Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
25th August 2010 11:17 - Fic: 'Making Ends Meet' Lucius/Narcissa, Narcissa/Other, NC17
Title: Making Ends Meet
Author: [info]softly_sweetly
Characters/Pairings: Lucius/Narcissa, Narcissa/Other
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Prostitution
Other Warnings: Infidelity
Word Count: ~1900
Summary/Description: The backbone of a home is a woman.
Author's Notes: Thank you E for the beta. Enjoy!

Making Ends Meet )
25th July 2010 21:25 - Fic: 'Three' Draco/Astoria, Lucius/Narcissa, R
Title: Three
Author: [info]softly_sweetly
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Astoria, Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Male Infertility
Other Warnings: Infidelity
Word Count: ~1300
Summary/Description: Truth is entirely relative.
Author's Notes: Thank you E for the beta. Having ma-hoosive internet issues at the moment, hence the 'skating in just before the whistle' posting today. Enjoy!

Three )
22nd May 2010 23:52 - FIC: "The Mechanism of Confession" (Severus/Narcissa, R)
Title: "The Mechanism of Confession"
Author: [info]pre_raphaelite1
Characters/Pairings: Severus/Narcissa, Lucius/Narcissa (in the background)
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: androids
Other Warnings: AU, adultery (sort of), misuse of the pimp cane.... ;)
Word Count: 1940
Summary/Description: He damn well hates being dependent, being indebted, being owned. But he would hate idleness, stagnation, and poverty more; and he knows it. To say nothing of having to leave her.
Author's Notes: This is a steampunk AU, set in 1870, that I've been toying with lately inspired by my tabletop RPG. It's not that AU, though. :P

The Mechanism of Confession )
21st May 2010 15:28 - Fic: "The Last Thing," Voldie/Bella/Cissa + Lucius, R
Title: The Last Thing
Author: [info]thegildedmagpie
Characters/Pairings: Voldemort/Bellatrix/Narcissa with Lucius voyeurism
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: menstrual taboo
Other Warnings: red wings, noncon/dubcon, incest, threesomes, unintentional voyeurism. Depressing darkfic.
Word Count: 1608
Summary/Description: Everything Lucius has has been torn away as a punishment for his failure of the Dark Lord. She's no exception.
Author's Notes: … my own fic made me tear up. I'm such a girl.

He can't decide whether to be in a perpetual rage or just give up and learn to crawl. )
23rd March 2010 20:57 - FIC: The Practice of Slavery (Hermione/Lucius/Narcissa, NC-17)
Title: The Practice of Slavery
Author: [info]kinky_kneazle
Based On/Inspired By: Beg to Serve by [info]_odella_
Characters/Pairings: Hermione/Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: NC-17
Content/Warnings: BDSM, slavery, cunnilingus, threesome, fellatio, femdom
Word Count: 1,200
Summary/Description: Despite Hermione's fight against the reintroduction of slavery, she finds herself owning the most unlikely pair and needs to find something for them to do. Lucius has a suggestion.
Author's Notes: This was meant to have more plot. A lot more plot. But I couldn't get the plot and the sex to flow easily. So in the interest of good storytelling I got rid of the plot and kept the sex. With love to my love, Frank, for the very last minute beta he did for me.

I took this month's challenge as an opportunity to look through heaps of art, and this piece spoke to me, especially the idea of Hermione, founder of SPEW finding herself with slaves. I knew I had to write the story. [info]_odella_, I don't think I've done your beautiful artwork justice, but I hope you enjoy it. Happy Birthday Daily Deviant!!!

