November 2015




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Jun. 8th, 2015


Ezra B; Public; Hal J

[Ezra B/Jules B]
[In the wake of her being so gallantly and swoonworthy-ly rescued by a certain Green Lantern from this explosion. There were quite literally hundreds, if not thousands, of voicemail/texts/messages sent to Ezra over the course of a few days. Highlight reel. )

[Public: (And unfortunately for her drunk ass) as Ana G]
[Edit: changed after she hears from Ezra.]
Who here does the whole finding missing people thing? Ezra is still a missing people. He's not dead. A bounty hunter, maybe? He'd think that was fucking cool.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

[Hal J/Ana GJules B]
heyyyy sorry for radio silence. Thanks for being all super good guy.

Jun. 5th, 2015


Marvel Update

[The night of this indie show starts off with a bang. One of the wrestlers, Ezra Bard, who had been suffering from quite possibly the worst sneezing fit known to mankind, dropped an elbow from the top rope and the whole place exploded. Literally. It literally exploded. The ring suddenly gives out with a loud BOOOOOOOOOOM, sending the corner posts flying and the ropes snaking through the crowd like that one movie Ghost Ship. You know the one. Like, it was just a regular ghost story and then all of a sudden there was piano wire, WHY? Anyway. So, a bunch of people get hurt, there's structural damage (though the building somehow stayed standing) and the wrestler that caused the blast goes missing.]

Jun. 4th, 2015



I found that wymyns dream interpretation book I won in a completely legal bet. Anyone looking for some meaning? I will warn you, it appears to be that most dreams are nothing more than impending slavery to dicks or that you're about to start your period.

[The Bards]

I can hear that sneezing all the way from the ladies locker room. Who is it? I don't need a cold right now. I feel like I'm getting a sore throat.

Also, we SHOULDN'T do a HxC title promo at that VERY PUBLIC funeral on Monday, right?

[Text: Hal J/"Bat Facts"]

[From a burner phone she picked up at the sketchy bodega downstairs. Flood of texts incoming.]

Thank you for signing up for Bat Facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about bats! /\^._.^/\

The Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus) has glands on its face that can produce a musky odor, similar to a skunk, which may be used for defense. Though one of the larger North American bats, its tendency to fly low to the ground searching for scorpions makes it vulnerable to many predators. (To cancel Daily Bat Facts, please reply: BatCancel)

Would you like to receive a Bat Fact every hour? (To cancel, please reply with one time code: T269qoiOIH392ufwo)

Apr. 30th, 2015


Public; Ezra B



Yeah. You.

You totally want some Chinese food. You also want to tip the delivery girl VERY WELL.* Lobby delivery available until 4am. You probably shouldn't get anything with broccoli in it. You really don't want to know why, but this is LIFE. SAVING. INFO. For real. BELIEVE THAT!

Mention #RIPPerrito and get 61.9% off - TOO SOON! half off. You have to say 'Hashtag' or 'Pound Sign'. He would have appreciated it. And then spit beer in your face.

* - This is NOT hypnosis. She** needs rent money.
** - She =/= Me.***
*** - Maybe?

[Ezra B]

Why in the fucking fuckity fuckfuck omgggggg is DELIRIOUS emailing me about you not replying to him?!

Apr. 14th, 2015


quicklog: Ezra/Jules - Star Wars

Who: The Bards
What: Exploring. Becoming Darth Sexay & Darth 2 Hotty?
Where: Star Wars - Coruscant
When: Now-ish? After Jules gets back from Lost.
Warnings: Swearing, probably.

It was a planet of connections and commerce, of poets and politicos, of blackmail and blackmarkets. )

Apr. 4th, 2015



[Private to Jules B.]

Hey. You around?


Where do I sign up to be a villain goon?


bards log marvel comics

Who: The Bards
When: backdated a bit to when they had a fight
Where: gross NY alley
What: fighting, emo
warnings: wrestling talk, swears

Get in the ring. Get out of the ring. Get back in. Get me water. Stay out of the ring. I don’t need you. )

Mar. 13th, 2015



[She posts one of these awesome posters.]



Mar. 9th, 2015


Public again - after looking around a bit - Call to Jim G

Pros Cons
Dodged Sister's High School Graduation Bullet No Hawaii Trip, and family seems to be missing
Cats are okay Dirty dishes still in sink (wtf?)
Have job - Dammit, Jim I'm a Doctor This Gotham smells worse
All belongings in tact Except missing shoe is still missing
Bruce Wayne is Mayor Bruce Wayne is a minor
Bruce Wayne as a minor Mayor is still probably better than last five mayors combined I think I've been kidnapped by time and space
Amazon Prime Account seems to be in order Now have to use Amazon budget to brush up on alternate Universes
New tablet! Suspect tablet is probably cursed

[Call to Jim Gordon's Desk Phone from the Medical Examiner's Desk Phone]

Professional Ring!

Mar. 5th, 2015



I hate technology, okay? My DVR messed up and didn't get my show last night.

Anyone in here catch the new episode of Dog Cops on their DVR last night? I'll show my gratitude with a six pack and a pizza.

Mar. 3rd, 2015


Public; Ezra B


Hello. I want to play a game.

I've recently come into possession of a dream interpretation book by completely legal and totally legit means. Help a girl out. Tell me your dreams, and I'll tell you what they mean.

[Ezra B] )

Feb. 25th, 2015


ezra moves to the big city

[The journal can't figure out his name, so for now it's Ezra (Zach) B.]

Holy crap, that's Stark Tower.

[Private to Jules B.]

New York is scary and dirty and I hate it.