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Posts Tagged: 'schitt%27s+creek:+alexis+rose'

Sep. 4th, 2024



[No Subject]

Isn't this just quaint? Of all the timelines I've been to, I don't think I've ever managed San Francisco. And I'm already aware there was another me here not that long ago. I don't remember any of it, sorry if you were hoping otherwise.


I don't know if Thor already told you, but Angie stuck me in the apartment you and he share. I can- fuck off out of there if you'd prefer.

Nice to see you're okay.

Sep. 1st, 2024



[No Subject]

I hope nobody was super attached to David's shop because it's gone, too.

Edge of Glory will remain open for business. I just feel kind of on my own all over again and



reggie peters - netpost

[Private to The Band
(group DM includes Stiles, Adaine, Enid, and Fig at this point)]

So, like, our apartment is pretty empty now. Way less hair products. It's weird.

I volunteered the band for any projects Alexis needs to distract herself. I don't really know what else to do to help.

@Enid are you okay?

[Private to Phil, Matt, Yelena, Alex, and Julie]
Weird time, I know, but Luke's birthday. We should start planning.

Checking in. Does anyone need anything?

Jun. 22nd, 2024



Network: DavidRose

Well, at least that nightmare is over.

I'm never going to get the smell of bird poop out of my brain.

On the plus side, I think it's time to celebrate our newfound freedom.

Glitter shots at The Edge tonight. DJ Sparkles will be hosting karaoke, and I'll be giving away bathbomb gift baskets to some lucky chosen queens.

Jun. 5th, 2024



network: cher horowitz

[ David, Alexis, Pepper ]

So, first of all, I know it's a few days after but I totally needed some processing time. And I had some gross finals and stuff to study for.

Second, James kind of proposed over the weekend. Like, full out super sweet dinner date, too.

Lastly, I totally said yes because, duh, we're meant to be together and he's obviously the best.

Jun. 2nd, 2024




[ ooc; pretend this is backdated to like a week ago ]

I am disappearing for a week soon. No one be alarmed. 😈

After school is out, I am going to leave the country. Jason and I are going to go immersive-experience for language reasons. I promise, nothing dangerous. Julie, you know where the "emergency" card is and that it's not only for emergencies. And if Natasha isn't around, you know the backup rules.

Feel free to use it to celebrate. We're leaving after any graduation parties.

[ filtered; THE BAND GUARDIANS ]
I am going to be in China for a week. June 5 and we will be back on the 12th. Natasha is here, of course, but can everyone keep an eye on Julie for me? It makes me feel better.

Jason, final itinerary just sent to your phone.

Dick/Q, I am stealing your person for a week. We are leaving on the 5th and will be back on the 12th. Stay out of trouble. :)

Jun. 1st, 2024



[No Subject]


1. It is June and you know what that means. PRIDE MONTH. Edge of Glory will be celebrating in style as always. Free pronoun pins at the door all weekend and half off your first drink if you come in Pride gear. And, of course, our DJ is spinning music from all your LGBTIA faves!

2. OUR BABIES ARE GRADUATING!!!!! I'm going to be the embarrassing not-mom and live stream the whole thing but also, after graduation party at Edge of Glory, I'm a co-owner I can book the whole damn place if I want to! Everyone is invited to come celebrate some of the best kids this city has to offer (and mostly Reggie because again, embarrassing not-mom).

[Filter to Thor]
3. Mr. Odinson, it is FAR past time for me to ask you out to dinner.

May. 15th, 2024



Network- T'Challa

Good Morning and Bast' blessings to all of you.

Some I may have battled with. Apologies if our last time seeing one another wasn't as pleasant as it should be. Some are new to me and my eyes but will be greeted as you should. This entire encampment and cityscape is certainly that. But I am not unfamiliar with the idea of hope.

Now. If someone can enlighten me as to just where "this" is, then things should go along swimmingly.

