Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
16th May 2020 16:52 - You're Invited to the Party!

art by [info]mywitch

Banging Birthday posting begins TOMORROW! *\o/*

Click the banner to join in on DreamWidth!
1st January 2020 12:08 - Banging Birthday is on the Way!
Happy New Year!

Kinky Kristmas: Comment Kink is still very much ongoing, but it's also time to get the ball rolling on Banging Birthday! We've put up a general information post as well as some additional information for members on the comm on DreamWidth. Be sure to take a look!

[info]daily_deviant * [info]daily_deviant * [info]daily_deviant
15th December 2019 11:47 - Kinky Kristmas: Comment Kink is Live!
Kinky Kristmas 2019: Comment Kink Edition is now OPEN!!

art by [info]akatnamedeaster

Click the banner to go to the KK:CK post... and begin making everyone's holidays happy!
12th December 2019 20:01 - Advertising Kinky Kristmas!
As promised, here is the first advertising banner to help get the word out about Kinky Kristmas. Just copy and paste the code anywhere and everywhere. Let's bring lots of folks over to join in the holiday fun on DreamWidth!

art by [info]akatnamedeaster

And members: Don't forget to put in your prompts before the event post goes live on Sunday. Yes, you'll still be able to put in "late" prompts even after the event begins, but if you want the first wave of participants to see them, you'd better hurry!
9th December 2019 19:19 - Kicking Off Kinky Kristmas!
General information for this year's Kinky Kristmas: Comment Kink is now up on Dreamwidth, as is the prompt collection post for members. We'll be collecting prompts for this week only, then the event post will go live at noon U.S. Eastern time on Sunday, December 15. So, members, be sure to get your prompts in quickly! And everyone -- both members and watchers -- be there on Sunday to snag a juicy prompt!

[info]daily_deviant * [info]daily_deviant * [info]daily_deviant
8th December 2019 19:36 - Daily Deviant DreamWidth is Live!
Our move from IJ to DW is (mostly) complete! We still have a few things to tidy up, but the layout is in place and nearly all of the essentials are transferred over. We're ready to continue the pervy party in our new pad!

...Which means we'll have Kinky Kristmas information up shortly. Yes, we're running behind, but it'll all work out. We'll just rearrange some things and run the holiday festivities into January. There's no rule that says we have to put the red silk stockings and Santa hats away on January 1, right?!

So we'll devote the rest of December and all of January to running Kinky Kristmas, preparing for Banging Birthday, and completing the last bits and pieces of the move. We'll shift "everything old is new again" to February. March will be birthday-themed. And April will be Banging Birthday posting. More information on all of this is on the way.

One quick note to our posting members: You might be used to seeing the links to the monthly themes, calendar page, posting rules, and header codes in the comm's sidebar. Due to differences in layout capabilities on DW, those are no longer in the sidebar. You can still find the links listed near the bottom of the userinfo page, though. Apologies for any confusion.

We'll keep this post short so that we can work on getting Kinky Kristmas info together. We hope to have it all up tomorrow evening.

Thanks for your patience! We'll get some action going again soon...
20th September 2019 19:52 - Addendum to Previous Message
Current Daily Deviant posting members who are not yet members of the comm on DW, feel free to hit the "join" button. We’ll approve your membership ASAP.

Any former posting members who might have left due to inactivity on IJ or something similar and are interested in returning after the move to DW, just get in touch with us! We’ll get you taken care of.

Watchers do not need to "join" the DW comm; you only need to "subscribe." As always, no fic or art will ever be locked, so you need only watch/subscribe to view all the content.

The DW comm will likely be messy for a while as we move things around. And remember, the move officially happens in November. Please keep watching Daily Deviant on IJ for further news and announcements as well as great, smutty work throughout the rest of September and October!
19th September 2019 19:19 - Important Announcement - Big Plans for Daily Deviant
We have several announcements to make, but the primary one is this:

After thirteen and a half years on InsaneJournal, we’ve decided that it’s time to relocate Daily Deviant to DreamWidth.

We’ve loved living on IJ, and we’ve stayed put for as long as we could, but recent months have made it apparent that the comm can no longer thrive here. Spam commenting has become a major issue. We can’t leave anonymous commenting on without getting thoroughly flooded with junk. And with anon commenting turned off, no one can use OpenID to comment with other accounts either. Therefore, no one can comment or participate unless they have an IJ account. Even more limiting is the fact that new users can no longer open IJ accounts without an invitation code from an existing user. This creates a situation that’s counter to the atmosphere of participation and interaction that we’ve always attempted to foster.

