[Public, but locked away from Stiles/Spooky]Hi, I know things are really messed up in a few places, but if any super powered people get the chance, I could use some advice. My name's Scott McCall, I'm from a place called Beacon Hills. One of our friends is possessed by this like ancient angry fox spirit. It's complicated. And back home we managed to stop it, but we don't have the things that helped stop it before. So we're kind of screwed and don't know what to do. He was sick in New York so I'm coming to get him now from Bobby, but I don't know what to do from here. We need help.
[Locked to Zatanna-Swap from the bodyswap event]Hi. I know we were sort of anon before. And that this is probably weird. But I remember you said you knew magic, and I could really use some magical help.