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Posts Tagged: '%7Eex:+dc+dick+grason+%28comics%29'

Sep. 15th, 2022



[No Subject]

Insert joke about being old enough to have played the original Super Mario when it first came out here.

Back in my day you had to blow on the cartridge to make it work. And even as a kid I knew it didn't do anything but I did it anyway and somehow it always worked.

Also you had to turn the TV to channel 3.

Now, has anyone found the star to be invincible because I desperately want to see this happen in action.

Aug. 17th, 2022



[No Subject]

Okay, kiddos.

Your mission today, should you choose to accept:

Would you rather:

Be a Ninja or Wizard?

You automatically get to be a ninja, Strange.

Did I mention how much the waiting game blows for things like jobs and such? Because, hey, guess what? It blows.

Aug. 9th, 2022



[No Subject]

Cool, thanks, I hate it. Kory, Dawn, you can show up any time now, thanks.

I'm popping a handful of ibuprofen (Again. Seriously) and going back to bed before I do something stupid.

Richard John Grayson (is it still John in your world?), you had better damn well still be here before I start throwing a tantrum. And these poor people don't deserve that.

Aug. 6th, 2022



Network: Tony Stark 2

I havE nOt felt Like thiS since befour I had Kids. cAP! Come heRe.

Jul. 5th, 2022



[No Subject]

I barely got to know her, but I'm going to miss Lia anyway. You'd think loss would eventually get easier to bear but I guess it doesn't, does it?

Jul. 2nd, 2022



Network: Steve Rogers

Okay, farming this out to the community mind, because I'm at a loss.

I received five pints of pickle and onion ice cream in yesterday's mystery delivery. Now, normally I would just throw it away, but I think that's crime against nature. I could melt it all and pour it down the drain, but I don't want to contaminate the local water table. Giving it to a food bank or local soup kitchen seems like a crime against humanity. Would putting it in an active volcano be too much? How about sending into the Sun?


Jun. 12th, 2022




There is an absence of hot sauce and spice in this apartment.

[ filtered; NATASHA ROMANOFF ]
Prove it.

Jun. 9th, 2022



Network: Matt Murdock

Can someone please tell me if I was just cussed out by a duck or a really good cosplayer/impressionist?

I know what I heard, but I'm not sure about the source.

May. 25th, 2022



[No Subject]

Still not the weirdest thing that's happened to me. It's not even the weirdest thing that's happened to me in the last week.

Anyway, hi. The lady who met me and sent me here told me to introduce myself so I guess here I am or whatever. I'm Donna Troy Wonder Girl?? and I'm a photographer by trade but I have no idea how that's going to translate here.

That said, I'm looking for a Dick Grayson, Kory Anders, Dawn Granger, Rachel Roth, Gar Logan, Conner (I don't think he ever picked a surname?? Kent maybe? Definitely not Luther) or Tim Drake. Or Diana Prince, I wouldn't turn seeing her down, either.

God, I could use a drink. It's been a wild couple of days.

May. 19th, 2022



[No Subject]

San Francisco! What a treat! Normally I get stuck in LA or Star City when I come to this coast, but so far this place is better than both. Hands down. And not just because I got money and a place to live just for showing up, I swear. Gotham has a similar welcome program, though that's usually a vial of fear toxin antidote and a one-way ticket to literally anywhere else.

Anyway, I'm Emily. Lia, if we're friends, which I hope we'll all be. Some of you might know me from my talk show, or modeling career. I was also a superhero for a while, Looker, if you wanna put a face to a not-at-all secret identity. I'm over that whole thing now, happy to move on to a life where people don't actively try to punch me or make me sit under hot studio lighting. Retirement is about having fun, right? That's what I want to do. Anybody know where I can find some fun?

May. 12th, 2022



Netpost: Dick Grayson

With summer vacation on the horizon, I’m going to plug my workplace for a moment. If any teens and children are interested in going to acrobat camp over the holidays, just let me know!

And to the grown ups: we also have adult sessions!

Apr. 28th, 2022



[No Subject]

So, like, there are some wicked weird feelings circulating I think, but hey! You know what today is? It's totally my birthday, so I think we should get a bunch of cakes and cupcakes and burgers and other delicious things and definitely have some fun on the rooftop, okay? Cool? Totally rad.

Apparently, it's also National Super Hero Day, so you'll get something super special. 💗

Apr. 24th, 2022



Network Post: Edmund Pevensie

The internet creates a whole new avenue of distractions from studying.

cut for image )

Apr. 23rd, 2022



[No Subject]

Usually, when I end up somewhere new, it doesn't come with a check, new tech and a place to live. Not complaining though, even if $5000 in California is barely enough to get a cup of coffee, I'll happily take it. Who knows, might use the check to hit the lotto and afford a burger or two. On second though, nah, my luck is crap.

So anyway, I'm Adam. Hi.



[No Subject]

I have decided that I am never going to get away from the government no matter how hard I try. Apparently I'm in another dimension and I still have them trying to run my life. I'm Sam Wilson and I'm not usually this grumpy but I didn't expect an unscheduled visit to San Francisco today and it doesn't appear that leaving is an option. So hi.



Network: Cassie Lang

Two of the bunnies stayed! Their names are Stan and Clyde.

Apr. 22nd, 2022



Network: Matt Murdock

So, the best thing about needing an ADA compliant device is that I had time to have my freak out about this situation in the privacy of the welcoming committee's office, instead of at you fine people.

Hi, I'm Matt. I've been told it says that next to whatever picture they said they took of me, but I don't know how the screen reader is going to do on a message board. I realize this is more of a me problem than you problem, but I wanted to throw it out there.

I am/was (what's the right tense here?) a lawyer, mainly based out of Hell's Kitchen, but things are a little up in the air about how that's going to work. Right now, I can't offer professional counsel, but if anyone needs non-binding legal advice, feel free to hit me up. I'm on the third floor.

Apr. 18th, 2022



netpost; dick grayson

So, quick question, do I get to keep one of these bunnies?

A home, an allowance and a pet, would be the raddest welcome package ever.

Apr. 17th, 2022



[No Subject]

Well, that's the largest check of money anyone had ever given me. So.. San Francisco? Seems like a nice city. Perhaps I will find work soon. The night shift, preferably.

Greetings, I am new to this city. My name is Vlad.

Oct. 6th, 2021




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