Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: The More Cunning - Blaise/Millicent 
24th April 2008 20:43
Title: The More Cunning
Author: [info]millieweasley
Characters: Millicent/Blaise
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: nope, this is pretty straight forward, none here.
Kinks chosen: Coitus a mammalia
Word Count: 2063
Summary: Millicent may not be a pixie, but she has one thing that everyone wants – even though Blaise tries to deny that he himself wants it.
Author's notes: Thanks Jess for the betaing.

Millicent had never been beautiful, nor could she be called pretty, or even pleasant looking. Some might even called her ugly and she wasn't unaware that many also did. Her jaw was too pronounced, too masculine, her lips too thin, her hair too flat, and her eyes just plain green, sometimes blue, sometimes grey. It all depended on the light. Not that anyone ever looked.

No, her face was nothing anyone looked at. She wasn't a small girl, not by any means. She ate too much, was too strong, too physical and far too fat for anyone's liking. She was as far from feminine as you could come – in all aspects save one: she had fantastic tits.

Truth was, that whatever Millicent lacked in graces and looks, she made up for with her tits. They were large and full, pert and firm. Her skin was pale, almost white, which looked sickly on most part of her body, but made her breasts look divine, especially since her areolas were dark red, clearly defined and very well formed. The contrast was beautiful, but even before seeing her naked breasts, her cleavage was enough to turn any man's head. And get the attention of his cock, because if one thing, those breasts looked like they were created for a man to fuck. And that was the other thing with Millicent, she was always willing to have them fucked – at least if you were a Slytherin.

No one ever reflected on why she was so willing to let anyone do basically anything they wanted. No one cared enough to notice the perks she received for using her assets, or the small smirk of triumph on her face after she'd made plans for an encounter. All everyone knew was that Millicent was there, breasts pert and willing, and that those breasts alone were the reason why both Pansy and Daphne were sill virgins in their sixth year – and why Crabbe and Goyle were not.

Maybe it was a strategy? Something cunningly thought out? Who knew? Who cared when she as soon as she entered the common room unclasped the top clasps on her school robes, creating the most enticing cleavage known to man? Or at least to the Slytherin common room. It didn't hurt that this was a cleavage there for the taking, there for the using – if the price was right of course. Only no one ever knew the price. It wasn't what was discussed when discussing Millicent's tits. Somehow those discussions usually stranded at the thought of them covered with come. Little thought went to the girl behind them – and no one noticed just how that price kept going up.

That was – no one save Blaise.

It was funny that of all the boys in the dorm, Blaise was the one who had never taken advantage of Millicent's breasts. He'd never looked at them, hardly ever looked at her at all, yet he knew more about what went on than anyone in the room. He spied on the deals, noticed the prices, noticed just how Millicent would lick her thin lips and tilt her head as she pushed her chest forward. He noticed how a clasp could just accidentally go up every time she was discussing something important – and how that more often than not lead to stuttering, confusion and someone losing their trail of thoughts and giving in.

He himself wasn't falling for it. Frankly Millicent wasn't nearly pretty enough for him. Almost no one was, after all. But then few could rival his own beauty, which in itself meant that he did not have any difficulty holding up his high standards. It was his right, his privilege, what he deserved. Only the very best was good enough. That was until the day he walked in on Millicent in the shower – too fat, too pale, too ugly – but fucking hell those were a pair of utterly amazing tits.

It occurred to him only after several minutes that he probably shouldn't stare, or stay even, and yet he found himself definitely not leaving. Even knowing she'd seen him a long time ago. However, she didn't seem to mind him being there – or staring for that matter. She didn't move to cover herself, or tell him to get out, or did any of the things any other girl would have done when caught in the shower. No, instead she smirked, almost triumphantly, though this was something that Blaise actually failed to notice, mostly because he wasn't looking at her face at all.

Really it wasn't fair to ask him too. Not when her breasts were right there, perfectly formed, perfectly full, shining with the water and soap that she still continued to rub onto her skin – and them. Even her nipples were enticing, dark red, hard, erect. There was no denying it, that even if Blaise definitely did not find her attractive, he found those breasts very attractive – and impossible to look away from. Impossible not to be aroused by the thought of touching them, of his cock in between them, dark against pale, until creamy white come covered them completely. The thought alone nearly made him groan.

'So how long are you just going to stand there?'

Her voice broke the silence. A silence he hadn't even noticed until she broke it. Still, as he did not answer the same silence fell again, disturbed only by the water spraying against the tile, against her very naked flesh. There was far too much of it, too much of her, but right then he didn’t notice the rest of her, or that she wasn't perfect or pretty or even remotely slim or fit.

She laughed. Another sound that broke the silence. 'You know you could do something about that erection of yours. Other than just standing there, you know,' she teased, glancing down at his crotch, though for a moment he wasn't sure what she was talking about. Or rather, how she knew, because he had covered himself with a towel before entering the shower and …

Blaise Zabini never blushed, but on realising that he'd dropped his towel, without noticing dropping said towel, and thereby ending up showing off a rather remarkable hard on, he was pretty darn close to doing so.

