[Mary's script is long and flowing, written steadily in professional Tudor era handwriting. It reads more of a journal entry than anything else, as the idea of speaking to someone is still not really something that she's keen on doing. However, she is lonely, so she is reaching out here.]
It is strange, to be in this place where there are no others. At first I thought it had to be sorcery that caused their disappearances. I do not know what I was thinking. No sorcery that I have heard of could have caused such a thing. I know differently, now.
Sir Wagner? Are you still present? Does anyone here know of the kind Sir Wagner? I'm...[here, she pauses, and the time between writing is significant enough to notice the pause] I would like to visit another world. I believe it is necessary, important to do so.
I cannot stay here alone forever, after all, can I not?