May. 13th, 2024



[No Subject]

[Matt, Yelena, Alexis]
So, since prom is Saturday, I've been thinking about gifts for the kids. Since I set Alex up with my tailor for a suit (because everyone needs at least one bespoke suit), I was thinking monogrammed handkerchiefs and cufflinks for the boys? Maybe a handkerchief and necklace for Julie? Or something similar? Alexis, Yelena, help me out here?

I am too old for a promposal, but since this weekend could be an anniversary of sorts - do you want to stay in or go out? (After we take pictures of the kids?)

May. 12th, 2024



reggie peters - net post - 5:30 AM Monday morning

[Band + Alexis, David, and Cher]
Okay. Ignore the timestamp on this post. I'm okay. I've just been dealing or not dealing with insomnia. I'm getting enough-ish sleep. I just sometimes don't get that much, like when my brain is just sorta going whir.

I have maybe a couple of problems. Well, one problem and one thing that has me pacing and overthinking that's not exactly a problem and more a new and interesting thing to consider.

Prom's on Saturday, and I sorta just assumed that the clothes I was wearing when I got here would still work, but the vest is tight when I button it. I've filled in a little bit, but it's been almost a year of, you know, food.


I don't know if anyone's ever watched the sunrise from our roof, but it's pretty cool.

Apr. 30th, 2024



Network: Carol Danvers

Guess what, everyone! )

Apr. 27th, 2024



network: cher horowitz

Yes, I should have been thinking about this way before now, but this place isn't exactly normal or willing to pause the crazy so that you can consider what you want to do with your life after graduation. I wasn't even sure what I was going to do back home. Daddy probably wanted me to go into law.💤

Apr. 10th, 2024



network: bobby drake

Wow, and here I was thinking, "a whole ass welcome wagon? In MY afterlife? Damn I really did do something right!" And then I realized that there's no way in hell (hell included) that the afterlife is San Francisco.

I did some preliminary research on the specs of this universe. Interesting timeline! Loving the fact that the general populace doesn't think mutants are terrorists. But I need the hot goss. Who is this universe's costumed power couple? Where are The Real Housewives of Avengers Tower??? Who are we rooting for on this season of The Superpowered Bachelor?!!

Hi. Bobby Drake here. Work name Iceman. I'm funny, charming, hot (but make it ice), and very happy to not be dead.

Apr. 8th, 2024




How much trouble can high schoolers get into on spring break, do you think?

[ filtered; Matt Murdock, Phil Coulson, Alexis Rose ]
Yours kids are all fine. They even have a full fledged adult with them. I'm about 15 minutes away by foot if something comes up. Does anyone want souvenirs?

[ filtered; Matt Murdock ]
Use your time wisely, Matthew.

Mar. 23rd, 2024



Network: David Rose

So, the store is doing very well.

If only people could stop putting themselves in danger for just...I don't know, a week, can we please just go back to normal with pancakes that make cats talk or something like that? Please and thank you.

Feb. 12th, 2024



[No Subject]

I had the Norse god of thunder in my purse.



Sorry, Thor. In my defense, you just looked like any ordinary hedgehog????

Feb. 5th, 2024



Network: Alex Mercer

Oh. So this is how that feels.

Feb. 2nd, 2024



[No Subject]

At first I was like "awwww, secret admirer?" but there was no note and then like...singing telegram?? And the singing telegram happens to be a groundhog which, okay, I guess it's groundhogs day or whatever, it's cute enough if not super effing weird that IT CAN SING.

But it isn't going away. It's been following me all morning. And it only sings Britney Spears songs apparently? I love Brit Brit but this is a bit much. From the Bottom of My Broken Heart? REALLY????

Jan. 23rd, 2024



Network: David Rose

I did NOT volunteer for any of this. I was never meant to have children for a very, very, VERY specific reasons. I am not a fan of them.

At all.

Send carbs.

Dec. 27th, 2023



Network: David Rose

Did anyone else get anything...weird from Santa Claus? Ugh, it's strange even writing that sentence.

I got a pair of keys. I'm not even sure what they're for.