The Practice of Slavery )
14th February 2010 17:59 - ART: Belong to Me (Bellatrix/Narcissa)
Title: Belong to Me
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Bellatrix Black/Narcissa Black
Rating: R
Warnings: incest, corseting, piercings, bondage, BDSM implied
Themes/kinks chosen: jewelry
Artist's notes: Thanks to the mods for the generous gift of extra time!
Art preview:

10th January 2010 00:26 - Fic: Like Stars Explode (Bellatrix/Andromeda/Narcissa)
Title: Like Stars Explode
Author: [info]la_dissonance
Characters: Bellatrix, Andromeda, Narcissa
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Chan, dubcon, incest, underage (17/16/13)
Themes/kinks chosen: Red wings, ritual sex (sorta kinda), symphorophilia (a bit)
Word Count: ~2100
Summary: Tradition says this day is all about fecundity and welcoming, but Bella just wants to taste a little destruction.
Author's notes: This is officially the most overworked 2000 words I've ever written, and it's all thanks to [info]r_grayjoy's gentle prodding that it ever got finished at all. Like since mid-July overworked blkjsdkf. Lots and lots of hearts to [info]icanhaspancake for the beta! ♥

Bella trails her fingertips across her sister's chest, following the contours of her ribs )
21st December 2009 12:00 - Kinky Kristmas Fic: Comfort and Joy (Lucius/Narcissa, Arthur/Molly)
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]ldymusyc
From: [info]pre_raphaelite1

Title: Comfort and Joy
Characters/Pairings: Lucius/Narcissa, Arthur/Molly
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: body worship, masturbation, trichophilia (hair fetish), tocophilia (pregnancy fetish)
Other Warnings: Fluff!
Word Count: 1180
Summary/Description: As requested, these partners have an absolute adoration for a particular part of their spouse's body and indulge themselves as the other sleeps.
Author's Notes: Happy Kinky Kristmas! I hope you enjoy this wee fic! It was quite determined to be short and sweet, no matter how long I poked at it.
Much love to Rowan for being generally awesome.

Comfort and Joy )
18th December 2009 12:00 - Kinky Kristmas Fic: Mating Games (Lucius/Narcissa)
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]ldymusyc
From: A Wondrous Watcher: [info]snapesgirl

Title: Mating Games
Characters/Pairings: Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Body worship: Mussed hair
Other Warnings: AU, I made her a bit younger.
Word Count: 2907
Summary/Description: From the first time she saw him, Narcissa has had an absolute adoration for Lucius’ hair.
Author's Notes: Many thanks to my beta readers and to my cheerleaders. This was a fun one to write and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed working on it.

love is a splendid thing )
29th June 2009 21:00 - Art: "Honeymoon Swim"

Title: Honeymoon Swim
Artist: [info]venturous 
Characters: Narcissa Black Malfoy and her young husband
Rating: R
Warnings: monogamous het sex
Themes/kinks chosen: Coitus a unda aka undinism: sex in/under water
Medium: watercolour
Summary: Off the azure banks of the Malfoy's private greek island, Lucius and Narcissa enjoy their newly married bliss

Author's notes: I tried a few things before this just wanted to happen. They, and I, really enjoyed the splashing about.

22nd October 2008 00:29 - FIC: While the Cat's Away... (Narcissa/Bellatrix; NC-17)
Title: While the Cat's Away...
Author: [info]thescarletwoman
Characters: Narcissa, Bellatrix
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: toys, incest, lingeire
Themes/kinks chosen: Adultery
Word Count: ~2100
Summary: Lucius may have his 'whatevers'... but Narcissa has her Bella.
Author's notes: It's been a while since I've had the chance to write femme and the theme fit it perfectly. Thanks to [info]jateshi for the uberly speedy beta!

...the Mice Will Play )
17th October 2008 22:35 - FIC: Pity
Title: Pity
Author: [info]senjy
Characters: Bill/Narcissa
Rating: R
Warnings: I think it turned out more than a bit purple round the edges :(
Themes/kinks chosen: Adultery
Word Count: 1000
Summary: Bill thinks through his reasons.
Author's notes: I'm tired and once again I wrote this way too late in the day, but it's done. If anybody would be willing to retrospectively beta this or just comment with all the mistakes I've made I would love you to bits. Thanks to [info]dungeons_master for providing me with at least a pairing.

Why had he done it? )
16th October 2008 23:02 - FIC: Applebite - Narcissa/Bellatrix
Title: Applebite
Author: [info]reddwarfer
Characters: Narcissa, Bellatrix
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Incest
Themes/kinks chosen: Adultery, Lactaphilia
Word Count: 1,118
Summary: Bella wants to know what it's like.
Author's notes: Thanks to [info]djin7 for the idea and [info]qtheallpowerful for the beta. Hehe. I don't usually write femmeslash…or incest…or adultery. Title and cut text by Chris Cornell.

