Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kollab, eeyore9990 and ericahpfa, Sirius/Remus 
19th December 2007 21:56
Title: There's Nothing Wrong With a Little Mutual Wanking Between Friends
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Artist: [info]ericahpfa
Media: Ballpoint pen.
Characters: Sirius/Remus
Rating: NC-17 to be safe
Warnings: Wanking of the mutual kind
Themes/kinks chosen: Kinky Kollab
Word Count: ~4800
Summary: Remus has trouble wanking; Sirius has answers and a solution.
Author's notes: First of all, thank you to [info]ericahpfa for the lovely, inspirational art and for being patient with my lateness in sending her the fic! Thank you to my writing crew and to my betas. And thank you to the mods for this wonderful idea! Happy Holidays, everyone!
Artist's notes: It just seemed to be the thing at the time. Lets face it, there is always time for R/S wanking. And I was long overdue for both a R/S and a masturbation piece. (Eey says, AMEN to that!) A special thank you to [info]eeyore9990 for joining me for this collaboration. I gave her a quick sketch of what I wanted for both pairing and kink and she more than delivered. Which is not a true collab, but she was more than generous with both her time and talent. Hugs to you, chicky!

ETA: I finally realised that the art was missing. *head desk* All is well. :P

Sirius laughed softly as he finished reading the letter from James. His friend was less than pleased with the fact that Mr and Mrs Potter had made him go home for the Christmas hols instead of letting him stay with Sirius and Remus. James had wanted to stay and pester Remus into putting the final charms and enchantments into the Map and had fought tooth and nail to stay, to no avail. Mrs Potter was a stickler for holidays being family time.

Standing with the parchment in his hand, Sirius set off to find Remus, following the sound of running water. There were only two other boys in the dorm this break, and as they were second years, they were more likely to be out having a snowball fight than taking a hot shower. Twelve year old boys and soap just did not meet that often.

As he pulled open the door and stepped into the shower room, a cloud of steam wafted up to momentarily blind him. Waving his hand in front of his face, Sirius walked forward and stuck his head around the wall that hid the showers. Remus' name was on the tip of his tongue; instead, his powers of speech left him when he caught sight of Remus.

He had seen each of his friends in various stages of nudity… oh, countless times in the six years they'd been sharing a dorm room together. But somehow he'd never caught any of them like this: wet, naked, with one hand between his legs while the other held him propped against the wall.

Sirius' mouth went dry and his stomach flipped over as lust spiked through him. He had no problem standing there watching; he wasn't one to deny himself anything and if Remus caught him, he did have an excuse. And a stiffie, but he could hide the stiffie behind the excuse, if necessary.

He leaned against the wall, blatantly staring at his friend, licking his lips as he fantasised about the water running in rivulets over the miles of pale, scar-strewn flesh. When Remus made a hissing noise and pounded his hand against the wall, Sirius jumped, thinking he'd been caught. Instead, he heard a faint, darkly muttered, "Come on, come on. Fuck!"

Forehead wrinkling, he sidled closer, eyes dropping to where Remus' hand was gripping his cock. He winced then in sympathy for the poor prick his friend was either trying to strangle or rip completely off his body. Sirius' eyes flared wide as Remus gave a great, clench-fisted tug, and decided if he didn't step in, Remus might accomplish both.


Remus spun with a startled yelp, slipping on the wet tiles and falling against the wall, water blasting off the back of his head to spray Sirius. He held up one hand, warding Sirius off, and pushed off the wall with the other hand, hunching over his half-erect cock as he darted out of the showers around Sirius, grabbing a towel from the bench on his way.

Sirius growled softly and followed the trail of wet footprints to their dorm-room, unsurprised to see the curtains drawn around Remus' bed. Not that anything as insubstantial as a curtain could ever get the better of Sirius. He reached forward and grabbed one side of the red, rather threadbare velvet and flung it back.

"Dammit, Sirius—"


"Can't you see I want—"

"Would you just let me get one word—"

"To be left alone?!"


Sirius glared down at Remus as Remus stared angrily at his feet, the towel around his waist held in a death-grip. Seeing Remus' hand fisted so tightly in the material brought Sirius' mind back to what he'd overseen in the shower and he pushed Remus' feet out of the way to plop down onto the foot of his bed. Stretching out, he propped his head on one hand and stared at Remus until his friend shot him an angry look and said, "What?"

