Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
11th March 2008 01:50
Title: Bisexuality
Artist: [info]ericahpfa
Media: Pen
Characters: Remus Lupin/Sirius Black/Lily Evans
Rating: NC17 like nobodies business
Warnings: NWS
Themes/kinks chosen: Bisexuality
Artist's notes: My OT3. This is actually the first picture that I very nearly did not post. My face is flaming even now! I like to think (perhaps foolishly) that my art is never gratuitous - but I'm thinking that this one may be. Eep!
Art preview:

11th March 2008 05:48
Wow. This is beyond words.

It's as if they worship him. And the way Sirius and Lily's hair mingle together on Sirius's shoulder is perfection. Imagine the look on Remus's face...
12th March 2008 15:51
It's as if they worship him.

That is exactly what I was going for. I like to think of this threesome as Remus/Sirius + Remus/Lily.

Thank you so much.
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