[After she manages to get Joey to a Gotham hospital after
this. She barely escaped the hospital without getting checked over herself as she's rather covered in his blood.]
[Louis D and (reluctantly) Shane A]I don't know how much either of you are in contact with Joey, but he's injured his hand. I don't know if he's going to need additional help.
["Gray"]I've returned. Whatever Abida tells you, I'm fine.
[Blake][After she managed to wrangle the name out of Joey on the way to the hospital.]
Joey told me that you're the one he's staying with. There was an accident and he cut himself rather badly, so there's [...] a lot of blood in your kitchen. I would have cleaned it up, but I had to get him some care and I couldn't get back in once we left. I'm sorry. If you need, I can come clean it or pay for it to be cleaned. Please let me know.
[Joey]I know you don't have to, but it would be good to hear from you again. Even just to tell me how you're doing after the hospital. I'm sorry the visit went the way it did.