"What were you doing?"

"I was… I was wanking--"

"Try again."

Remus blinked, momentarily startled out of his pique at Sirius' calm rejoinder. "I really was wanking."

Sirius sighed and lifted the hand not holding up his head to press at his eyelids. "Moony, darling Moony… that wasn't wanking. Unless you've somehow been living in a hole for the past three years or take the phrase 'choking the chicken' entirely too seriously."

Remus' hand tightened even further in the terrycloth of the towel, his knuckles turning white. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again with a click of his teeth. He looked away to mumble, "Hard to take it seriously when you just made it up."

"Nah, I didn't. Got an American porn rag off that Irish bloke in Hufflepuff. The 'Puffs always have the best porn. It was in there. Printed. Means it's factual." Remus' lips twitched and Sirius poked him in the foot, laughing softly. "Your rules, you can't deny them now."

He waited a long moment, but Remus didn't say anything, merely shrugged and kept his eyes fastened on anything he could find other than Sirius.

"So, were you hoping yanking on it like that would make it longer or something?" Sirius knew he was being too flippant, but he wasn't very good at heart to heart talks. That was usually Remus' domain, so he was rather floundering a bit here. He knew he was losing his friend when Remus flushed darkly and moved to stand up.

Sirius let out a little noise and jumped on Remus' feet, making Remus windmill his arms as he tried to maintain his balance on the edge of the bed. It didn't work well and he ended up with head and shoulders hanging over the side, his face growing alarmingly red from the rush of blood due to either gravity or anger. Or both.

Sirius helped Remus pull himself back up onto the bed, then sat on him so he wouldn't try to leave again. "I'm not getting up until you tell me what's going on, mate. And you know how bloody annoying I can be when I set my mind to it."

"Oh, fucking hell! Fine!" Remus' voice cracked a bit as he yelled at Sirius, which seemed to only make him angrier. "I can't come."

Sirius blinked, turned the words over in his head, and blinked again. "Come again?"

"I can't!"

"No, I mean—" he had to stop speaking to stifle an inappropriate laugh, "I mean, say that again. Because I don't quite understand…"

"I wank and nothing happens. I get sort of hard, but I can't come. The only time I've ever come was in my sleep, and I don't even get to enjoy it because I wake up and my pajamas are stuck to me and I'm all itchy and… God, just... Forget it, Sirius, okay?"

"No! Of course I'm not going to forget it! Dammit, Moony, am I your friend or aren't I? If I learned Animagus transformation for your sorry arse, I can help you with this, too." He glared down at Remus, batting angrily at his hair when it tried to fall down into Remus' face. "Now, what do you think about when you wank? Have you tried porn? I have several bits around here you can use."

Remus' lips turned down miserably and he said, "I've mentally undressed every girl in the school. All of them. You know that third year in Ravenclaw? The one with the," he made vague motions over his chest and Sirius knew which one he was talking about immediately—the girl could beat Madam Rosmerta in a wet-robes contest. "I even tried her. Nothing. Sirius," he said, his voice dropping to a whisper, "I tried thinking about Bellatrix!"

Sirius winced and leaned back, making a face. "No wonder you can't get off. That would shrivel me up for life!"

"Well, she's very…" Remus' face screwed up as he attempted to find something nice to say about Sirius' nasty little twat of a cousin.

"Evil is the word you're searching for."

Remus sagged beneath him, going boneless with despair on the mattress. "Sirius, I just… the only time I've ever come was when I was dreaming."

"What were you dreaming about then?"

Remus blanched and looked away, obviously fighting with himself over whether to talk about his dreams.

"Was it some sort of weird kink?"

"No, it was… I was hunting deer. At the full moon."

Sirius sat back, at a loss for words. "Oh."

Remus sat up, pushing Sirius off of him and hiding his face in his hands. "Oh, God, forget I said that!"

"No, no, it makes sense!" Sirius rushed to say, though he hoped like hell Remus wouldn't ask him how it made sense. "I think—" And then the obvious answer hit him and he started laughing, small chuckles at first that turned into loud guffaws, leaving him clutching his sides as he rolled around Remus' bed.

The slamming of a door made him realise that Remus had stormed off in the middle of his fit of hilarity.


