[She was pretty much vibrating with excitement. Literally. Her hands were shaking. When she arrived at Starbucks, early, she ordered what amounted to an Oreo latte, had them add three shots of espresso (and then a fourth for luck), and drank it inside of two or three minutes.
Sitting at a table that faced the door (but wasn't
near the door because that would be weird), she jumped every time the damn thing opened. She knew she'd recognize Hal Jordan's face. Even if he was eighteen years younger than the last time she'd seen him. And wasn't that just the best thing ever. Hal. Jordan. She supposed the stomach twisting anxious sort of excitement she felt was the same kind of feeling most people felt when they met someone like, oh, Batman.
Which was dumb. Because she'd met Hal before.
Or maybe the feeling had something to do with all the weird around Gotham. She wasn't exactly a fan of the weird.
God, she hoped he'd pick something up with his ring and then smash it against something else.]