Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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1st January 2008 18:40
Gah, IJ ate my comment!

I really don't know what to say about this - it's incredible, and I feel somewhat choked up after reading it, which really wasn't what I was expecting, as generally I'd never read this fic, except that it was by you so I knew it'd be good.

I love your James so, so much in this, I think you did a wonderful job of making a version of his character that is so similar, yet believably friends with Snape. This really is a fantastic retelling that felt so plausible and detailed. But oh, the tragedy of the whole thing - this bit especially really hit me:

It was always just a game to James, just one big joke. He'd cruised through life on the shoulders of giants, and had fallen in one of the greatest sacrificial acts of their time.

Fantastic, completely fantastic!
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