

April 2024



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Apr. 17th, 2024



[No Subject]

One of the most stressful things on TV is watching a baker's buttercream or mousse split, and there's no saving it. This is supposed to be downtime, and relaxing, but I'm tense watching a baking show.

Before you say anything, Yelena, I know I'm boring. It's fine. I'm embracing it. 😉🖤

At least I don't watch things like this and think I could do it. I'll leave the baking to the professionals.

[Private to James Rogers and Rapunzel]

Can I take you to dinner? Anywhere you'd like to go.

There's nothing wrong. I'd just like to spend time with you both.

[Private to Bucky Barnes]

Do you want to go to the drive-in this weekend?



Network Post: Brisket, Anyone?

Thanks to y'all, I found some good brisket at the local meat market. If I smoke it overnight, would anyone be interested in brisket nachos Friday? It ends up being way too much for TK and I to eat by ourselves. I would love to share some good Texas cookin' if anyone is interested!



Network Post : Enid Sinclair

Rooftop yoga, this Thursday at 7am!

Bobby totally gets the credit for the idea, but I found this lady who does house visits. Anyone is welcome!

Apr. 16th, 2024



Network: Jen Walters

Working on very little sleep, but I'm going to crush this case.

[FILTER: Mobius]

Any luck with developing a hobby?

[FILTER: Loki]

Celebrate me winning this case this weekend?



Network: Pepper Potts-Stark

Currently talking my family into a trip abroad this summer.

[Filter: Tony, Bruce, May, Peter, Dee, Ned]

How about a summer trip abroad this year? Beignets in Paris sound nice, don't they?

[Added later]

Well, now Peter has me sold on Costa Rica. What do you think?

Apr. 14th, 2024



[No Subject]

Quick question...

If a poptarts is a ravioli and a hot dog is a taco.... does that make corn dogs a type of beef Wellington?


Glad you didn't die last month. For the record.

Apr. 13th, 2024





Bye. Everyone is losing me to an entire weekend of this. #SorryNotSorry #CalledOutSick #WorstRoleModel

Best friend a guy could have when they're not named Wally West, for the record. With the good advice and stuff.



Network Post: Carlos Reyes

So coming from Texas to here... where's the best place to get my assorted wild meats? I've only been here for a few days but I haven't seen anything that looks that great. This pizza is for the birds.

And also... what is this nonsense y'all put on a bagel?



Network Post : Stiles Stilinski

There's this guy on YouTube who does these food challenges like eat this giant tray of mac and cheese in 30 minutes and you get a free t-shirt and the meal is free. And really, who needs college? I'll just go find a curly fries eating challenge and live off that.

Apr. 10th, 2024



network: bobby drake

Wow, and here I was thinking, "a whole ass welcome wagon? In MY afterlife? Damn I really did do something right!" And then I realized that there's no way in hell (hell included) that the afterlife is San Francisco.

I did some preliminary research on the specs of this universe. Interesting timeline! Loving the fact that the general populace doesn't think mutants are terrorists. But I need the hot goss. Who is this universe's costumed power couple? Where are The Real Housewives of Avengers Tower??? Who are we rooting for on this season of The Superpowered Bachelor?!!

Hi. Bobby Drake here. Work name Iceman. I'm funny, charming, hot (but make it ice), and very happy to not be dead.



[No Subject]

I was going to sweep my wife off for an anniversary holiday but then we decided to be visited by a homicidal maniac who I can't say I appreciate having here.

So I'm going to do that now. We're leaving Friday, Emily no wild parties, Ned don't burn the shop down.



Network: Vision

I owe many thanks to both Tony Starks and Captain Rogers. I regret the things I said and did while under that woman's influence. I'm eternally grateful to those who stepped in to take care of my boys. Thank you.

Apr. 9th, 2024



Network: Alex Mercer

Hi, from sunny Bermuda... where it's currently nap time!

Cut to Save Mobile, but Still Publicly Viewable )

Man, my hair has gotten crazy long! When did that happen?

(The "tattoos" are drawn on, Phil, promise. I haven't lost my mind. Yet.)



Network: Albus Potter

If you had the choice to leave or stay, what would you do?

Apr. 8th, 2024




How much trouble can high schoolers get into on spring break, do you think?

[ filtered; Matt Murdock, Phil Coulson, Alexis Rose ]
Yours kids are all fine. They even have a full fledged adult with them. I'm about 15 minutes away by foot if something comes up. Does anyone want souvenirs?

[ filtered; Matt Murdock ]
Use your time wisely, Matthew.

Apr. 5th, 2024



[No Subject]

Anyone got any fun plans for the weekend? Knocking on wood that nothing weird happens.

Any plans to celebrate first contact day?

Apr. 3rd, 2024



Network Post: Julie Molina

I want to go thrifting on the weekend. Who's in?

[Filtered to Luke]

Can I tell you something weird without it being weird?

Apr. 1st, 2024



kamala kahn - netpost

posted after school

[DM to Loki]
I made you a cardamom cake at school because I love it and thought you might at least like it. I have home ec, and I thought making it there would save me time, and I could get you a cake before the end of the day.

I dropped it on the way home, and someone on a skateboard ran it over. ☚ī¸

So I bought you a cupcake from the store and left it for you outside your door. Your name is on it, so I hope people honor the label system.

If last month taught me anything, it's that I can trust my instincts, even if I don't like it. Also, there are a lot of people here looking out for each other.

I hope everyone's okay. If you're not, I know you will be.




I've gotta say. I can both appreciate and be creeped out by the fact that the government people let us know about disappearances.

[ filtered; Jason Todd & Quentin Coldwater ]
If you have been personally affected by the asshole known as Slade Wilson, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Or at least a round of drinks and/or dinner at my expense in an apartment that didn't get trashed. Or an actual establishment: your choice,

[ filtered; Donna Troy ]
I still haven't told him. Is this a "too late" kind of thing and I should have already and now we just pretend this never happened? You KNOW I am the worst at this feelings talking thing. Okay, less-worse than Bruce but still.



[No Subject]

I think maybe the grownups have a point and you probably shouldn't eat all your Easter candy ar one time.

Or at least the peeps. You shouldn't eat all your peeps at one time.