his parents house, he'd had no contact with his family whatsoever. Not his mother, not his father, any of his brothers or his little sister. They had tried to talk to him in the beginning, begging him to come home or at least see things their way, but Percy was as cursed with the Weasley pride as anyone else in his family, and he was not going to cave in. They were wrong, he was right and that was all there was to it.

However, it hurt all the same. There were times when he'd come home to his lonely flat, looking at his owl, Hermes, and considered writing a letter to someone who might've understood. Perhaps his mother, perhaps either of his two older brothers. Each and every time, he'd convince himself not to even bother, and that was that. Until the next time, of course. To make matters worse, he wasn't sleeping very well either. He'd spent most nights tossing and turning, never finding a comfortable place for himself. He'd even resorted to having a drink or two (or three or four) before bedtime to help him through the night. It only made the mornings seem worse.

Of course, he'd tried to find a way around his growing depression without much success. For some reason, Percy didn't seem to be able to make friends very easily. It had been difficult enough at Hogwarts, but now that he was working for the Ministry, it was nigh on impossible. Everyone seemed to be so self-absorbed and uninterested in expanding their social horizons. Unless it helped them move up in the Ministry's hierarchy, of course. Percy relished his job as Junior Assistant to the Minister, and was not about to give anyone else a hand up just so they could usurp his coveted position. He knew he was a important part of Minister Scrimgeour's team, and no one was going to take that away from him.

Dating was an even worse quandary. He and Penelope Clearwater had had a comfortable relationship while they'd been together at Hogwarts, and Percy thought they'd had an understanding, but after they'd left school, Penelope hadn't felt the same. She'd thrown him over for another bloke without any explanation, and that had been that. None of the witches at the Ministry seemed to be women Percy would have wanted to go out with; he was very sure of the qualities he'd want in a woman, and all of them had seemed lacking. Even when he had invited a girl out, she'd wound up disappointing him. They all seemed too loud, too opinionated, too bossy, too tarty, too thick, or some combination thereof. It was dead depressing.

Out of desperation, Percy purchased a few magazines for 'wizards of discerning tastes'. They all featured scantily clad witches showing off their best features. Percy enjoyed looking at the pictures of the nubile young ladies posing and prancing for him, reading about their likes and dislikes and wondering if there was any chance he could make their acquaintance. While thumbing through the magazine in search of a contact address to do just that, when a brightly coloured advert caught his eye. "Experience something different with our new imported toy! She's loving, warm, inflatable and a guarantee of joy!," it read in big, bold letters which danced and sparkled on the page.

The toy in question was a doll in the guise of a beautiful girl, shapely and seductive. The advert said she was available in a wide variety of skin tones, eye colours, hair colours and styles, and body types. Percy could barely tear his eyes from the page as he gazed at her. It was as if she was looking directly back him, smiling for him with those perfectly shaped lips, beckoning to him with a come-hither look in her large eyes. He knew he had to have her, needed to possess her; his well-being, no, his very life depended on it.

Percy made short work of filling out the form, although deciding just what his perfect girl should look like was the hardest part. In the end, he chose long, straight dark hair, fair skin, green eyes, and a slim build and average height -- nothing too big or too small, just the right size. He checked the form three times to make certain he hadn't forgotten anything important, or made any mistakes, then placed it in an envelope along with payment information. After sealing the envelope with wax, he called for Hermes, attached the letter to the owl's leg, and sent him out the window in a hurry. Now all he had to do was wait.

The next few days were excruciating to get through. Finally, the special day arrived, a large cardboard box waiting by the door as he came up the stairs, his names emblazoned on it in large letters. He looked at the parcel skeptically -- it seemed awfully small for something the size of a full grown woman. Hopefully there were shrinking spells at work here. Casting a furtive glance down the corridor to make certain none of his neighbours had seen him, he dragged the box into his flat. Opening it was a bit like unwrapping presents on Christmas morning; he was certainly as excited, perhaps more since he knew with certainty that this parcel did not contain one of his mum's homemade Weasley jumpers.

