Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: Reverence (Seamus/Lavender, Rated: R) 
28th March 2008 10:20
Title: Reverence
Author: [info]wook77
Characters: Seamus Finnigan/Lavender Brown
Rating: Hard R
Kinks chosen: corsets
Word Count: ~1950
Summary: Sometimes, it isn't just about the sex. Sometimes, it's about love, too.
Author's notes: Many thanks to my betas - [info]wayharshtai and [info]nefernat - all remaining mistakes are my own. Also written for the [info]erotic_elves fest where I lucked out and got one of my favourite pairings!

Soft, reverent hands slowly ghost down the silk, fingertips tracing the lines of the metal stays. Manoeuvering around to the back, encircling her waist, Seamus toys with the fastenings. He can't quite help the feeling that he's sullying her chaste perfection.

Lavender looks like something out of a wet dream from when he was fourteen. Her long blonde hair drifts to cover her face as she stands there in a tightly-laced corset, matching knickers and lacy garters holding up fragile stockings. The rose pink colour sets off her fair complexion so well that Seamus's hands look dirty against her flesh. In the flickering candle light, his freckles look like blemishes and he wants to hide them from her.

But this is what she wants, this touching. She'd asked for it, begged for it just as he'd begged her.

Seamus loves Lavender just a bit more every day though he thinks that it's impossible. He's loved her most especially since she'd fallen under Greyback the year before. The dim candlelight was supposed to hide her scars. Was and supposed to but it doesn't. Seamus's hand shakes as he reaches up and traces the scarring from collarbone to the jut of her breast as it almost spills out of the cups of her corset.

"Christ but you're beautiful," he whispers as the thought forms.

"Seamus, please," she begs, hands moving from her sides to shield her flesh from his eyes.

He stays her movement with a touch and then brushes his hand across her flesh once more, knuckles and blunt fingernails touching the rough flesh. The scars stretch across most of the right side of her upper body but Seamus doesn't see them as anything but a mark of courage, proof that Lavender is so very much stronger than anyone ever gave her credit.

"You are, Lav, you're so fucking beautiful," he whispers again. It's as if here, in the quiet of the bedroom, that if he were to speak louder, he'd break the mood, lose the moment and he won't risk that, can't risk it.

"Don't lie," she says but her hands drift back down to her side.

Seamus uses the hand not on the scars to touch that curtain of hair and pull it back and away from her face. "Don't hide yourself. Do that for me?"

She looks up and, hesitantly, nods in response. Seamus grins at her and then rubs the pad of his thumb over her lips. "You're so beautiful and you shouldn't hide yourself. No more."

She nods again and holds her head up. Releasing her hair, Seamus toys with the ties at the back of her corset once more. He can't stop staring at her. The golden light flickers over her skin and it only increases the reverence of the moment. At this moment, Seamus can't think of anywhere else he'd rather be, anything else he'd rather be doing. Anyone else he'd rather be with.

She's shaking, though, so Seamus looks away from her breasts and her scars and smiles at her again. "Can't get enough of you, ye ken?"

"You're having me on."

"Lav, if I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't be here. If I didn't mean it, I wouldn't say it." His fingers touch the skin above her heart. "You know it here, even if you don't know it there." He taps the centre of her forehead before running his fingers down along her hair and then tucking the fair, thin strands behind her ear.

"I feel silly," she admits quietly and Seamus's gaze swings from her ear to her face once more.

"You do? At least you've something on," he says as he gestures towards his own nakedness before kissing her. He presses his lips against hers, bussing them lightly. He passes across one, two, three more times. On the last, his nose bumps hers and then, laughing lightly, Seamus presses his lips much more firmly against hers. Retreating slightly, the very tip of his tongue darts out to lick at her lips. "Open for me."

She does on a sigh and his lips touch hers once more and then his tongue delves in between her lips. Her sweetness bursts over his tongue and he can taste the strawberries from dessert. He delves into her mouth further, rubbing his tongue against hers and then licking along her teeth.

As he kisses her, Seamus's hands roam from her face to her hair to her neck. Her hair catches against the calluses on his hands and, yet again, he feels too rough, too blemished, for her. Pulling back from the kiss, he nuzzles in against her neck, lipping at the soft skin there, as he tries to catch his breath and get his thoughts back under control.

When he's steady once more, he pulls back a bit and looks at Lavender in her corset once more. His knuckles drift across the swell of first her left and then her right breast before tracing back the way it came. He then skims down her corset, across the flat plain of her stomach to touch the knickers there. Toying with the very edge of the top of them, he sees her flush and his grin is back in full force.

