quicklog: buffy/faith, sunnydale high → hotel
[The library felt empty without Giles.
Buffy had heard talk about a sub librarian, someone to fill in, but no one had filled the position yet. She was hoping no one would. Every day she kept expecting some new Watcher to show up, too, but that hadn't happened either. No Wesley, no Giles, no Xander. Willow was here, which she was totally grateful for. And Angel, but she was a tangle of conflicting emotions where he was concerned. Faith? Uber complicated, in an entirely different way. Throw in Spike having a soul and she was missing the good old days. Life had never been normal, but it had never been this either.
But meeting up with Faith to explore this hotel... thing was guaranteed to be a distraction. That was something, and she was confident enough in her ability to handle herself around the other girl. School was out, the halls were empty, and she waited for her fellow Slayer in the library, since that seemed to be their unofficial meeting point. She swung her booted feet while she sat, armed with her trusty stake tucked away inside her jacket, and wondered (for the millionth time) how Faith and the Mayor could possibly be connected.]
Buffy had heard talk about a sub librarian, someone to fill in, but no one had filled the position yet. She was hoping no one would. Every day she kept expecting some new Watcher to show up, too, but that hadn't happened either. No Wesley, no Giles, no Xander. Willow was here, which she was totally grateful for. And Angel, but she was a tangle of conflicting emotions where he was concerned. Faith? Uber complicated, in an entirely different way. Throw in Spike having a soul and she was missing the good old days. Life had never been normal, but it had never been this either.
But meeting up with Faith to explore this hotel... thing was guaranteed to be a distraction. That was something, and she was confident enough in her ability to handle herself around the other girl. School was out, the halls were empty, and she waited for her fellow Slayer in the library, since that seemed to be their unofficial meeting point. She swung her booted feet while she sat, armed with her trusty stake tucked away inside her jacket, and wondered (for the millionth time) how Faith and the Mayor could possibly be connected.]