Let's see....
I've got a Spearow and a Fearow. A Hoothoot and a Noctowl. Rowlet, naturally.
Oh! I've got a Delibird. So cute. And Farfetch'd! He's so funny.
Of course I've got Pidgey, Pidgeotto and Pidgeot. You can't have bird Pokemon without them, obvs.
And last, but certainly not least... I have a Murkrow. His name is Monty. Love him to pieces. Walking buddy for life!
[Niko]Come with me to battle some gyms pretty please? I'm still missing the rainbow badge (tragic, right?) and the psychic badge? Maybe a few others. But last time I was heading to a gym, these like... Team Rocket guys came after me? It was super weird. I managed to defeat them and they ran away crying. I dunno.
Anyway, you down? Say yessss. <3