'I don't pay for sex.' It wasn't what he had meant to say, but it was still true. Being Blaise Zabini had many perks, having whomever he wanted, whenever he wanted, was just one of them. 'Besides, you're not my type,' he added. Also true, though not exactly what he was thinking. Still, words like fat, ugly and not good enough weren't words you voluntarily used around Millicent. After all, everyone knew Millicent could beat up pretty much anyone if she wanted. He had no intention of ruining his good looks with a crooked nose.

To his surprise, she did not seem angry, or even annoyed at this word. Instead she continued laughing. 'I didn't say anything about paying,' she said with a smirk. 'And while I'm not your type, these certainly seem to be,' she added squeezing her breasts together, holding them out for him to see.

He really knew he shouldn’t' be lured in, knew he shouldn't stare, or lick his lips, of fantasise about what it would look like. He most certainly shouldn't move closer, or reach out to touch them, letting his dark thumb slide over the pale wet flesh. Nevertheless, he did do just that.

'I don't pay for sex,' he said again, though he didn't stop. 'I take what I want.'

She smiled, stepping closer to him. 'Good, so do I,' she said with a smirk, removing her hands and letting him have free access to her breasts. 'So what is it you want to take?' she asked, tilting her head.

He nearly groaned in frustration with himself, couldn't understand why he was standing there fondling Millicent Bulstrode's breast. His body knew though. His body knew what it wanted to take too. His cock knew where it wanted to be.

'Knees, now,' he commanded, but to his annoyance, she only chuckled.

'Oh no, it's not quite that simple,' she said with a smirk. 'You'll get what you want – without paying,' she added quickly. 'But only if I get mine first. Cunt first, a real shag, then you can have all the access to my tits as you want.'

Blaise blinked almost stepping back. It was bargaining. Making a deal. Payment. Only it was a payment not quite like others, and the thought left him confused. Or maybe it was just those tits that did.

'I don't-'

'You don't pay for sex,' she interrupted him. 'I got that. And you take what you want, I got that too.' She smiled. 'But I take what I want, and if you want to fuck my tits you fuck my cunt first.' She smirked. 'I can ride you if you want…it will give you free access to my tits.'

He wasn't sure when or how he agreed. When or how he ended up on the floor, on his back, water splashing over his body as she straddled him, far too fat, too pale, to ugly – though her breasts were hovering over his face, over his lips, and as he lifted his head to taste them, lick them, draw her nipple into his mouth, he surprisingly enough found that he didn't care anymore. There was a soft keening sound. A moan, coupled with a deep breath. Only after a few moments did Blaise realise it came from her. That she reacted to his touch, his lips and kisses. He would never kiss her lips, or any other part of her body, but her breasts…they were worthy of kissing.

Then suddenly, there was that feeling. That feeling which could be compared to nothing else in the world. That feeling which had him gasping for air as she lowered herself onto his cock, her cunt slick and wet and far, far more tight than he had imagined. But then he'd always imagined sluts as being less elastic. Wrong perhaps, because there was nothing wrong with Millicent's cunt. It was perfectly tight, and had him hissing with pleasure as she squeezed her breasts together, licking, sucking, and nibbling on her nipples until she too was moaning with pleasure with each thrust of his hips.

Right then she squeezed the walls of her cunt together, and he shouted out his pleasure as wave after wave of pleasure ran through him. She cried out too, and somehow he knew what was coming, even if it was too much too soon, far too soon, because this was not what he'd had in mind, but then nothing about today was and this felt far too good for him not to give in.

His groan of pleasure as he came was loud, deep, nearly a shout as he pumped into Millicent's cunt, filling her with his come. After he lay panting on the floor, spent, tired, and wondering what the hell had just happened.

'This wasn't what we agreed on,' he said as Millicent got up (something he was rather thankful for now). She however just smiled. 'Not my fault if you can't wait to shoot off,' she said with a smirk. He didn't like the look off that smirk. It was far too calculating, too cunning, too triumphant. She pulled a towel to her and dried off, not bothering to look at him as he leaned up on his elbows.

'Perhaps next time you'll have more stamina,' she suggested, throwing him a look over her shoulder.

Blaise snarled. 'There won't be a next time,' he snapped, getting up and fetching his towel from the floor, annoyed further when he realised it was wet. Hers weren't.

'Perhaps, perhaps not,' she said, her smile almost secretive. 'But my hunch says there will be. There always is, after all,' she said, smiling at him just before leaving the room. If he didn't know better he'd swear she'd winked at him. He growled to himself. Fucking slut. He'd never touch her again.

As he left the bathroom (waiting a suitable time for no one to notice they'd been in here at the same time) his mind once more wandered to those perfect breasts. And how his cock would look between them.

22nd June 2008 23:03
Millicent! *DIES* Well done, dear! My Mil gives her mark of approval. :D *points to icon*
10th July 2008 07:24

Yay! I'm so glad you liked it. :D
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