Who: Clementine & Graham
What: Meeting up
Where: Queensbridge Park, Queens
When: Nowishly
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Clementine was dressed in
Wasn't that she had any great fondness for her FDNY "waiting" attire, but she was living out of a bag some, and least these were clean and smelled like something nice. Evie, she was real good 'bout keeping things at the firehouse that smelled nice. There were only a few women 'round Engine 26, but they all appreciated it plenty. Least, Clem sure did.
Too, she reckoned it was better to not look like she was trying hard. She didn't want to replay that diner in her head, the one where Graham sat across from her saying all the ways he wasn't interested any. This wasn't trying, and it was real deliberate. She was already wound up some over looking different than she had last time Graham had seen her, and zombies and Valentine's Day felt like years in the past. Not that Graham didn't know what she looked like, because she was right back where they'd started. Blonde, looking less like her sister, and the age God intended.
It was Spring, pretty as a picture and clear skies mid-day. Still wasn't near as nice as home, and she missed Savannah's blooming. Their small town in that big city, hers and Graham's, it bloomed like madness each spring. Azaleas every damn place, and Clem's hair smelled of them; she never did lose her love for that scent. Spring was like starting new, and she'd been trying real hard to do just that recent.
She had her bag and her jacket, and she dumped both beside a bench facing that big old bridge. Children laughed and ran all over the playground behind where she took herself a seat, and she settled to watch some. Way she figured it, Graham could go on and do the work of finding her in the big old park. Might make the man ornery, but she liked getting him fussed some.