[It comes to the FDNY in Hell's Kitchen, wrapped all neat and tidy in white paper with her name on the front, printed out from a computer. It's delivered by a private courier, no return address and no name given to identify the sender, but the courier? It's different than the last gift that was sent.
The gift is different too. A couple of cold packs are in there, generic gel things that could be bought at any drug store on any block, still holding onto the cold to protect the contents therein. And there, nestled between those packs, a small tupperware container. Opened, one might start to wonder if it was a piece of meat inside. But further examination shows so much more horror.
A tongue.
Neatly severed at the base and larger than one might have thought.
It's fresh, only a couple of hours since it was severed from its host, and examination will show that its owner was still very much alive at the time of removal.
There's no note, no fingerprints to speak of other than that of the courier.
Another cold trail it seems.]