[True to her word, in an hour, Ginny had arrived at Hogsmeade. Desperate to get away from the unnatural quiet of the castle--and the inevitable fact it was
unfair she had to go back to school after she already took N.E.W.T. tests--it was a welcome reprieve to meet her old friend and housemate. Had it been anyone else but Neville, she'd have taken pause about meeting a male friend at his apartment.
But it was Neville, whom she was convinced didn't possess an ignoble bone in his body. It was safe.
Approaching his apartment, Ginny wasted no time in knocking. While she waited, she crossed her arms and leaned one against the door frame casually. Without thinking of pesky things like "neighbors," she called out:] I hope you're hungry, because I'm planning on getting all the non-school food I can. [She grinned.]