As he pulled bits of packing material out, the doll inside began to emerge. It was a surreal sight; she looked like a proper woman, only squashed flat, pink and shriveled down. There was a roll of parchment included which Percy opened with trembling hands.
Congratulations on your purchase, bold gentleman! You are truly one of a chosen few, a small circle of elite wizards who know quality products when they see them! Your Real Girl has been carefully checked to match all of your specifications. All you need do now is apply an Inflation spell to the appropriate area," Percy stifled a nervous giggle as he eyed the diagram, which indicated a small spot on the doll's bottom, </i>"and your Real Girl will be restored to her former and future glory for hours of endless entertainment!"</i>

Impatiently, Percy did exactly what the instructions said, and with a quick Dilato, the flat, lifeless form began to swell and fill out into quite human proportions. In a few minutes, he had what was ostensibly a beautiful, nude girl in his arms. Her hair was dark, a glossy, chestnut brown, which spilled down her back, her eyes a large, almond-shaped luminous green. Her lips were full and pink, her nose straight with a perk upturn at the bottom, and her figure everything he could have imagined and more. Blushing, Percy laid her back on the carpet, then rushed into the bedroom to find the clothing he'd bought over the past few days. He'd had to make discreet trips to Muggle clothing shops, deciding that there would be too much talk if he tried to do it at somewhere like Madam Malkin's or Gladrags. It wasn't as if he could claim they were for his mother, especially when they weren't speaking, and his doll was much taller and slimmer than his mother would ever be. It would have been too embarrassing. Luckily, the women in the Muggle shops hadn't batted an eyelash when he'd gone to the counter to pay, accepting the excuse that he was buying a few things for his girlfriend. If anything, they'd complimented him on his good taste and cooed what a lucky girl she must be to have a bloke like him.

It took a bit of effort, but soon he had her dressed in a neat white button down blouse and slim grey knee length skirt, with black low-heeled pumps on her feet. Underneath, she wore tasteful white satin lingerie trimmed with lace, and black thigh-high silk stockings with lace tops. Percy found himself growing aroused as he stepped away from her, admiring his handiwork. Raising her to her feet, he sat her down in a chair, deciding she needed a few more accessories to complete the perfect look. Small pearl earrings, a strand of pearls around her swan-like neck and a pair of horn-rimmed glasses similar to his own made all the difference. Percy had always found a girl with a pair of brainy specs extremely sexy. The final touch was brushing her sleek hair into a neat ponytail at the nape of her neck, making her look chic and tidy without being matronly.

Now that she'd been dressed and styled, it was his turn to get ready for their first date. As he went to clear up the rubbish from the floor, a small card fell out of the box, proclaiming the doll's name to be "Coppėlia". That seemed far too posh a name for a girl like his, Percy decided. Instead, he'd just call her "Sally". Yes, Sally suited her perfectly.


Their date went swimmingly well in Percy's estimation. He brought her candy and flowers, cooked her a nice dinner, and spent the evening in casual conversation. Sally was most definitely a good listener, taking in his thoughts and concerns about his job and his family attentively. She didn't dominate the discussion the way most women he'd known had done in past, instead, she was truly interested in him. After dinner, they sat on the sofa, holding hands, listening to the light music programme on Wizarding Wireless, eventually exchanging some discreet kisses. Percy could tell Sally was not that sort of girl, so even though he was desperate to do more, he held back, wanting to be a gentleman. The last thing he wanted was to scare the poor girl off.

Kissing Sally was quite nice. He had had some slight trepidation before he'd made the attempt. He wasn't quite sure how it would feel, but once he brushed his lips over hers, it was intoxicating. Her lips were soft and warm, yielding to his as he gently increased the pressure. Percy wasn't sure what sort of magic had been used to make her feel so lifelike, but he was grateful for it nonetheless.

