Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
7th September 2007 23:14 - Fic: Taking Their Comfort (Multiple, NC17)
Title: Taking Their Comfort
Author: [info]florahart
Characters: Percy, Oliver, Luna, Flitwick, Filch, Mrs Norris
Rating: NC17
Warnings: There's a cat. Luna's not 18.
Themes/kinks chosen: Public sex if you reckon multiple pairs in a room is public. Chan if you reckon chan = under 18 (and with a teacher). Bestiality, a bit. Also, there's voyeurism and taking of direction.
Word Count: ~1075
Summary: The battle's over, and Argus tries to go on rounds of what's left of the castle.
Author's notes:
A/N: So I thought today was the 6th much of the day. I'd intended to write love, but it's getting late, so instead you get something else entirely. Though of course, Argus does love his cat.

Taking Their Comfort )
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