You know what I dream sleeping in my bed. )
28th June 2008 17:45 - Art: Completion, R, NWS
Title: Completion
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Media: PS and Wacom tablet
Characters: Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy
Rating: R
Warnings: I don't think this is really terribly squicky, despite the chosen kink. I stayed away from anything bloody this time :). There's a not-very-scary scar.
Themes/kinks chosen: Castration (male)
Artist's notes: I was originally doing a Snarry with claustrophilia, but it wouldn't behave. I'll finish that at some point. This was done last night, and was nearly Bellatrix and an unnamed man, but then I started thinking about the emasculation of Lucius in DH, and a little bit about Minx's Lucius/Narcissa series, and it became a different sister. Bellatrix would have been drawn with a rather different affect - perhaps ferocity instead of a sort of dreamy fascination. Narcissa seems almost reverent :). I don't think this is a revenge cut - there's something more complicated going on here. But, um, searching Google images for the subject matter is not for the weak of stomach.

Art preview:

And this is Narcissa, who found it impossible not to continue what the Dark Lord had begun.

Completion )
23rd June 2008 08:06 - ART : The Dark Room
Title: The Dark Room
Artist: [info]remeciel
Media: pencils, gouache and Photoshop for the frame.
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Andromeda Black, Bellatrix Black, Narcissa Black, Severus Snape, Lily Evans, other students at Hogwarts in the background.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None, really. Or the tags said it all.
Theme: Orgies.
Artist's notes: This is my very first illustration for this community. So reviews are much more than welcomed. :)

Read more... )
17th May 2008 09:52 - FIC: An English Lady of a Certain Age (Teddy/Narcissa, NC17)
Title: An English Lady of a Certain Age
Character(s): Teddy/Narcissa
Rating(s): NC17
Chosen kink: Furs
Warning(s): Incest, dark elements
Word Count: 2,500
Beta: My thanks to [info]zeltkaiserin, [info]red_day_dawning and [info]dungeons_master.
A/N: This fic owes heaps and masses to the song A Lady of a Certain Age by The Divine Comedy. The cut tag is a line from the song.

Summary: Teddy had always wanted to be closer to his family.

Disclaimer: All familiar characters and situations belong to JK Rowling. No profit is being made.

And if a nice young man would buy you a drink... )
25th March 2008 23:56 - Art - NM/LM
Title: Corset
Artist: [info]ericahpfa
Media: Pen
Characters: Narcissa & Lucius Malfoy
Rating: Possibly G? PG at best.
Warnings: None. Woe.
Themes/kinks chosen: Corsets, although it's a sadly plain one. Especially for a Malfoy.
Artist's notes: I honestly don't know if this picture is so tame because of the OMG NWS! sketch from the 11th with R/S/L, or if I simply wanted an easy, pretty piece. Whatever the case I apologize for the lack of anything remotely deviant. I promise full-on genetalia in the next one! I am also sorry for the earrings, it seemed like a good idea at the time, now - not so much. (if you really hate it, pretend it's Fleur/Bill - they're practically interchangeable - NOT a good thing. Curse you black pen!)
Art preview:


Narcissa/Lucius )
14th March 2008 23:23 - ART: "The Black Sisters Picture Show"
Title: "The Black Sisters Picture Show"
Artist: [info]ebonyserpent
Media: pencil, photoshop
Characters: Bellatrix, Andromeda & Narcissa
Rating: NC-17 (NWS)
Warnings: femmeslash, incest, crack (that can have several meanings here)
Themes/kinks: corsets, penetration toys
Artist's notes: Crap, I forgot to post this yesterday! I hope it's okay to do so now. The day before I drew this, I was talking with a friend of mine who loves The Rocky Horror Picture Show and who's always begging me to draw femmeslash (especially anything with Bella in it), so this is a bit of a tribute to him. ;)