Jumping to his feet, he ran out of the room and caught Remus just as he was about to completely scandalise the lone third year girl that had stayed behind. "Wait! Remus, fucking hell, wait," he panted, nearly falling down the stairs as he attempted to take them three at a time. He finally got close enough to tackle Remus into the wall of the stairwell, nearly killing them both, but since it served to stop Remus from running away, it was worth it.

Breathing harshly, he said, "I wasn't laughing at you, prat!"

"You certainly weren't laughing with me!"

Sirius rolled his eyes and motioned back up toward their dorm room. "Come on, you don't want to talk about this out here."

"I don't want to talk about this at all!" Remus shouted, gesticulating so wildly that his towel started unwinding from his hips. Sirius reached down and grabbed it before it could fall away completely.

"You're going to talk about it now, or I'm going to talk about it at dinner. Loudly. When I ask Madam Pomfrey about it."

Remus went white, then red. "You wouldn't."

"You don't want to find out."

Remus growled and stomped up the stairs, slamming the door against the wall on the way into their room. Sirius winced and said, "You have something against that door?"

Remus didn't answer, just threw himself back onto his bed, burying his face in his pillow. Sirius swallowed thickly when he saw that Remus was so angry he didn't notice that his towel was no longer covering him. And damn, did he have a fine arse.

Remus said something, but it was so muffled by his pillow that Sirius couldn't understand him.

"What's that?"

Remus lifted his head and swung it around to glare at Sirius. "I said, this is blackmail!"

Sirius nodded, pointed to himself, and said, "I'm a Black. Can't deny bloodlines like these."

Remus scowled at him before pushing his face back into the pillow.


"I only allow my friends to call me that."

"Right. Moony, I know what's wrong with you. Which, it's not really wrong, it's just not something that would be your first guess, obviously."

Remus turned his head slightly until Sirius could see the outline of his nose and one slit-open eye.

Sirius walked over and patted Remus on his naked bum, grinning when his friend jumped, shocked, at the touch. "There's really nothing to worry about, Moony, old man. You're queer, is all."

Remus rolled over, presenting his enticingly nude—though regrettably unaroused—front-side to Sirius. "What?"

"You're queer!" Sirius said happily. "Gay. Homosexual. A flaming poof!"

"I am not."

"Oi! No need to get defensive about it. And I really think you are. Did you ever try wanking to thoughts of a bloke?"


"Well, there you are, then."

"There I am, nothing! I am not queer!"

"Why not? What've you got against queers?"

"Nothing! But don't you think it would have occurred to me a few years ago if I was? I mean, don't you think I would have noticed myself noticing other blokes? Eyeing you and James up in the showers, maybe?"

"Not Peter?"

Remus pulled a face and shrugged. "Not even if I was queer. He's a good friend, but he's not easy on the eyes."

Sirius nodded, feeling a fleeting bit of pity for their mousy friend, and began to pace up and down the dorm room, thinking. Suddenly he stopped and spun on his heels, his hands splayed to the sides in a way that made him wish he was wearing a frock coat so that it could flare dramatically around him.

Sirius stalked quickly over to Remus, hopped onto the bed in a crouch, and said, "You're very science-y."


"Yeah. And since we can't agree on this issue, I propose a…" He flailed, searching for the word. "A test thing. With hypotenuses."

"An experiment? With hypotheses?"

"Yes! That! We should have an experiment. My hypotheses is—"

"Hypothesis. One hypotheses is a hypothesis."

Sirius flapped his hand and said, "I'm making a hypothesis, Moony. Pay attention."

Remus' lips began to curl into a grin at that, making relief flood through Sirius. "Now, my hypothesis is that you're gay." When Remus looked ready to argue, he held up one hand and said, "But I'm willing to be convinced otherwise. I submit that you don't realise you're gay because the hottest blokes in school are your two best friends. Which means you haven't allowed yourself to look at me," he paused and smiled rakishly, "and James in that light."

Remus rolled his eyes and said, "What's your experiment, then?"

"I get to attempt to seduce you. If you remain unseduced when I'm done, you're obviously not gay."

Remus looked unconvinced, prompting Sirius to sigh mightily and say, "Fine, then. Remus John 'Moony' Lupin, I'll bet you my porn stash that you're queer. If you're any sort of Marauder, you won't allow your manhood to fall into dishonour and you'll accept the terms and conditions of this wager."



"Impressed as I am that you've invoked Marauder Code for this theory of yours—very clever, that—I believe you've missed a fine point. You aren't queer."

