Who: Luke & Cris
What: Talking, drinking, you know.
Where: A
When: After
Warnings/Rating: Probably swearing idk.
Honestly, Luke didn't get out much.
So maybe he was a little bit of a homebody. What was wrong with that? There wasn't anywhere else he wanted to be, nobody else he wanted to be with. It didn't bother him, that Wren (and the kids) were his world. Work, home, that was his life, and he was happy with it. —But having a friend, someone to talk to, would be kind of nice. Sure, he liked the other cops in his precinct but there was stuff he couldn't say, things only people mixed up with the hotel got, and they weren't
friends so much as they were coworkers.
He liked Cris. Cris seemed nice. Going for a drink, just hanging out, it seemed like a good idea.
As always, he told Wren where he was going, who he was going with, and promised to text when he was on his way home. He took a cab to the bar instead of driving, since he didn't want to leave the car there if he ended up drinking too much. Which he might—why not? Between people leaving, coming back, and leaving again, combined with the last couple months, he thought he'd earned it.
casual, Luke got there a little early and grabbed a seat at the bar, ordering two beers while he waited.