At the late night, TRIPLE feature, picture show.... )
31st January 2008 22:16 - ART: Admiring new slaves (R)
Title: Admiring new slaves
Artist: [info]vimessy
Media: digital (+2 photos - fresco&floor mosaic - as decoration; both photographed by me)
Characters: Lucius, Snape, Narcissa, Bill, Remus and Kingsley
Rating: R
Warnings: 3 naked men
Themes/kinks chosen:August 07- AU. Roman times
Artist's notes: inspired by some Alma Tadema paintings; used photo references
Art preview:

Admiring new slaves )
24th December 2007 08:01 - Fic+Art: The Tales Mirrors Could Tell (Blaise/Narcissa; NC-17)
Title: The tales mirrors could tell
Author: [info]millieweasley, [info]faraday
Artist: [info]blue_onion
Characters: Narcissa Malfoy, Blaise Zabini
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Dub-con, Dirty Talk, NWS-art
Themes/kink: Kinky Kristmas 2007
Word Count: ca 8800
Summary: After doing something to please the Dark Lord, Blaise gets to choose his reward

The snow was falling outside the large French windows… )
31st October 2007 09:39 - ART: Cost of Inheritance (Sirius/Narcissa)
Title: Cost of Inheritance
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Sirius Black/Narcissa Malfoy
Rating: R
Warnings: adultery, pregnancy
Themes/kinks chosen: My prompt was Sirius/Narcissa: A meeting to discuss who has rights to Grimmauld Place turns ugly. (AU or not). Rough sex, bondage, dub-con, but I didn't really do that.
Artist's notes: It's my first comic, so please be gentle. I know the characters don't really look the same from panel to panel, but I'm trying! Also, I ignored half the prompt. Oops.
Art preview:


Posting late with modly permission
19th October 2007 00:12 - Art: Beg to Serve (Lucius/Hermione/Narcissa)
Title: Beg to Serve.
Theme/kink: abandoned prompts : 40. Hermione/Malfoys (Narcissa, Lucius, & Draco) - Voldemort lost. Despite views of slavery, Hermione is given a gift. The Malfoys will do whatever it takes to keep her happy & avoid death. Kink & incest fine. Hermione-focus, please, & any combo is fine. No humiliation/torture/rape/death.
Warnings: threesome, tattoo/brands implying ownership
Rating: R
Media: pen&ink,pencil,ps

Beg to Serve. )
17th December 2006 19:33 - Art: Playtime, Narcissa/Harry, NC-17
Original post at daily_deviant at LJ here.

Title: Playtime
Artist: [info]ariadneelda
Media: Tablet on Photoshop
Characters: Narcissa/Harry
Rating: NC-17, NOT WORKSAFE.
Warnings: Non-con. Also see kinks.
Kinks chosen: Bondage, petplay, toys.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JK Rowling. No money is being made.
Artist's notes: For [info]eliathanis who requested: "Narcissa gets Harry as her slave. She likes to play with him. (Bondage, petplay, toys and especially a gag.)" Merry Kinky Kristmas, Elia! I hope you like it. :-)

Art preview:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Playtime )
18th September 2006 08:39 - Art: Light and Dark, Bellatrix/Narcissa, NC-17
Original post at daily_deviant at LJ here.

Title: Light and Dark
Artist: [info]ariadneelda
Media: Tablet on Photoshop.
Characters: Bellatrix/Narcissa
Warnings: Incest.
Kinks chosen: Leather, lingerie.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JK Rowling. No money is being made.
Artist's notes: For [info]daily_deviant's September kink challenge. This is so horribly fanon cliché but I had fun drawing it. :P Sorry it's several hours late.

Art preview:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Light and Dark )
21st December 2006 09:57 - ART: Only in the Dark (Lily/Narcissa)
Title: Only in the Dark
Gift For: [info]snegurochka_lee
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Media: Photoshop
Characters Lily Evans/Narcissa Black
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none
Kinks chosen: graphic cunnilingus, semi-public, no boys watching. I couldn't quite work in a wedding, but I hope the naughty schoolgirls make up for it!
Artist's notes: Trying out a sketchy coloring style.

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