"Of course I'm not. As if I'd give up a full fifty percent of my sexual conquests on something as silly as gender."

Remus began nodding, then stopped, a question in his eyes. "You… what? Fifty percent?"

"You didn't think I only chased birds, did you?"

Remus' eyes flared wide and he said, "Why didn't you ever say anything?"

"What did you think I was doing with Richard Clement all last term?"


Sirius howled with laughter at that, finally calming long enough to say, "Moony, have you ever known me to study?"

Remus opened his mouth and paused, closing it again with a softly whispered, "No, actually. How the devil did I miss that?"

"Ah, but you were so proud of me. I hated to burst your bubble. 'S why I told Jamie not to say anything to you."

"So, you're…"

"I like to think of myself as an equal opportunity man."

Remus' lips twitched again, prompting Sirius to drop onto his hands and knees above him and slowly lower his body until it was flush with Remus', whose eyes flared wide with something approaching panic. "Sirius—"

"Hush, Moony. I did invoke Marauder Code, so you have to let me seduce you."

Remus flinched at that and turned his head. "I don't need your pity, Sirius."

Sirius pushed up and sat back on his heels, studying his friend. "I could say it's not pity, but I don't think you'd believe me." Slowly, his mind on the problem of what to do with Remus, Sirius stripped his worn t-shirt over his head, balled it up, and tossed it on the floor. "You are aware that you're dead sexy, right? I mean, it isn't like this is a hardship for me. I always kept my hands to myself because… well, because you're my best mate and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I thought you were straight." He shrugged then and unbuttoned the fly of his denims.

"Sirius, what are you doing?"

"Getting naked, of course."

"Oh. I mean, I see that. Why are you getting naked?"

"'S hard to wank when you've clothes on."

Remus blinked, opened his mouth to say something, and shut it again.

Sirius winked at him and said, "Even if you're not queer, there's nothing wrong with a little mutual wanking between friends, is there?"

Remus shot him an incredulous look and appeared to be about to say something when Sirius sat down next to him, using his headboard to lean against as he took his cock in hand and turned to look at Remus. "You're bloody gorgeous, you know? I've wanked over you more than once."

"Over me?" Remus said, eyes shooting to the space between their beds as if imagining all sorts of foul and evil deeds being committed there.

Sirius laughed and said, "No, idiot, not like that. Although… that's a damn kinky mind you have there, Prefect Lupin. If my hypothesis is correct, can we try that sometime?" Sirius held his breath for a bare moment, not quite understanding the feeling that surged within him as he opened himself to the possibility of this going further than a shared wank in the dorm.

He blinked, slightly shocked, as he realised he'd like to pursue Remus. His best bloody friend—aside from James—and he wanted to pursue him. Not having James immediately on hand, he turned to Remus and said, "Moony, do me a favour?"

Remus, whose leery gaze seemed to be stuck on Sirius' hand, lifted one eyebrow and said, "Hmm?"

"Be someone else for a minute because I need to talk to you about you and I don't want you to overhear our conversation."

Remus dragged his gaze away from Sirius' cock and said, "You do realise that made no sense at all, right?"

"Well, then, be you-my-best-mate and not you-my-potential-lover for a minute, all right?"


"See, now, you're not being you-my-best-mate right now. Get your mind right. I need to talk to you."

Remus rolled his eyes and said, voice false with good cheer, "What's that, mate? How can I help?"

"Better, but you needn't be sarcastic." Before Remus could roll his eyes again, Sirius said, "I have a dilemma."

"What's that?"

"I think I might be in danger of losing my heart."

Remus blinked, shocked. "What?"

"I know! It seems impossible, doesn't it? He's a sneaky bugger, though. I was going along, everything was normal, and then… out of nowhere."

"I had… heard that might be how it happens… Bugger it, Sirius, I can't do this!"

"What? Wanking? I know, I saw. We're going to work on that."

"No, I mean sitting here listening to you talk and not thinking about… You can't be serious."

"Yes, I am. I've a name badge around here somewhere."

"No, I mean—"

"Moony, what would you do if you found yourself possibly falling for someone?"

"I—I—I!" Remus flailed, knocking the bedcurtains around a bit.

"Hmm, you think I should tell him?"


"Really? Show him, then?"


