November 2015




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Jul. 11th, 2015


Call: Peter P, Flash T

[Call to Peter P]

[Locked to Flash T]
I saw that thing about MK. [...] Is she okay?

Jul. 8th, 2015



Any good doors for star gazing?

Jul. 4th, 2015


Flash T, Peter P, Tony S

[Voice to text, all from Hels. During this.]

[Flash T]

Hey there cowboy.

[Peter P]

Are you the same Peter with the spiderbots?

[Tony S]

I know you have her, where is she?

Jun. 27th, 2015


Call: Peggy C, Tony S, Avengers+, Selina K, Jason T, Matt M, Bruce W, Bruce B, Pepper P, James B

[After returning.]

[Call: Peggy C]

[Locked to Tony S]
Make it home in single-digit pieces?

[Locked to Avengers+: Tony S, Bruce B, Thor, Natasha R, Clint B, James B, Peggy C, Sharon C, Teddy A, Billy K, Wanda M, Flash T, Peter P]
Can I get an update from everyone? Locations, statuses, etc.

Does anyone know what happened to the HYDRA agents taken captive?

And can I get a briefing on the Stark Tower attack?

[Locked to Selina K]

[Locked to Jason T]
How're you doing, son?

[Locked to Matt M]
Come upon anything new recently? Any new websites worth sharing?

[Locked to Bruce W]
Thank you for all your help.

[Locked to Bruce B]

[Locked to Pepper P]
Hi, Pepper.

[Locked to James B]
Hey, B James.


Tony's Bay Lab: Peter/Tony/Gwen

[The blonde girl (she wasn't sure it was okay to call herself Gwen) wasn't sure how long she'd been there; her short-term memory was still kind of sketchy.

She'd avoided talking to everyone since she'd been led into the containment cell at Tony Stark's Bay lab. She remembered the place as a creation of Doctor Banner's (not her Doctor Banner, because if what Flash said was true, then she hadn't ever met the man herself), but she still had the associated memories that corresponded with the creation of the lab.

The containment cell was comfortable, and the girl sat back against the wall on the clean cot, knees to her chest and her chin against her kneecaps. She knew this was necessary, this period of testing to determine what she was. Depending on the results of the biometrics and additional tests, then they could decide what needed to happen to her. She understood that if any evidence of the symbiote was found in her cells, then the logical course of action would be to destroy her in some manner, and she would be the first to argue the necessity of such an action (but it didn't make it any easier).

She was trying not to think about her current situation too much, which was challenging for her. She was trying not to cry, which was just as challenging. She focused on plucking at her pleated skirt, and on using the sleeve of her pink sweater to keep any tears at bay.]

Jun. 23rd, 2015


Peter P, Flash T, Harry O, MK R

[Locked to Peter P]
Want to come see a movie with me tonight, tiger?

[Locked to Flash T]
Are you like, friends with Jason?

[Locked to Harry O]
Hey, slugger. How's it going?

[Locked to MK R]
How're you doing?

Jun. 10th, 2015


log: carnage comes home

Who: Carnage, Peter Parker, Flash Thompson
What: "Gwen Stacy" goes back to Aunt May's house to recuperate.
Where: Aunt May's house
When: After the fight on the Turnpike.
Warnings/Rating: Creepiness.

It is Gwen Stacy. )

Jun. 8th, 2015


Marvel Comms (All)

[Some crackling. JARVIS has to do a lot of work to try to bridge the various comm lines, and he's been cut off from most of the places he's used to being (example a: Tony's suit). He manages to join the Avengers comms, those from other doors on the line, and localized aid in Stark Tower, just in time for some real chaos. Peggy coughs into the line through smoke and dust: an inauspicious beginning.

Smoke and debris is now billowing out from the center levels of Stark Tower after the explosion in one of the main labs. On the ground, HYDRA agents not bright enough to make themselves scarce in the chaos have all either retreated into small pockets of resistance, or are quickly being taken into custody by arriving National Guard.]

Sound off, please. Bloody hell. Is the building coming down?

