Who: Lily Evans & Severus Snape
What: Talking.
Where: Slytherin dungeons.
When: Now.
Warnings: Nah.
[Descend a staircase and pass through the corridor, through the damp smell of stone and the metallic chill that pervaded any underground dungeon that was worth its spooky lore. It was the middle of summer, and Lily wore sleeves. She'd never had much of a purpose in coming down to the Slytherin Common Room, although it seemed silly to avoid it now since this year's Head Girl business was bound to include all of the castle. She'd never ventured into the other common rooms(it seemed rather invasive didn't it?), and she had no intention of starting now, with the snake den. Rather, she would only stand in the corridor, and she would speak the words that she carefully recited on her way down the dungeon stairs. Words that were meticulously written on parchment earlier, words that were x'd out in frustration and began anew with determination. Lily would speak words that were polite, but dignified. She would give instructions to Severus for while she was away, and it would be an extension of kindness to the rival house -- something that would certainly be expected of a Head Girl.
Just because Severus was prejudiced and rude, that didn't mean that Lily should lapse on her responsibilities. Truly heavy is the head that wears the crown.
Lily came a stop before the Slytherin common room door, and she straightened the cuffs of her sleeves before knocking three times. She would talk to Sev like he was any fellow student, and not like he was a friend who'd cruelly betrayed her.]