So, we’re moving. We already have a Daily Deviant comm on Dreamwidth. Up until now, it’s only been used as a placeholder and a spot to crosspost announcements. Over the next couple of months, we will work on getting it set up to be a fully functional community.

We will officially be designating November as "Moving Month." There will be no kinks/themes for the month. Instead, we will focus on making sure that all of our members get moved over and set up, and that everything is up and running.

All of this means that our plans for Kinky Kristmas are changing. Since our energy will be focused on the move, we won’t be able to run KK as the full, double-blind anonymous event as we’d originally intended. Instead, we’ll be running Comment Kink again. However, we’ll be running it on DW, which means there will be a much greater opportunity for open participation.

And then we will be running Banging Birthday as the full, double-blind anonymous event in March. (Actually, we’ll probably run it in April to allow plenty of time for prompt claiming and writing/drawing after KK... but exact details will be hashed out later.) We’re optimistic that, by that time, everyone will have heard about the move, participation will be high, and gobs of smutty fun will be had by all (or at least a great many).

Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be focusing on making sure as many people as possible are aware of the move. We’ll be reaching out to members who’ve been a bit absent and whipping up some advertising banners. We’d really appreciate it if all of you would help us to spread the word. Let your freaky friends know that the pervy party is continuing at a new address. Once we have banners, please repost them. As always, this comm is great because of its members!

Stay tuned for further updates regarding the move, Kinky Kristmas, Banging Birthday, and more. Things will continue to be "business as usual" for the rest of September and October here on IJ until Moving Month in November. Keep on kinking the place up. Then we’ll see you in our new home soon!
4th March 2019 18:56 - 13th Birthday Bash: Give Us Your Prompts!

We're now collecting prompts for a new party game that will kick off following the end of the Dirty Drabble/Drawble Days. We're looking for birthday, anniversary, or other celebration-themed OBJECTS and LOCATIONS. They can be HP-specific or general; magical or mundane.

Leave your prompt ideas in a comment to this post. Comments are screened. We'll continue collecting prompts for one week. Be celebratory, be kinky, be creative!
1st March 2019 22:06 - The 13th Birthday Bash is Coming!

2nd January 2019 14:58 - New Year News!
The holiday madness has passed, so it's time to make a few quick announcements...

First of all, we want to let everyone know that we now have TEN ELEVEN new members on board going into the new year! Everyone give a warm, kinky welcome to [info]_frumpologist, [info]amorettehd, [info]blackorchids, [info]hikarievandar, [info]kdavranox, [info]keyflight790, [info]kiertorata, [info]leontina, [info]seraphinavictus, [info]snax0, and [info]themightyflynn. *\o/*

Now that we have lots of new folks added to the calendar, our next step is to do a bit of spring cleaning around the comm. We'll be moving a few members who've been inactive for a while to the wild card box or removing them entirely. If we move/remove you and you still want to participate, just let us know! We'll gladly add you back.

Also, a reminder: For those who want to be able to keep up with Daily Deviant announcements on LJ or DW: we have comms for that! We crosspost major mod messages to dd_updates on LJ or daily_deviant on DW. Watchers here can watch those comms as well; posting members can join.

Everyone, stay tuned! We'll have some additional bits of info and new themes posted for our members very soon, plus news about our thirteenth birthday celebration!
1st January 2019 11:32 - A Final Kristmas Side Note
Sometimes Kristmas spills into January...

If you wanted to write/draw for Kristmas Comment Kink but weren't able to get your piece completed in time: You have another chance!

Members: You can opt to use any unfilled Kristmas prompt as the basis for your January piece. The usual monthly rules apply: 1,000 word minimum for fic, completed piece for art.

Watchers: Same goes for you! Email your pieces to us (dd.mods at gmail), and we'll make sure they get posted on an available date.
1st January 2019 11:20 - Kristmas Comment Kink 2018 Final Roundup

art by [info]akatnamedeaster

Click the banner to go to the Kristmas Comment Kink event post!

December has ended, and so has Kristmas Comment Kink 2018. We ended up with another fantastic assortment of filthy fic and art featuring all sorts of characters, kinks, and themes. As always, we are immensely proud of the work you pervs people create for this community.

Enormous THANK YOUs going out to those who created pieces to fulfill others' naughty Kristmas desires this year as well as everyone who read, viewed, commented, and generally followed along. Participation and interaction are more valuable than ever in fandom these days, and YOU are the folks who keep us all coming back. ♥

Below is the final roundup of Kristmas pieces posted. Quite a few appeared in the final week, so browse through and make sure you didn't miss anything great!

