Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
11th July 2009 20:56 - FIC: Every Job has its Perks (Hooch/Pomfrey, NC-17)
Title: Every Job has its Perks
Author: Leela ([info]leela_cat)
Characters: Hooch/Pomfrey
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Themes/kinks chosen: Medical kink, sex in the workplace
Word Count: ~2,240
Summary: Hogwarts' new flying instructor lands herself in the infirmary again.
Author's notes: Thanks to my beta [info]angela_snape for her incredibly fast beta. And to [info]alisanne for suggesting the pairing and general encouragement.

Read Every Job Has its Perks )
11th May 2009 06:38 - FIC: Mirror, Mirror (Kingsley/Harry, NC-17)
Title: Mirror, Mirror
Author: Leela ([info]leela_cat)
Characters: Kingsley/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Themes/kinks chosen: Mutual masturbation, fingering
Word Count: ~1,670
Summary: Harry isn't willing to wait until Kingsley gets home.
Author's notes: Thanks to my betas [info]florida_minxie and [info]eeyore9990 for their lightning-quick turnaround times. And to the slash chat folks for prompting me when I couldn't figure out what to write.

Mirror, Mirror )
11th March 2009 18:11 - FIC: To Catch a Thief (Severus/Regulus, NC-17)
Title: To Catch a Thief
Author: Leela [info]leela_cat
Characters: Severus Snape/Regulus Black
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: BDSM, teenagers having sex (Severus is 17, and Regulus is 16)
Themes/kinks chosen: kleptophilia: arousal by stealing
Word Count: ~2,300
Summary: Slytherin House doesn't necessarily mind thieves. However, thieves who allow themselves to be caught in the act are a completely different matter.
Author's notes: Thanks to my betas [info]florida_minxie and [info]batdina for their lightning-quick turnaround times. And to the slash chat folks for answering my questions and encouraging me.

What happens when Slytherin House finds out that Regulus Black is their thief? )
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