It had ended with a few more intense kisses, and then Percy had reluctantly said goodnight. He carried Sally to the bedroom, laid her on the bed, removed her shoes, and then kissed her once last time. After retrieving his nightclothes, he closed the door, retiring to the sofa for the night. As much as he'd wanted her, he was dead set on treating her with the respect she so clearly deserved. However, his body was not in agreement with his head. It was demanding something quite the opposite, his erection painfully throbbing beneath his dress robes as he exited the room. It took a cold shower and a quick wank to deal with the problem, at which point, Percy fell into the best sleep he'd had in ages, curled up on his sofa.


The second date went even better than the first. Although it had been a bit of an effort to get there. Once Percy had left his flat in the following morning, he'd felt a bit funny, as if perhaps he was going a little too far with his involvement with Sally. After all, she was just a plaything, and not a real girl. However, when he was around her, he seemed to lose all sense of that. There must've been some form of subtle magic involved which made the lines of reality and fantasy blur, Percy thought. Still, from the moment he'd laid eyes on her, everything had changed for him. He'd felt better than he had in ages, and in the end, that was all that mattered.

He'd spent most of his time at work trying to put together a dinner menu he was satisfied with, ignoring most of what had arrived into his in-box. Luckily, Minister Scrimgeour had been in a series of meetings and hadn't needed much in the way of attention. After much consideration, he'd decided that Sally had a refined palate; she must like the finer things in life without being overly ostentatious or pretentious. It made him extremely happy to think that she also wouldn't bother with ridiculous fads like vegetarianism or macrobiotics. He wasn't sure what he would have done if they'd disagreed so strongly on what comprised a nice meal.

Percy hurried home from work that evening, his arms laden with fresh flowers, the makings of another nice dinner, and a bottle of good red wine. He set the steaks broiling, the vegetables boiling, then went into his bedroom to check on Sally. She was right where he'd left her in the morning, lying on the bed, her head propped up on his pillow. Percy grabbed a change of clothes out of the wardrobe, stepping into the bathroom to take off his work robes, replacing them with more casual attire; neatly pressed trousers and a button-down shirt.

It wouldn't do for Sally to wear the same clothes she'd had on the night before, so he found a new outfit for her as well. This time, it was a pretty floral sheath dress which clung to her in all the right places, little pink roses on white satin which brought out the creaminess of her skin and the pink in her cheeks and lips. He combed her hair, savouring the silky feel of it between his fingers, and pulled it back off her face, this time in a less severe style. Finally, he carried her out to the eat-in kitchen, setting her down carefully on the chair and smoothing out her skirt so it wouldn't wrinkle.

Dinner was more or less the same as the night before, Percy sharing the events of his day with Sally while she gazed over at him with her big green eyes, as if she was taking in every word. He found it comforting to have someone to talk to, to confess his secret fears and worries to, even if she couldn't answer back or give him any advice. Perhaps he didn't need any, just an sympathetic ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. It was as though Sally could somehow understand everything he was going through, and it made him feel ever so much better.

After Percy had finished eating, they retired to the sofa. The wine had made made Percy feel more relaxed and certainly a bit bolder. He wasted no time in putting his arms around her and drawing her close. He marvelled at how warm and soft she felt, how realistic her body felt pressing against his own, how silky and life-like her skin felt under his fingers. Kissing her seemed much more natural than it had the night before, and he allowed himself to nibble on her lower lip, letting his tongue dart into her mouth. Percy was certain he could feel her tongue swirling against his, her arms tightening around him in response. He spent the next few hours just kissing her, letting his hands explore the enticing curves of her body while his tongue probed the inside of her warm mouth.

His hand wound up on her knee, the silk of her stockings smooth and soft under his fingers. He was certain he could feel the warmth of her skin beneath. He squeezed her knee, then skimmed his hand up just a little higher, being careful not to rumple the hem of her skirt. His cock twitched as he began to stroke her thigh, inching his fingers up in slow increments. To Percy's surprise, Sally shifted as he touched her, her legs parting slightly as she fell against the sofa-back. Percy's breath hitched as he realised what was happening, uncertain of whether he could go on. He looked up through his foggy glasses, seeing her lips curved into a smile, her eyes half-lidded in contentment. Sally was beautiful.

