[A short, ten second mobile phone video goes viral this morning.
The video is supposed to be recording the unremarkable damage to a white sedan, caused by a fender bender on the side of the road. It's interrupted almost immediately by the masked Daredevil, clearly visible in black and red material (though no proper suit and no weapons), landing on the roof of the sedan and sliding down it, feet first and full-length, into traffic. He flips over two more moving vehicles, both of them taxis, and then launches himself
through an empty school bus that happened to have a few windows down on either side.
The astonished viewers (who are yelling in surprise in the background of cars honking) lose sight of him in the violet light of dawn as he pursues someone down an alley on the opposite side of the road. Both are lost before anyone thinks to pursue. The video ends with a pan back to the hood of the white sedan, which now has a smear of blood on it.]