Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Insatiable, Bill/Charlie, NC-17 
17th February 2008 20:47
Title: Insatiable
Artist: [info]ariadneelda
Media: Tablet on Photoshop
Characters: Bill/Charlie
Warnings: Incest
Themes/kinks chosen: Satyriasis
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JK Rowling. I'm not making making any money from this.
Artist's notes: I had trouble coming up with something for this month's themes, so I'm not sure how well the theme comes across in the picture. In any case, I had fun going outside my usual pairings for once. Also, this is supposed to be sometime before HBP, so Bill doesn't have scars. And I'm sure this is a pretty fanon take on Charlie, I couldn't resist.

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17th February 2008 19:26
Great tattoo! *g*

I love the colour variations in this, the fiery hair and the freckles. I wonder what the witch in the portrait thinks... Great job!
18th February 2008 10:35
Thank you! I'm glad you like it!

The tattoo cliché was too much fun to resist. And that must be a Snarry Games icon, yes? But still very appropriate. *g*
18th February 2008 19:19
Yes. Ever since I'm writing for Team Dragon, I'm very fond of the beasts. Dragon is the new bat, so to speak. *g*
17th February 2008 19:37
Oh! I think the theme came across well. I have a clear idea that Charlie is very insistent on something he wants ;-) And that Bill is crying NO! - and likely not for the first time, either.

Love the skin, btw, and the expressions - especially Bill's eyes. He looks angry. And the witch in the background is great fun!
18th February 2008 10:37
That's exactly what I was hoping to convey with Bill and Charlie, yay!

Thank you! Glad you like it. :-)
17th February 2008 20:58
Oh, fabulous!!! Eeee, you drew Bill/Charlie!! :)) The tattoo is brilliant, and I love how Bill is sort of trying to push him away, but also sort of not. *g* I love Bill's hair and earring, too. ♥ !
18th February 2008 10:42
Eee, thank you! :D I wanted to try something different. So glad you like it! Oh, and I think I had your Charlie in my mind while drawing this, though he didn't turn out to look the way I imagine your Charlie to look.
17th February 2008 21:02
GOD SO HOT! marry me?
18th February 2008 10:44
So long as you don't want any babies with me. :P

So glad you like this, thanks so much!
18th February 2008 20:12
No babies. I seem to only make demon-children, so I've sworn off using my uterus as an incubation device.
19th February 2008 10:15
*giggles* Your demon-children are too cute and so are you! :D
17th February 2008 23:04
Wow, you did Weasleys! That's different! :P

I love the warm, rich colors of the piece, and the way the entire scene both matches and highlights their gorgeous hair. Weirdly, though, I think my favorite part of this (besides the hair!) might be the cabinet and the awesome bottles in the background.
18th February 2008 10:49
Heh, yes, I really wanted to try something different for a change. So glad you like it and that you think my sloppy attempt at background looks good. :P Thank you!
18th February 2008 03:15
Mmm, delicious! :)
18th February 2008 10:51
"Delicious" is a wonderful compliment. :D Thank you!
18th February 2008 03:30
Gorgeous tattoo and body on Charlie and Bill's reluctance, temporarily, I presume ;). Gotta love the witch! Well done.
18th February 2008 10:52
Of course Bill can't resist Charlie for too long. ;-)

Thank you, glad you like it!
18th February 2008 06:13
Oh that's fabulous!
18th February 2008 10:53
Oh, thanks so much! :D
19th February 2008 02:52
Weasley!cest usually squicks me out a bit, but this is pretty damn HOT! You can almost feel the tension in the room, and the coloring seems to add to it -- it makes it look like it might be late afternoon/early evening on a summer day when everyone's feeling hot and bothered, heh. I love how desperate and aggressive Charlie looks, and how Bill seems to be both pushing him away and yet pulling him in. Methinks there may even be a bulge forming in Bill's trousers. ;)
19th February 2008 10:10
Aww, I'm flattered you find this hot in spite of the squick and thanks so much for your lovely comment. :D

And yes, that is a bulge. I probably should have made it more prominent. ;-)
21st February 2008 19:04
mmmmm, 2 sexy redheads! :D I like the details - tattoo, freckles and the background. the color scheme is very good too! Great work ;)
21st February 2008 19:39
Thanks, hon! I went with Weasleys this time just so I could draw red hair. :D So glad you like it!
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