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Posts Tagged: '%7Eex:+teen+wolf+lydia+martin'

Feb. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]



Feb. 1st, 2023



Network: Clint Barton

[Home Crew]

A catered dinner?

Talk about a token sympathy gift.

"Sorry you're watching your loved ones suffer, here's some cake."

Jan. 28th, 2023



[No Subject]

[The At Home Group]


Jan. 27th, 2023



[No Subject]

[Stay at Home]
Uh. Hi.

I'm looking for a woman named Allison, or an older gentleman named Harlan.

Thank you.

Jan. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

[At Home Group]

I don't like that the apartment is so empty.

I don't like that people are leaving when we can't see them.

I wonder if my family is coming back or Julia or Hope

I'm even starting to miss the baby crying.

So.... I ordered a few pizzas... someone come eat with me?

Jan. 22nd, 2023



Filter: Still Home

Shit shit shit shit shit

So if Ms. Smith is making announcements on some of the missing people but not everyone, that means the others are coming back, right?

If I shoot anymore today my arm is going to fall off. I'm going to go down to Mr. Stark's little farm and make sure the animals are okay. I should also see if Lucky #2 went home with Kate, I guess.

Jan. 21st, 2023



Those Left Behind @ The Station

Something’s up. I can’t find Kitty. Scott didn’t show up at Rousseau’s (again). From what I can smell tell, most of the Station is gone missing. No alerts, so they can’t have all just been sent home, right?

Sound off. Is anyone else still here?

[OOC: filter includes Alex Udinov, Alex Summers, Lyra Banner, Lila Barton, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark 2, Lily Potter, Clint Barton, Lydia Martin & Hope Mikaelson]

Jan. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

THERE'S A LITTLE PENGUIN IN MY ROOM AND HE TALKS AND HE'S ASKING FOR A LOVE STONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what a love stone is, will one of mommy's earrings do?!

[For anyone who lives near the Maximoff apartment, Billy's screech was definitely audible!]

Jan. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

[Filtered to those 18+]

Top or bottom? Or both?

(Not sure if that type of filter is possible but can we say yes please for RP pretendy fun. Thanks!)

Jan. 18th, 2023



Network: Pepper Potts-Stark

In honor of National Thesaurus Day, what is your favorite word? Mine is alacrity.

Jan. 16th, 2023



[No Subject]

SO that jungle made getting in and out of the building interesting to say the least! Luckily I didn't have any run ins with anything too terrible.

Is this something that happens a lot around here?

Jan. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

I've got an entire quidditch pitch and nothing to do with it, and that's making me sad.

So, if you've ever wanted to learn to fly, I'm willing to teach you how. (That includes you, Ron.) It's with brooms, not just someone flying on their own. I don't know how to do that, mostly because at home it's.....heavily frowned upon (Mr. Auror, back me up.). Hope and Julia gave me ideas for how to protect anyone who falls off, so it'll be perfectly safe.

And you can't fly very high till you know what you're doing. Cushioning charms can only do so much!

Jan. 14th, 2023



Network -- Lydia Martin

The jungle provided a good excuse to window shop online (erasable highlighters exist!) and to work on getting the ball rolling with sorting out a high school diploma and looking into nearby colleges and universities. It also gave me time to accept that I may be stuck here longer than I'd like, though I'm not giving up MIT just isn't going to be an option. If there is another me, I hope she gets to attend MIT and live that dream with everything it entails. My top two at the moment are Stanford and UC Berkeley, although after reading the news.

However, I'm curious. For those of you attending college, where are you studying? What made you choose that place? What's your field of study? Do you like where you're at?

Stiles, where are you looking at? Do you want to see about doing school tours together? I was going to get some school supplies in preparation for studying for my diploma and not just because of the erasable highlighters thing. I can get you some things, too, if you'd like.



Network: Albus Potter

As fun as the jungle was, I'm glad I don't need to boat to class anymore.

Jan. 13th, 2023



[No Subject]

Talking and singing doesn’t make bugs any more appealing.

Jan. 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

Good thing I didn't plan on going anywhere I guess? but I haven't had a good conversation with a capybara in a while.



Network: Steve Rogers

I almost kicked a lemur as I was leaving the apartment this morning. ☹️ It ran away before I could apologize. ☹️

Jan. 9th, 2023



Network: Ben Hargreeves

TW Snakes )

Seems nice, though? I'm either still not awake enough to process, or the weird just doesn't bother me anyway.

Jan. 8th, 2023



Net Post :: Rose Hathaway

In 72 days, I will no longer be a teenager. Kind of weird to think about.

Filtered to David & Alexis
Any changes I can book the club for a party? My birthday is March 21, but I was thinking I might have it the weekend before or after since people have jobs and school and stuff.

Filtered to Dimitri & Lissa
A weekend seems better for an actual party, but I’m demanding a nice dinner with you guys and maybe a few other friends the night of.

Jan. 7th, 2023



Network: Clint Barton

So I got to talking with a group at the SFA this morning, and now I'm wondering if I could use some of this magic snow money (literal, not cocaine 😛) to make an indoor range for people who don't necessarily wanna be out in the elements. I'd keep the fees low. Maybe offer some grub, also for cheap. Just a place to practice. Do some tourneys. Host the re-enactors sometimes.

Is that crazy?