Jun. 5th, 2015


[Marvel: WashDC!Gwengeance (Post 1 of 2)] + Public, Comms, and Pepper P.]

[Comm to Pepper P.]

Pepper. I need the containment unit in my lab, and I need it now. How close are you?

[Avengers Comms and Transcribed to Public.]

Hi, I accidentally kicked an anthill named HYDRA and they’re pissed. Backup might be nice. [Explosion not transcribed, but it’s on the news by now.] Lots of backup. Tons. I’d take your grandma with a slingshot. Ow!

Jun. 3rd, 2015


public, peter p, mary jane w.

The funeral for Gwendolyn Stacy will be Monday, 2 PM. St. Patrick's Cathedral.

[Locked to Peter P.]
Were you and Gwen dating?

[Phonecall to Mary Jane W. Ring!]

Jun. 1st, 2015


Bobbi M, Peter P, ETA: Tony S, Jason T

[During this.]

[Locked to Bobbi M]
Bobbi, I need your help.

[Locked to Peter P]

ETA: [Locked to Tony S]

ETA 2.0: [Locked to Jason T]
Jason, hello. Peter suggested I contact you.


Call: Peter P

[After seeing this.]

[Call to Peter P]

May. 31st, 2015


[locks to sharon c, steve r, tony s, peter p]

[Sharon C]

Hey. I don't know if you still work for SHIELD, but I need to know where they would lock down something dangerous and alive.

[Stever R]

Do you know where SHIELD would keep something like Carnage?
[Struck out when he hears from Sharon and there is no response.]

[Tony S]

Gwen's dead. Wanted to tell you, in case no one had yet.

[ETA: Peter P]

Working on finding out where Carnage is now. Do you know anything?

May. 30th, 2015


flash t.

[The morning after this. Obliviously.]

[locked to flash t.]

Hey, Gwen was supposed to come by my place last night but she never showed. And she's not answ Did things go bad with Harry or something?

May. 29th, 2015


Peter P

[Text to Peter P]
[As she waits at Midtown Library for Harry, and just after this.]


I'm still waiting on Harry, but can you do me a totally tiny favor?

May. 26th, 2015


spidey kids, public

[locked to gwen s., flash t., mj w., harry o. (individually)]

So, this time it was weird dreams. You okay?


[Pfffft anon.]

Hey, lady in the cage I let out. You there?


Peggy C, Sharon C, James B, Tony S, Flash T, Gwen S, Matt M, Natasha R, Avengers+

[After falling asleep in the middle of all of his previous conversations, and just after seeing Selina's post (and the news).]

[Locked to Peggy C]
Did you make it through okay?

[Locked to Sharon C]
Well. That was fun.

[Locked to James B]
Hey, how was it?

[Locked to Tony S]
I was going to ask you about your dream, but maybe I should save it.

[Locked to Flash T]
I'm sorry I lost you in that conversation. Are you doing alright?

[Locked to Gwen S]
How are you doing, Gwen?

[Locked to Matt M]
That was the hotel.

[Locked to Natasha R]
Doing okay, Nat?

[Locked to Avengers+: Tony S + Bruce B + Thor + Natasha R + Clint B + James B + Peggy C + Sharon C + Wanda M + Billy K + Peter P, ETA: Teddy A, Bobbi M]
I hope everyone made it out the other side alright. You might've heard about the Hulk. We're looking for him now.

May. 12th, 2015



There are speakers louder than mine. I wish those, for any coin you would name. What are the best?

And what best vinegar for the floor and sage for the head?

May. 10th, 2015


Gwen S, Peter P + Flash T + Gwen S, Wanda M, Selina K, Call: Peggy C

[Locked to Gwen S]
How're you, Gwen?

[Locked to Peter P + Flash T + Gwen S]
Any updates?

[Locked to Wanda M]
How're you doing, Wanda?

[Locked to Selina K]

[Call: Peggy C]
[Early morning. Ring!]

May. 9th, 2015


Bruce B, Peter P

[Locked to Bruce B]
Doctor Banner? I know we don't know each other well, but I have a favor to ask.

[Locked to Peter P]
I just learned the weirdest thing.

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