Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
21st June 2013 15:11 - Come, Be Alone With Me in a Crowd
Title: Come, Be Alone With Me in a Crowd
Author: [info]tryslora
Characters/Pairings: Neville/self, Neville/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: sacofricosis
Other Warnings: agoraphile (arousal by crowds/in a crowd), sex in public places, voyeurism
Word Count: 2,817
Summary/Description: The first time Neville rode on the tube was an eye-opening (and extremely pleasurable!) experience, so he kept going back.
Author's Notes: To whoever it was who told me to write this kink with Neville, um, thank you. It buried itself in my subconscious and came back as this. Many thanks to my alpha and beta readers; you are so wonderful to me. As always, I don't own the world or characters of Harry Potter, but I do love to play with them (and definitely do things the author never intended!).

Come, Be Alone With Me in a Crowd )
21st May 2013 09:06 - Nothing Hurts Like You Do
Title: Nothing Hurts Like You Do
Author: [info]tryslora
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: heterosexuals, sadism, erotic asphyxiation
Other Warnings: roleplay dub/non-con, bondage
Word Count: 1,743
Summary/Description: He waits for her, hiding in the bedroom. Darkness hides him, and when she comes in, unaware, he will have her all to himself.
Author's Notes: I planned on romantically sexy and once again seem to have taken a brief left turn and wandered off into something else. I thank the mods for the wonderful prompts this month. As always, I don't own the world or characters of Harry Potter, but I do love to play with them (and definitely do things the author never intended!).

Nothing Hurts Like You Do )
21st April 2013 09:04 - The Only Way to Be Sure
Title: The Only Way to be Sure
Author: [info]tryslora
Characters/Pairings: George/George
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Alternate pairing: George/George
Other Content: Loss of Virginity, Blowjobs
Word Count: 2,450 words
Summary/Description: Sometimes, when you’re not exactly sure about something, the only one who can help is… yourself.
Author's Notes: HI! I’m new. :) Well, not exactly totally new, I’ve participated in the last two Kinky Kristmases and have had a blast, and now I’m so excited to be a regular member here. I have to admit, I thought writing George/George was going to be seriously goofy (and the other fic I started drafting was goofier, but didn’t quite work), and this came out as the more serious side of George. Oh, and thank you to my darling [info]teas_me for her lovely beta work, as always, and to [info]eidheann_writes for helping as an alpha reader.

The Only Way to Be Sure )
7th December 2012 22:00 - Kinky Kristmas Fic: So Sane It's Driving Me Crazy (Percy/Marcus)
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]islandsmoke
From: [info]tryslora

Title: So Sane It’s Driving Me Crazy
Characters/Pairings: Percy Weasley/Marcus Flint
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: mild bondage, playing with ribbons, playing with lights, first times (together and in general), dirty talk, Christmas decorations
Other Warnings/Content: mild angst, awkwardness, growliness, sappiness, smoochies, happy endings
Word Count: ~8500
Summary/Description: Percy is alone for the first time on Christmas Eve, and bumps into someone completely unexpected, resulting in a strange night, and a magical morning.
Author's Notes: The title for this song is from Barenaked Ladies’ “Falling for the First Time,” which is a song I’ve long associated with Percy. I know this likely isn’t an expected pairing, and I do hope you enjoy this, dear requester. I wanted to give you something spicy hot, and fluffy, and awkward and sweet and a bit silly all at once with someone who can shake Percy out of his blues at being estranged from his family. I had a great time writing this (and it grew longer than I’d originally planned), and I hope you enjoy it.

So Sane It’s Driving Me Crazy )
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