Log: Hatter/Iris
Who: Hatter and Iris Morgenstern
What: They finally meet up in an interesting way
Where: Hotel + Equestria
When: Current
Warnings/Rating: Most likely fluffy, will change rating if necessary.
[Hatter loved that Wonderland was never predictable and that it changed but was the exact same. He got lost constantly in his own home, and that was comforting. But he was also having such an unexpected great time in this new world! Equestria, they said. It was bright. He thought Wonderland was bright, but the colors here were vibrant, they almost seemed unreal. If he didn't have grass under his hooves he'd think he got into the Fantasy tea again. The last time he ate three of his hats. This was more fun. He ran around until he got tired and then ran some more, kicking and enjoying the new body. Hatter never got to be different, not really. They were who they were, staples, in a shaky world.
Iris said she could get to the hotel, and in truth, he didn't have an idea of time. He was confused about time, everywhere, so he found the door he came in to get there, and he did little hoofs dances in front of it. Every once and awhile he would pull it open and say 'Irissssssss' into the abyss. If he left he might not be able to get his horsie back and he liked his horsie. Or he'd get confused and walk to the wrong door again, like Alice said, Alice tried to get him to Gotham. If Iris came here he wouldn't need to be in Gotham.]
Irissssssssssssssssss. [He said out into the hotel. He clomped his feet]
What: They finally meet up in an interesting way
Where: Hotel + Equestria
When: Current
Warnings/Rating: Most likely fluffy, will change rating if necessary.
[Hatter loved that Wonderland was never predictable and that it changed but was the exact same. He got lost constantly in his own home, and that was comforting. But he was also having such an unexpected great time in this new world! Equestria, they said. It was bright. He thought Wonderland was bright, but the colors here were vibrant, they almost seemed unreal. If he didn't have grass under his hooves he'd think he got into the Fantasy tea again. The last time he ate three of his hats. This was more fun. He ran around until he got tired and then ran some more, kicking and enjoying the new body. Hatter never got to be different, not really. They were who they were, staples, in a shaky world.
Iris said she could get to the hotel, and in truth, he didn't have an idea of time. He was confused about time, everywhere, so he found the door he came in to get there, and he did little hoofs dances in front of it. Every once and awhile he would pull it open and say 'Irissssssss' into the abyss. If he left he might not be able to get his horsie back and he liked his horsie. Or he'd get confused and walk to the wrong door again, like Alice said, Alice tried to get him to Gotham. If Iris came here he wouldn't need to be in Gotham.]
Irissssssssssssssssss. [He said out into the hotel. He clomped his feet]