Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: A is for Awkward (Snape/Pomfrey) NC-17 
13th October 2010 00:00
Title: A is for Awkward
Artist: [info]akatnamedeaster
Media: Colored pencil/toned paper
Characters/Pairings: Poppy Pomfrey/Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen:rectal exams: arousal by giving or receiving
Other Warnings: explicit nudity, spooge, humiliating hospital johnny, fingering, terminal embarrassment, bad writing, implied injection, imminent use of a rectal thermometer.
Summary/Description: While taking care of Severus during his long convalescence after surviving Nagini's attack, Madam Pomfrey decides he's in need of a thorough examination. Things go pear shaped from there.
Artist's Notes: I went with one of the more unusual prompts this time, one that I thought might not get much attention and isn't my kink (medical people/things make me nervous). Because of that it comes off as funny more than anything else. The little sketch at the punchline was done completely for my own amusement(with a little nod to another artist), Snape's face was fun to draw.


"Poppy, I just…I...you have to understand it’s been a very tough year and I…I’m very tense…and…and it’s been a long time since…no wait! What I mean…I…it just happened!"

"Hush, don’t give it another thought Severus. After all, I’ve been a mediwitch for a very long time there's nothing I haven’t seen before."

"But you don’t understand! I didn’t…I mean, it’s not like I wanted…I…just…I’m just tense is all!"

"Oh don’t be so embarrassed, dear. I’m certain it’s happened to other wizards before you and I’m certain you won’t be the last. Here, drink your orange juice."

"Poppy please! Please Obliviate me; you have to!"

"Absolutely not, especially in your condition! We have gone over this several times, Severus. Do not ask me again!"

"I wish Nagini had killed me…

"Don’t be ridiculous, dear. Now then, be a good boy and turn over to your stomach, it’s time to take your temperature."

Well, at least she didn't point out he was a little quick on the draw.
13th October 2010 21:36
LOL (in bold, even) at the second picture.
13th October 2010 22:25
Thanks! Poor Sev, everyone seems to enjoy his "uh oh" face. ;)
13th October 2010 22:19
OMG, what have you done to my admired potion master?!
That is simply brilliant! All the little details, lovely! And his face on the second picture... I think I want to watch what comes next...
13th October 2010 22:26
Thank you, all the little details are so much fun to draw! You know, a couple of more requests and I'm tacking a third pic onto this; wouldn't want to leave anyone hanging, lol!
14th October 2010 00:50
LOL! And The Harry-Teddy!!
14th October 2010 11:53
Thank you!
14th October 2010 01:08
Poor Severus! Oh, cruel attention! LOL

14th October 2010 11:54
Indeed, I think at this point he'd rather crawl under a rock somewhere and die...;)
14th October 2010 03:05
Hahaha! The details are perfect. The band-aid. The (yikes!) hypo on the counter. Snape's little wiggling toe. The Vaseline. The Harry-look-alike teddy. Poor, poor Severus. *still laughing*
14th October 2010 11:54
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!
14th October 2010 06:42
Ahahahaha. Brilliant! This is so totally awesome, I have no words for how much I love it.

Also: Extra special additional love and *glomps* for the bear!
14th October 2010 11:55
Thank you. :) How could anyone not love Harry!Bear?
14th October 2010 08:18
Ahahaha! This is awesome. Love the looks on their faces!
14th October 2010 11:56
Thank you very much!
14th October 2010 19:15

His expression is fantastic, so is hers. The bandade on his bum is too funny and the second picture, I love the bear watching over poor traumatized Severus
15th October 2010 12:24
Thank you, poor Severus, being nearly mauled to death by a snake was much easier to bear...;)
15th October 2010 06:59
Wow and bruhaha XD. It's very lovely. I love all the little details, Snape's expressions on his face, the bear with his glasses and with lightning on it's stomach behind Severus :D Thanks.
15th October 2010 12:24
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!
17th October 2010 02:03
Just brilliant all around!
22nd October 2010 12:15
The look on Poppy's face just slays me, and the band-aid on Severus' leg as well. I love the tonal quality too!
24th October 2010 23:32
27th October 2010 17:16
Why am I thinking only one thing: He *looks* like he complements Harry! :3
28th October 2010 18:56
Oh man, that's priceless! Your facial expressions are glorious, and the Harry Bear is a lovely touch!
27th November 2010 18:27 - A is for Awkward (Snape/Pomfrey) NC-17
LOL love it. The Potter bear is a brilliant touch.
27th June 2013 00:08
awesome pic. Poor, poor Snapey. That must hurt! I'd like to see what happens next lol
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