FIC: Between Them; Teddy/James Sirius/Albus Severus; double penetration by [info]lq_traintracks
FIC: Give Me Everything; Harry/Snape; rimming by [info]gracerene
FIC: Dirty Crimes; Harry/Draco; dirty talk by [info]keyflight790
FIC: Made for This; Neville/Charlie; anonymous sex by [info]_frumpologist
FIC: Charlie/Harry; spreader bar by [info]leontina
FIC: Green Satin, Green Lace; Harry/Sirius; panty kink by [info]hikarievandar
FIC: Ruined; Ron/Viktor; first time, experimentation by [info]gracerene
ART: Secrets; Albus/Minerva; teacher/student, illicit encounters by [info]milotzi
FIC: Rendezvous; Kingsley/Rabastan; long-time lust by [info]hikarievandar
FIC: Uncomplicated; Ron/other male + Harry; voyeurism by [info]digthewriter
ART: Field of Dreams; Luna/Firenze; outdoor sex, cunnilingus by [info]akatnamedeaster
ART: Minerva/Severus; topping from the bottom by [info]milotzi
ART: Minerva/Rufus; long hair by [info]milotzi
ART: Minerva/Narcissa; infidelity by [info]milotzi
ART: Snape/Harry; spanking, schoolgirl uniform by [info]akatnamedeaster
FIC: Carry On, Boys; Remus/Sirius; voyeurism, exhibitionism by [info]iamisaac
FIC: Nice and Slow; Draco/Severus; praise!kink by [info]gracerene
FIC: Voldemort/Harry; sensory deprivation by [info]leontina
FIC: Pass the Salt, Brother Dear; Sirius/Regulus; exhibitionism by [info]fangqueen
FIC: Natural; Neville/Lavender; loss of virginity, experienced woman/inexperienced man by [info]gracerene
FIC: Breakfast in Bed; Harry/Draco; feeding kink, oral sex by [info]torino10154
FIC: Giving In; Lucius/Rabastan; drunk sex, rough sex, breathplay by [info]hikarievandar
FIC: In the Lift; Ron/Pansy; public fingering by [info]keyflight790
FIC: Curiosity; Tracey/Daphne, Tracey/Michael; unapologetic slut by [info]hikarievandar

Everyone stay tuned! We'll have some announcements for the new year coming up, as well as new themes and info about out thirteenth birthday celebration soon.
23rd December 2018 11:24 - Kristmas Comment Kink Week 3 Roundup

art by [info]akatnamedeaster

Click the banner to go to the Kristmas Comment Kink event post!

An updated list of the freaky fills so far... (Note that they're listed in the order that they appear in the event post, not in order of submission. So check through the list to make sure you're not missing anything!)

FIC: Dirty Crimes; Harry/Draco; dirty talk by [info]keyflight790
FIC: Charlie/Harry; spreader bar by [info]leontina
FIC: Ruined; Ron/Viktor; first time, experimentation by [info]gracerene
ART: Secrets; Albus/Minerva; teacher/student, illicit encounters by [info]milotzi
FIC: Rendezvous; Kingsley/Rabastan; long-time lust by [info]hikarievandar
FIC: Uncomplicated; Ron/other male + Harry; voyeurism by [info]digthewriter
ART: Field of Dreams; Luna/Firenze; outdoor sex, cunnilingus by [info]akatnamedeaster
ART: Minerva/Rufus; long hair by [info]milotzi
ART: Minerva/Narcissa; infidelity by [info]milotzi
ART: Snape/Harry; spanking, schoolgirl uniform by [info]akatnamedeaster
FIC: Nice and Slow; Draco/Severus; praise!kink by [info]gracerene
FIC: Pass the Salt, Brother Dear; Sirius/Regulus; exhibitionism by [info]fangqueen
FIC: Natural; Neville/Lavender; loss of virginity, experienced woman/inexperienced man by [info]gracerene
FIC: In the Lift; Ron/Pansy; public fingering by [info]keyflight790

There's still over a week to go before the party ends. Plenty of time to join in and stuff a stocking!
16th December 2018 11:15 - Kristmas Comment Kink Week 2 Roundup

art by [info]akatnamedeaster

Click the banner to go to the Kristmas Comment Kink event post!

We're halfway through the month and moving right along! A couple of things to note:

1. A few claims were past their expiration date and have been removed. If you were interested in filling a prompt but found that it was claimed, check it again. If you claimed a prompt and are still working on it, you'll want to go back and reclaim it.