He teases at the lacy edge, running his fingers just inside of it before tracing the outside. Her head falls back and he licks at her neck, sucking the skin in to his mouth and nipping lightly. She moans and he grins against her skin before repeating the bite in another spot and then another. During the third one, his hand slips along the outside of her knickers and feels the wetness seeping through the fabric.

Keeping the teasing going, his fingers tickle her through the silk. He can hear her moaning, frustrated and wanton, "Seamus, stop playing."

"Never," he vows but, to appease her, his fingers slip under the inner edge of her knickers and touch her. She's wet, wetter than she's ever been in any previous time she's let him play with her like this. Then again, it's only been the twice before and never all the way but that doesn't matter right now. All that matters is that this time, they're going to go all the way and he's going to make this the best experience of her life.

His cock aches as he spears two fingers up in to her. She keens, head back and neck exposed even more. Seamus slides his fingers out and then thrusts them up in again. The fabric of her knickers is too much of an impediment so he murmurs against her throat, "Got to take these off."

"Yes," she moans as he removes his fingers. When he brushes against her clit as he shifts his grip, she bucks towards his hand. He ignores her physical demands as he kneels in front of her. He unfastens one garter and then the other. Careful not to snag the fragile stockings on his callused hands, he rolls the fabric down her legs. He follows each inch of exposed skin with a kiss until he's supplicated before her, kissing her ankle before sitting back and lifting her leg to slip the stocking off her foot. Another kiss to her knee and then he repeats the motions with her other leg. When her bare, smooth legs are exposed to him, he sits up just a bit and presses his mouth between them, touching the wet fabric there.

"Seamus," she moans again, voice shaking as she pushes against his head.

"Shh," he quiets her and then licks the fabric, pressing his tongue in as far as it will let him. "These need to go, too."

He pulls them down and waits while she steps out of them before nuzzling against her once more. Her hand touches his head again and he ignores it as he opens his mouth and licks her, tasting her. Reaching a hand up, he opens her just a bit further and licks again. Her knees shake against his shoulder and his other hand comes up to hold on to her arse, steadying her as he licks again and again.

"Knees are giving out," she says with her voice still shaking.

"Can't have that," he says against her before blowing a small puff of breath against her wet clit.


"Lavender," he says in the same tone and then breathes another small puff of air across her.

"Don't mock," she chastises as she hooks a hand under his armpit and tugs.

He follows and kisses her again. Wondering what she thinks of her taste on his lips, he spears her with his fingers again, going as deep as he's able with the angle and the awkward alignment of bodies. She moans in to his mouth and he swallows it. He can feel her heat pulsing near his cock and his cock pulses back in time.

One of the stays catches his nipple and he remembers that she's still wearing the corset. Feeling brave, he slides his hand from her bare bum to the bow of ribbons securing the corset. He tugs on one and then the other until the bow slides loose. His fingers mimic his tongue (or is it that his tongue mimics his fingers? It doesn't matter to him, not right now, not while he has Lavender around him) as he starts to pull the ribbons out of the corset. Each tug releases the corset centimetre by centimetre. He can feel the stays slowly thrusting out and away from her belly and in to his as he loosens it.

When her hand encircles his cock, it's his turn to shake and go weak in the knees. Seamus is already close to the edge just by feeling her, seeing her, tasting her. But this, her hand around him, touching him like he's touching her, is sending him into sensory overload. Seamus moans into Lavender's mouth and then hurries with the ribbons. He wants to feel her breasts, see the full damage from Greyback so he can do his part to heal it. When at last the ribbons come free, he holds the length in his hand as the corset falls away from her skin.

Stepping back, he pauses for a moment to stare at her. Her skin isn't nearly as harmed as she'd led him to believe. Her hand leaves his cock as she covers her breasts with her hands. Pushing them away, he holds her hands wide. "You're beautiful."

"I'm not."

"You are," he says and then emphasises it by leaning forward and kissing his way along all the scar tissue and then down to her nipple, nipping it lightly.

"Going to fall," she moans.

"Can't have that," he says and then, feeling gallant and brave, he sweeps her off her feet and crosses the room to the bed. He lays her down and then continues to kiss her flesh. He nips one nipple and then the other. He pushes them together and nuzzles deep inside of them.

Her hand delves in to his hair and presses him closer to her breasts. Peppering her breasts with kisses, he makes his way across her chest and then down to her wet heat one more time. He licks it and with one last look up to her, he sucks her clit in to his mouth and lightly closes his teeth around it. Back arching, she thrusts her hips towards him as she screams and comes. Seamus grins against her flesh and then kisses his way back up her body.

When he sinks in to her, he realises that he's her first. He wants to be her last. Her only.

As always, I'd love to hear what you thought.
1st April 2008 22:59
Very romantic and sweet.
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