[batfam/JL/+ lock.]Eddie is going underground to look for water and electricity. Anyone who'd like to go with him, let him know. In the meantime, Gordon and about thirty of his men are trapped in the GCPD building. Superman, I want you and Oliver to get them out and bring them somewhere more secure. One of the safe houses, or even Wayne Enterprises-- I have it secured. We can work on coordinating with the police then. Oliver, Ms. Lance is welcome to join you.
We still need to get into City Hall. That seems to be a base of operations, or at least one of them. As for the rest of you, where are your locations? We need people on the ground as well, in neighbourhoods. Any supplies you can find, anything at all, will help. People are going to need it.
[locked to superman.]I want you to keep an eye on Oliver and Ms. Lance.
[locked to barbara gordon.]We're sending people in to get your father and the others out. Can you patch the GCPD in to our frequency? We need open lines of communication.
[locked to lois lane.][As Batman.]
Hello, Ms. Lane.