Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Insatiable, Bill/Charlie, NC-17 
17th February 2008 20:47
Title: Insatiable
Artist: [info]ariadneelda
Media: Tablet on Photoshop
Characters: Bill/Charlie
Warnings: Incest
Themes/kinks chosen: Satyriasis
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JK Rowling. I'm not making making any money from this.
Artist's notes: I had trouble coming up with something for this month's themes, so I'm not sure how well the theme comes across in the picture. In any case, I had fun going outside my usual pairings for once. Also, this is supposed to be sometime before HBP, so Bill doesn't have scars. And I'm sure this is a pretty fanon take on Charlie, I couldn't resist.

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17th February 2008 21:02
GOD SO HOT! marry me?
18th February 2008 10:44
So long as you don't want any babies with me. :P

So glad you like this, thanks so much!
18th February 2008 20:12
No babies. I seem to only make demon-children, so I've sworn off using my uterus as an incubation device.
19th February 2008 10:15
*giggles* Your demon-children are too cute and so are you! :D
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