[Locked to Avengers+, sans Bruce B & Tony S, incl. Sharon C, Bucky B, Sam W, & Wanda M]Situation update:
The urgent situation in DC that Dr. Banner had gone to assist with has taken a few unfortunate twists, though they have made some progress. Mr. Stacy, who was involved, has been injured. She's been brought back this side. She is currently stable, as far as I know, her prognosis is unknown. Dr. Banner continues to lend a hand and we are all to remain here and out of Gotham until he's back and/or the situation is fully resolved. I'm getting infrequent updates from parties involved and will relay them as they come. I've excluded Dr. Banner from this post, so as to allow him to continue focusing on the task at hand.
Tony is unchanged. I believe Ms. Potts has been named the interim director of his Board of Directors, acting from out of town.
We are still unsure as to what caused the blast at Stark Tower, but things continue to lean toward someone with a power targeting the Tower. We do not know why. Wanda is still looking into the matter, following the few leads she's gathered. We'll keep Barton on watch duty, if you don't mind, Clint. Carol, if you could assist. The two of you can work out what you need to. No specifics, so much as keeping your eyes peeled for suspicious behavior/persons near the Tower.
Wanda, do we know if the blast came from inside? If so, if Natasha and Sharon could work on gathering the security footage and names of people going into Stark Tower that evening, if available. If it came from outside, then footage might be helpful, but without a name, I don't know how much we'll learn, even if we do see anything.
Peter, Natasha, and Jessica: what did you discover, with regards to your mission with the person offering powers?
Peter, Bucky should be getting in touch with you privately soon.
Does anyone have any skills when it comes to engineering? Sam Wilson, whose name I'm sure you've seen around, has a suit he needs fixed. Can someone lend a hand? This is also a good time for an introduction. Sam, everybody. Everybody, Sam. Sam helped me in DC. He's a good man and a friend. If there's no one who can help, Sam, we can wait for Tony, or I can give it a shot. But I make no promises on how good it'll turn out.
Buck, if I could get an update from you privately.
Torunn and James, I don't know how busy Peter is—Peter?—but if he's occupied, it would be great if you could continue as you've been doing.
Thor, are you still off-world?
Ms. Drew, I realized I don't know [...] enough about your powers and skills.
Did I miss anything? Does anyone need anything? If anyone wants to step out, has other plans, &c., of course do so.