batfam+, steve r., jl., eddie n.
There is something happening in the Marvel door. I'm not sure of specifics yet, but due to Crane's presence there and his fondness for toxins, I think he might be responsible. So far there's been an increase in violent behaviour, this will likely escalate. Therefore, until further notice, I think it's best if no one enters the Marvel door, and no one from there comes here. The last thing we need is for this thing to spread like the plague.
[A pause.] As well, I'm sure you're all aware that Ra's is back in Gotham. Keep an eye out for anything suspicious.
[locked to steve r.]
In light of recent events, I think it would be wise to stop traffic to and from the Marvel door. I'll speak to my people, can you speak to yours?
[locked to the justice league.]
I have a favor to ask.
[locked to eddie n.]
Selina. Can you monitor her vitals?