Second Chances...

What happens when you're given a second chance?


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Nov. 4th, 2024



[no subject.]

[Text to Enid during this]

If someone your talking to suddenly reveals that they were like... a crow.

How would you react?



[no subject.]

[Message to Tim Drake (during History Class)]
Hey you~

Not that this isn't the most entertaining subject I've ever heard of (yay for one if by land, two if by sea, etc.), but... did you know that Taurus and Cancer are highly compatible astrological signs? Hmm? :)

[Private to Niko]
Guess who has the best view of the cutest boy e.v.e.r. right now?

Monty does~

Nov. 3rd, 2024



Network Post: Buffy Summers

Well, I guess there really isn't any better way to start fresh than being in a whole new world. Kinda on-the-nose, though, don't you think, universe? And would it have killed you to give me a second to breathe? ...I never did answer Dawn's question.

Uh, so, vagueness abounds. Sorry about that. I'm Buffy, she-who-can't-escape-California. At least the view from my room is nice and that shower after an intense battle? Amazing.

Wow, I'm bad at this. Feels like high school all over again. Anyway, hi. ...Know any good coffee places?

Nov. 4th, 2024



Network Post: Stiles Stilinski

All trace of Stilton is officially gone, and thanks to the Chocolate Layer Cake candle, you'd never know he was here.

[Filter: Alex]
How much notice do I need to give you to maybe ditch a day or two (or three) of classes?

Nov. 3rd, 2024



[no subject.]

The problem with a magically induced incredibly good mood is that eventually, said magic will end. And you're actually left feeling worse.

And no, I didn't do this to myself. I'm not sure I even have a spell for that. I can't promise I wouldn't have tried it

Are you still feeling up to "helping with a distraction project" or however it was phrased?



[no subject.]

Alright babes, boys and both~~

Kate and I got a bunch of throw blankets from the target dollar aisle. I say we bring our new books and maybe a candle or two and get cozy in one of the conference rooms.

I'm saying snacks, good vibes, blanket first and books. Takers?

I'm gonna be getting my cozy girl life on.

Nov. 2nd, 2024



[no subject.]

Free candles and free books? What's next free cozy slippers and blankets?



[no subject.]

Today's my birthday and normally I wouldn't celebrate it, but this year feels like it should be considered special, so I'm trying to figure out something to do on short notice.

I should've planned this out and gone on a roadtrip to Yosemite or something. 😂



Network Post: Jason Todd

I'm not sure what just happened exactly but I think I got a first edition copy of Nineteen Eighty Four from the Book Mobile driver? It's probably a fake, right? It's definitely not an actual first edition of Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell. That's ridiculous. That would be worth... thousands of dollars, it's not something you just hand out for free.

Can someone come... confirm this for me? Fellow book nerds?



Network: Tony Stark

There has been quite a few new faces. For those I have yet to meet, I'm Tony Stark. Yes, there are two of me running around.

[FILTER: Steve]

Honey, where are you?



Network: May Parker

I know we are all very excited to get to Christmas, but let's not skip Thanksgiving! I need a headcount. Pepper and I are hosting our family, of course, but anyone without a place to go is invited.



[no subject.]

I suppose finding myself in yet another new universe is one way to start a day, though everyone at the processing center seemed surprised that I wasn't exactly jarred by the whole ordeal. I take it that's not common place here? Would've been nice to finish whatever it was the Watcher

Right, anyways. Hello. I'm Peggy, though I think most in my own universe would recognize me as Captain Carter.

Nov. 1st, 2024



[no subject.]

Free candle? Yes, please. I grabbed Vanilla Cupcake. I almost grabbed Santa's Cookies, but after smelling nothing but cookies for hours the other day, I thought I would try something different.



Network Post: Aurelio

They said I can't go home. Is that true?

All the apps on my phone look different and they told me I have to go to public high school because there's no Academy here. I don't know Stela isn't It's very strange.

Mr. Kent, I'd like to leave this place now, if it isn't too much trouble. They won't let me go without you or I wouldn't bother you.




Apparently it's National Candle Day. There's a table set up down in the lobby with those jar candle things.

I got Sugar Cookie.

I refuse to apologize for the person I am about to become.



[no subject.]

Maybe this isn't the vibe I normally give, but I don't care, 'cause...





[no subject.]

It's my birthday and I have a birthday crown!

Don't forget to come to my skate party! I'm gonna have nachos and a cookie cake!



[no subject.]

It's my bright, clever, funny, sweet little girl's birthday.

She's a big ten year old and not my little baby anymore and that's tough, but I'm proud to be the dad of a kiddo in the double digits.

Happy birthday, Lyra Alexandria Banner. Your mom and your big siblings and I all love you so much.

Oct. 31st, 2024



Network Post: Julie Molina

[Filter: Band + Band fam]
I know everyone's had weird things happen and it was probably just that but I had this dream, except I was awake. We were playing at the Grammys!

It was so great. We were amazing.

Oct. 30th, 2024



Network: Matt Murdock

Anyone else ever almost been held in contempt because they suddenly have a laugh track in their lives?

Probably not, but there's always the first (and hopefully last) time.

Thank God for a judge with infinite patience.

Anyway, how's everyone else's day? I'm ending mine with a stiff drink.