[The cell wasn't much, but there was a bed, a place to sleep, and it was safe, and given the state of things beyond those walls, that counted for a lot in this world. Beau had seen some bad places when he traveled, people who slept on straw mats, people who clawed at the ground for what little sustenance they could eek out of it, and he had been grateful
then that he didn't have to struggle. But now, without the safety of the modern world and with those
things wandering the land out there, he longed for home, for the menial day to day things that were good and bad in the same breath.
He was stretched out on his bunk, fingers laced behind his head, looking up to the ceiling, lips pursed in thought. A noise to the side drew his attention to the one he was sharing the cell with coming in, and Beau lifted a hand in greeting.] Hey.