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Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+bruce+banner+%28mcu%29'

Aug. 9th, 2024



[No Subject]

Hey, so, friends from my future...

How does permanently big and green me get through doors? I'd like to not be stuck in my living room forever, thanks.

Jun. 22nd, 2024



[No Subject]

Is it weird if I collect some of the bird glitter for my arts and crafts box?

It seems like it's just normal glitter... right?

Jun. 21st, 2024




[ filtered; Tony Stark (MCU) and Bruce Banner ]
How well do you think we could cobble together notes from our Time Heist adventures for a young genius to study because he misses school and is academically bored?

Jun. 5th, 2024



Network: Hope Van Dyne


Scott and I did a thing on Monday.

Guess we weren't the only impulsive ones around here.

Cut for Mobile )

May. 15th, 2024



Network- T'Challa

Good Morning and Bast' blessings to all of you.

Some I may have battled with. Apologies if our last time seeing one another wasn't as pleasant as it should be. Some are new to me and my eyes but will be greeted as you should. This entire encampment and cityscape is certainly that. But I am not unfamiliar with the idea of hope.

Now. If someone can enlighten me as to just where "this" is, then things should go along swimmingly.

May. 12th, 2024




Вы говорите по-русски? Говорите ли Вы на другом языке кроме русского?

English doesn't count.

لغة واحدة لا تكفي

[ ooc; I use span titles but the first is Russian: "Do you speak Russian? Do you speak a language other than Russian?" and the second is the standard modern Arabic: "One language is never enough" - she's bored and apparently doesn't feel like English-ing today ]

May. 7th, 2024



[No Subject]

For all of you who were concerned, May is home safe. She's a bit shaken up still but I'm sure she'll check in with all of you very soon. Give her a bit of time to rest and be with her family and if I know her, she'll be worrying over all of you in a matter of minutes. One of the first things she did was make sure no one else was seriously hurt.

[Klaus and Stephen]
And thank you both again for everything. I don't know how we would have managed if Klaus hadn't been able to get to her and Stephen hadn't gotten her out.

May. 3rd, 2024



Network: Pepper Potts-Stark

I'm worried about May. We always meet for coffee before work, but she didn't show up this morning. Her cell is going right to voicemail.

Apr. 16th, 2024



Network: Jen Walters

Working on very little sleep, but I'm going to crush this case.

[FILTER: Mobius]

Any luck with developing a hobby?

[FILTER: Loki]

Celebrate me winning this case this weekend?



Network: Pepper Potts-Stark

Currently talking my family into a trip abroad this summer.

[Filter: Tony, Bruce, May, Peter, Dee, Ned]

How about a summer trip abroad this year? Beignets in Paris sound nice, don't they?

[Added later]

Well, now Peter has me sold on Costa Rica. What do you think?

Mar. 29th, 2024



Network: Steve Rogers

[Voice Message, unfiltered (sorry, boys)]

[feedback whine] It's Steve. If you... don't know... it's Ma... [long burst of static] ...warehouse... [another long moment of static] ...find him... node 361-a. [sound of Steve breathing quietly] ...knows I'm here... Vision, you have to stop him [garbled static, a sudden burst of sound, not unlike something heavy colliding with concrete, a few more seconds of static, then silence]

Audio Transcript

It's Steve. If you don't know, it's May. Warehouse. Find him. Node 361. A. Knows I'm here. Vision. You have to stop him.

What Steve Actually Said )

[OOC: Steve won't be replying, but feel free to use this space to plot/plan!]

Mar. 27th, 2024



Network Post

I think I need a hobby.

[Private for Loki]

Hey, in what you’ve learned about the new timelines, did you ever come across a world with beings called Spectres? They’re kind of like half ghosts, half vampires. Except instead of drinking blood, they suck your will to live.

And sorry I haven’t been around much. If you ever want to hang out, talk, not talk, whatever, I hope you know you can call or whatever. I miss you.

Mar. 4th, 2024



Network: Pepper Potts-Stark

[FILTER: Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, May Parker-Banner]

Should we take the girls to a hotel?

Mar. 3rd, 2024



[No Subject]

[set after Dee's encounter with not!Stiles]

Dee hasn't made it home. She's not answering her phone, texts aren't even coming up read. Tippy is freaking out and all I can make out in my very limited Squirrel is something is very wrong.

I've got theories. And this is a very clear warning that if my daughter is harmed, someone is in for a very bad day.

Feb. 12th, 2024



Network: Jennifer Walters

Everything tasted like coconut for 24 hours. I like coconut, but it wears thin after a few hours.

[FILTER: Loki]

I know there are cursed flowers around, but did you want to do something for Valentine's Day?

Feb. 11th, 2024



reggie peters - net post

after this


Your brother is a hedgehog!

That's not me making a Monty Python reference or trying to goad you or whatever.

He's literally a hedgehog, and we named him Picklepop, and he's hanging out at our apartment.



[No Subject]

[Voice post, very shaky voice, totally crying]

I dont know what happened it was really slippery and I was running so fast and i slipped and now there is a bone sticking out of my arm and it really hurts like really really really and im not crying at all because im super cool about it but daddy i really need you to come get me because it hurts really bad and im at the park

Feb. 10th, 2024



Network: Pepper Potts-Stark

Don't mind the giant rain cloud following me around. It seems to drench only me.

Feb. 9th, 2024




Is this a bad time?

It seems there are several issues going on all at once, including the fact that apparently another me was here as of even earlier this week. And something about flowers? Is that why- Forget the fact that this isn't my world, does anyone have some actual answers that the government isn't sharing?

Feb. 5th, 2024



[No Subject]


Just starving. I'm going to the nearest restaurant and spending all my money.

Also, I'm not sure who tucked me in.... but thanks?