2. We expect some new prompts to appear soon, so if you're still looking for a tempting prompt to fill, keep an eye out over the next few days.

The smutty stocking stuffers to date:

FIC: Dirty Crimes; Harry/Draco; dirty talk by [info]keyflight790
FIC: Charlie/Harry; spreader bar by [info]leontina
FIC: Ruined; Ron/Viktor; first time, experimentation by [info]gracerene
ART: Secrets; Albus/Minerva; teacher/student, illicit encounters by [info]milotzi
FIC: Uncomplicated; Ron/other male + Harry; voyeurism by [info]digthewriter
ART: Minerva/Rufus; long hair by [info]milotzi
ART: Minerva/Narcissa; infidelity by [info]milotzi
FIC: Nice and Slow; Draco/Severus; praise!kink by [info]gracerene
FIC: Pass the Salt, Brother Dear; Sirius/Regulus; exhibitionism by [info]fangqueen
FIC: Natural; Neville/Lavender; loss of virginity, experienced woman/inexperienced man by [info]gracerene
FIC: In the Lift; Ron/Pansy; public fingering by [info]keyflight790

There's still plenty of time to add to the list!
9th December 2018 15:32 - Kristmas Comment Kink Week 1 Roundup

art by [info]akatnamedeaster

We're off to a bit of a slow start, but several more claims have been made, so more lovely bits of smut should be on the way soon. And there are still loads of great prompts waiting to be filled! Remember, it only takes 200 words or a simple sketch to make someone's holidays happy!

The tasty treats so far:

FIC: Charlie/Harry; spreader bar by [info]leontina
FIC: Uncomplicated; Ron/other male + Harry; voyeurism by [info]digthewriter
FIC: Nice and Slow; Draco/Severus; praise!kink by [info]gracerene
FIC: Natural; Neville/Lavender; loss of virginity, experienced woman/inexperienced man by [info]gracerene
FIC: In the Lift; Ron/Pansy; public fingering by [info]keyflight790

Keep 'em coming! ;D
2nd December 2018 10:59 - Kinky Kristmas: Comment Kink is On!
Kinky Kristmas 2018: Comment Kink Edition is now OPEN!!

art by [info]akatnamedeaster

Click the banner to go to the KK:CK post... and begin making everyone's holidays happy!
26th November 2018 19:42 - Kinky Kristmas Reminder!
In case anyone missed it over the (holiday) weekend, here's the announcement again:

art by [info]akatnamedeaster

This holiday season, Daily Deviant is bringing back Kinky Kristmas: Comment Kink Edition to smut up your December!

Our members are already putting in requests for some small, smutty goodies that would make their holidays extra happy. Both members and watchers will have the opportunity to fulfill their wishes with little gifts in the form of kinky comment fic or art. Remember, pieces only need to be a minimum of 200 words (if fic) or a sketch equivalent (if art). We hope lots of friends and fandomers will gather 'round our tree for some quick, easy, and dirty fun!

The event post goes live at noon U.S. Eastern time on Sunday, December 2!
22nd November 2018 17:24 - Help Get the Word Out!
Here are some handy-dandy, copy/paste advertising banners that everyone can use to help us spead the word about Kinky Kristmas: Comment Kink. Please do help us advertise! We're working hard to get more new members on board and direct the holiday traffic to the comm, but we could really use your assistance. So if you want the party to be big, be sure to send out the invite!

art by [info]akatnamedeaster

art by [info]venturous

...And members, if you haven't done so yet, be sure to get over to the event post and put in your prompts!
15th November 2018 17:21 - Kinky Kristmas: Comment Kink is Coming!

art by [info]akatnamedeaster

This holiday season, Daily Deviant is bringing back Kinky Kristmas: Comment Kink Edition to smut up your December!

Our members are already putting in requests for some small, smutty goodies that would make their holidays extra happy. Both members and watchers will have the opportunity to fulfill their wishes with little gifts in the form of kinky comment fic or art. Remember, pieces only need to be a minimum of 200 words (if fic) or a sketch equivalent (if art). We hope lots of friends and fandomers will gather 'round our tree for some quick, easy, and dirty fun!

The event post goes live at noon U.S. Eastern time on Sunday, December 2!
17th April 2018 13:08 - We Await Your Kinks
All Wheel of Fornication participants, please email us your kinks! We haven't heard from any of you yet, and our members are anxiously awaiting their spring/summer themes!