With a frustrated sigh, Percy withdrew his hand. Sally deserved to be treated with care and respect. His own needs could wait, for at least a little while longer. He put Sally back in his bedroom, then repeated his ritual from the night before: shower, wank, then blissful sleep.


Their next date proved the age old adage that the third time's the charm. Percy did his best not to think about it while he was at the Ministry. He had been distracted enough and he did not really want his work to suffer. Minister Scrimgeour relied on him and the last thing Percy wanted to do was let his boss down. Still, his mind kept wandering to the events of the previous night, his lips on Sally's, his hands on her skin, and just how good it all felt. It was hard to pull himself from his reverie; for some reason, reading reports on wand core standardization just didn't hold the same kind of interest it had in the past.

Percy had a feeling tonight would be the night, in fact, he was certain of it. On the way home from work, he stopped off at a Muggle cosmetics shop, to pick out some perfume for Sally. He wanted her to smell nice for him, so he took his time making a choice, finally settling on a light floral that reminded him of his mother's back garden in the spring. He had a momentary pang of homesickness as the memory hit him; it had been months since he'd been at the Burrow. With a sigh, he pushed the thought out of his mind, paid for his purchase and hurried home to Sally.

He was too nervous to eat tonight, and more than a little excited. Dinner could wait, especially when he would be the only one eating it. He poured himself a drink to steady his nerves, two fingers of Ogden's Old, which he tossed down in a flash, followed by another. Finally, he steeled himself and strode toward the bedroom. He had just enough self-control to set a romantic mood before proceeding. Soon the room was ablaze with candlelight, the air scented with the floral scent of Sally's perfume. He dressed her in special lingerie he'd purchased just for the very occasion: a short, pale pink silk baby doll nightgown with matching knickers, white silk thigh-high stockings, and a pair of white heeled slippers trimmed with marabou feathers.

This time, Sally's hair was left loose, falling about her shoulders in soft chestnut waves. A pair of crystal studs, the only jewellery she wore, twinkled in her earlobes, the stones a deep shade of rose pink. Percy removed her glasses, then sprayed her lightly with her new perfume, before arranging her artfully on the bed: sitting up, her head cocked at an alluring angle, her arms outstretched towards him. He shrugged out of his robes, folding each garment neatly and placing them carefully upon the bedroom chair, trying not to feel self-conscious in front of her. Down deep, he knew she was just a doll, that she would not, could not point fingers at him, laugh at him, or humiliate him in any way. But he was not used to be naked around beautiful young women, inanimate or not.

Blushing, he turned to face her, now clad in only his underpants, the tell-tale bulge of an erection tenting against the crisp cotton of his boxers. He walked to the bed slowly, then sat by Sally's side, taking her hand in his. He leaned in to kiss her, breathing in her heady scent as he did. Percy kissed her mouth, then her cheeks, her chin, her throat, while he caressed every inch of her he could touch. Her bare skin seemed to warm to his touch everywhere he made contact, making him moan in approval. As his fingers closed over the swell of her breast; it was soft and heavy in his hand, identical to the real thing. He thought he could feel the nipples stiffening into taut peaks against his palm. Was he just imagining the sensation? Perhaps they'd always been that way, and he hadn't noticed? What sort of spells could have been used to accomplish that sort of response? The throbbing in his groin pulled his thoughts back to the matter at hand. It was definitely something to ponder later, but for now, he only wanted to explore farther.

He peeled the strap of her nightgown down over her shoulder, trailing kisses in its wake until he reached the crook of her elbow. This left one breast bared; Percy turned his concentration upon it with fervour. He licked around the nipple, dark red against the pale skin of her breast, then covered it with his mouth, sucking gently. He'd never done this with an actual woman before, but it felt fantastic. He continued to lavish his attention on her breasts, working his way over to the opposite side, her nightgown now pooling around her slender waist. His kisses ranged back between her breasts, and then he began to kiss his way down from her breastbone down her rib cage to the smooth expanse of her belly. He tugged at the nightgown, sliding it down over her hips and legs, finally stripping off the fragile garment entirely. He hung it carefully upon the bedpost, gazing down on her nearly naked form in adoration.