...And if you missed the post and have no idea what this is about, go HERE. (And then email us your kinks!)
15th April 2018 15:16 - Wheel of Fornication Winners!
Apologies YET AGAIN for the delay. *headdesk* My internet had been teasing me for a while, then it finally went down and stayed down on Monday. It was fixed Friday afternoon... but at that point, I decided to just wait until today/Sunday to make this post so that it wouldn't be overlooked on the weekend. So at long last...

Here they are! The Wheel of Fornication Winners! We had a tie in one category, so we have four awards to hand out rather than three:

Congrats to our winners, and huge thanks to everyone who contributed, commented, and generally played along!

Everyone who participated can now choose a kink/theme for the spring-summer months! Poll winners, you can choose two!

Any kink/theme you like that hasn't been used in the past year is fair game. (You can go here to see which kinks are off limits.) Email your choices to us (dd.mods at gmail). As soon as we've heard from everyone, we'll get the themes for the rest of spring and summer posted.

Thanks again to everyone for another fun and filthy birthday celebration!
6th April 2018 13:47 - It's Time to Vote for Your Favorite Fornicators!

Don't forget to vote for the most deliciously deviant pieces on the Wheel of Fornication!

Voting continues until midnight Monday (U.S. Eastern time). When the weekend is over, so is your chance to tell us what you think!

(Note that voting is anonymous. Everyone can see the numerical votes, but no one other than the mods can see how anyone voted. So don't be afraid to chime in!)
4th April 2018 01:00 - Time to Vote for Your Favorite Fornicators!
Apologies yet again for the delay. My internet connection and I need to have a serious heart-to-heart about its habit of wanting to go down at the most inconvenient times. (Still not at fun as it sounds!)

[Posted using this personal journal rather than the mod account due to the fact that polls can only be created/posted by paid or permanent accounts. Apologies for the aberration!]

It's time to vote for your favorite Wheel of Fornication pieces in a few fun categories! You'll have five days to read, view, and vote -- until midnight U.S. Eastern time on Monday, then we'll announce the winners and hand out awards on Tuesday.

A couple of quick notes about the categories:

For "best use of prompt," in cases where multiple prompts were used in a piece, you only need to vote based on the use of one prompt that you particularly liked. E.g., if someone's use of "birthday cake" was only average, but their take on "pin the tail on the donkey" was the greatest thing ever, you absolutely can vote for the piece in this category.

As for "deliciously deviant": define that however you choose. The kinkiest, the most irreverent, the least fit for polite society. Pick the piece that you believe most represents the sort of thing we all love around this comm.

Once again, here's the masterlist of pieces.

...And here's the poll!

Poll #7986 The Wheel of Fornication Winners
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

Which contains the most blisteringly hot birthday bang?

Let's Slip Away
1 (10.0%)

It's My Party and I'll Lick Pussy if I Want To (Part 2)
2 (20.0%)

By Personal Invitation Only or: The Potions Master Entertains
1 (10.0%)

Packs a Punch
0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

Slow Hands
0 (0.0%)

Her Waiting Mouth
3 (30.0%)

Ribbons and Beaux
0 (0.0%)

Ladies' Night
3 (30.0%)

Which contains the best use of a prompt?

Let's Slip Away
1 (10.0%)

It's My Party and I'll Lick Pussy if I Want To (Part 2)
1 (10.0%)

By Personal Invitation Only or: The Potions Master Entertains
2 (20.0%)

Packs a Punch
0 (0.0%)

1 (10.0%)

Slow Hands
0 (0.0%)

Her Willing Mouth
1 (10.0%)

Ribbons and Beaux
1 (10.0%)

Ladies' Night
3 (30.0%)

Which is the most deliciously deviant?

Let's Slip Away
1 (10.0%)

It's My Party and I'll Lick Pussy if I Want To (Part 2)
4 (40.0%)

By Personal Invitation Only or: The Potions Master Entertains
2 (20.0%)

Packs a Punch
0 (0.0%)

1 (10.0%)

Slow Hands
0 (0.0%)

Her Willing Mouth
0 (0.0%)

Ribbons and Beaux
0 (0.0%)

Ladies' Night
2 (20.0%)

2nd April 2018 17:59 - The Wheel of Fornication Masterlist
It's now April, which means Daily Deviant's birthday month has now come and gone! Below the cut you'll find a maserlist of pieces created for the Wheel of Fornication, complete with included prompts. Tomorrow we'll be posting a poll so that everyone can vote for their favorite naughty tidbits in a couple of fun categories. Until then, make use of the masterlist to catch up on anything you might have missed.

The Wheel of Fornication Masterlist )

Enjoy, and come back tomorrow to take part in the poll!
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