He tugged off her knickers, placing them on the nightstand by the bed, followed by his underpants, then his glasses. With trembling hands, Percy grasped her knees, spreading her legs apart. He rubbed his cheek against the warm skin of her inner thighs, then scrambled up to meet her. His fingers found their way between her legs, and to his surprise, she was already wet. The thought crossed his mind that there must be some built in charm that reacted to heat and wetness or some sort of stimulus. Again, he shoved it away before it ruined the moment entirely. All of this was new and exciting to him, and he was suddenly grateful that he was with Sally, rather than a woman who might have found him lacking or awkward.

Taking his cock in hand, Percy attempted to enter her, however it took several awkward tries before he got it quite right. However, once he did, it felt brilliant. No, beyond brilliant. Like nothing he'd ever experienced before. He slid forward, pushing his hips flush against hers, and stifled a gasp. He was certain he could feel her constricting around his cock, her thighs pressing tightly against his own. Slowly, he began to pump, quickly picking up speed, the friction against his cock the most incredible thing he'd ever experienced. Percy wanted it to last forever, but all too soon, he was gasping and panting, clutching at Sally as he came in a furious explosion of pleasure.

He collapsed against her, his head buried in the crook of her neck, fighting to catch his breath. It was over far too soon for Percy's liking, but he knew Sally was certain to understand.


From that point on, Percy was not afraid to approach Sally whenever the mood struck, and that was quite often. She was a girl of many pleasures, and quite accommodating when it came to Percy's needs. She was never too tired, too hot, too cold, or too involved to be with him, and she never ever had a headache. She allowed him to try acts he'd never have dared do with anyone else, knowing that another woman would never be as open to his suggestions. It was the ideal relationship.

Percy's life continued to improve from there on in. Even his co-workers began to notice, saying they'd never seen him so happy in all the time he'd been at the Ministry. Sally had made everything so much better. Percy knew he had finally found the girl of his dreams.

Won't You Be My Girl – Sally

Won't you be my girl
Won't you be my girl
Won't you be my, be my,
Be my girl

I was blue and lonely,
I couldn't sleep a wink
And I could only get unconscious
If I'd had too much to drink

There was somehow, something wrong somewhere,
And each day seemed grey and dead
The seeds of desperation
Were growing in my head

I needed inspiration,
A brand new start in life,
Somewhere to place affection,
But I didn't want a wife

And then by lucky chance I saw
In a special magazine
An ad that was unusual,
The like I'd never seen,

Experience something different
With our new imported toy,
She's loving, warm, inflatable
And a guarantee of joy

She came all wrapped in cardboard,
All pink and shriveled down
A breath of air was all she needed
To make her lose that frown

I took her to the bedroom
And pumped her with some life,
And later in a moment
That girl became my wife

And so I sit her in the corner
And sometimes stroke her hair
And when I'm feeling naughty
I blow her up with air

She's cuddly and she's bouncy,
She's like a rubber ball,
I bounce her in the kitchen
And I bounce her in the hall

And now my life is different
Since Sally came my way
I wake up in the morning
And have her on a tray

She's everything they say she was
And I wear a permanent grin,
And I only have to worry
In case my girl wears thin

Won't you be my girl
Won't you be my girl
Won't you be my, be my,
Be my girl

--Andy Summers, Sting, 1978
2nd August 2008 01:39
I'm so glad you found it funny -- that was the point of it, however twisted. I have a very dark sense of humour and never know when someone is going to get my jokes. :) It just seemed like Percy would have to be in control of all those things. My own view of him is that he's probably like that in 'real' relationships, which might be one of the reasons he's so socially inept.

I really liked making things ambiguous in terms of reality vs. magic vs. fantasy. It lets peole make their own decisions as to just how nuts Percy is. Thanks again!
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