"Right then. You can stop being you-my-best-mate now. Because I'm about to kiss you. And I'd feel weird kissing my best mate." Remus' mouth dropped open in shock, prompting Sirius to grin and say, "Oh, that's nice," before he twisted, ducked his head, and kissed Remus.

It was… nice. Not at all what he'd expected, what with Remus just sitting there not participating, but Remus' mouth was sweet and his lips pleasantly plump and his teeth had a nice edge that Sirius could nearly feel biting love marks into his arse. Oh, yes, it was nice.

Pulling back slightly, he murmured against Remus' mouth, "This would be much better if you kissed back. I'm not complaining, mind, just giving a few pointers."


"Never mind then," Sirius said, returning his full attention to Remus' mouth. He licked at Remus' bottom lip and drew it slowly into his mouth, sucking on the soft flesh before drawing back enough to pull the skin taut. Remus shifted forward then, following Sirius… or his lip. Before long, Remus' tongue was moving inexpertly against Sirius', causing Sirius to sit back with a groan, drawing Remus over him to sit on his lap.

Once Sirius had Remus kissing him back with the passion he knew his friend to possess, he allowed his hands to slip down Remus' back, kneading muscles and counting knots in Remus' spine along the way. When he reached the base of Remus' spine, he didn't hesitate, sliding his fingers onto Remus' arse and playing lightly along the crack.

Remus pulled away from the kiss, sucking in a huge lungful of air as he did so. His eyes were wide and dilated as he stared down at Sirius, his lips swollen and red, and he was flushed all over. Sirius dropped his eyes to Remus' lap. Oh, yes… all over.

Sirius looked up and saw that Remus had followed Sirius' gaze to his lap and he was staring in a sort of bemused wonder at the erection that was straining from his groin. Sirius reached down and ran his hand lightly along the underside of his own cock, making sure that his knuckles brushed against Remus' also, who groaned and dropped his head back at the touch.

"As a follower of Marauder Code, I would like to take this opportunity to say 'I told you so,'" Sirius said, lips curving into a half-smirk as he watched Remus shiver with arousal.

Remus' head came back up and he looked at Sirius with an expression hovering between excited and chagrined. "How did I not know?"

Sirius shrugged and said, "I don't care why you didn't know before, I'm just delighted that you know now. Because I can't wait to watch you wank over me now."

Remus swallowed, the sound loud in the otherwise silent room. "I'm not so good at that, Sirius. Could you…?"

Sirius shook his head and wet his lips with his tongue before he said, "No. I want to watch you. I want to watch you wank. And I want you to come on me."

Remus sucked in a breath and said, "Show me."

Sirius thought about it for approximately a third of a second before he slowly curved his hand around his cock, using a light grip at first to ensure he didn't get too excited too quickly. Licking his lip again, he said, "Hold it like this."

Remus' eyes looked nearly fevered as he watched Sirius's hand slide slowly up and down his cock. With a slightly shaking hand, Remus reached down and took his own cock in hand, mimicking Sirius' hold, letting out a small murmur of pleasure that made Sirius hiss and tighten his hand on his cock.

Slowing it down, Sirius laid his head back against the headboard and reached up blindly to wind his hand in the bedcurtains. "Shift around some," he said huskily, and nodded when Remus moved to straddle his left thigh, bringing their cocks so close the head of Sirius' brushed the underside of Remus'. Sirius dropped his right leg over the side of the bed, bracing it against the floor.


"A bit harder now," he whispered and slowly squeezed his hand around his cock as he slid it up and down faster, aiming his cock at Remus' to get that deliciously soft friction against the head and the nudge of Remus' knuckles as he sped up his strokes.

"Ah, bugger," Sirius moaned when his dry palm began to chafe.

"Wh-what?" Remus' hips were shifting back and forth now and his face was set in lines of pleasure-wracked concentration.

"Need lube."

Remus' glassy eyes tried to focus on his for a moment before his breath hitched and he whispered brokenly, "Don't… ah… think it… oh, fuck. Sirius!"

Remus fell forward, bracing himself against Sirius' chest. His eyes opened wide before slamming shut as he gave a broken cry and began to come, the hot liquid pulsing up and over his clenched fist and landing in thick puddles on Sirius' belly. He fell all the way against Sirius then, shaking violently as pleasure wracked his body.

"Keep stroking," Sirius said, turning his head to whisper the instruction in Remus' ear. Taking advantage of Remus' closeness, Sirius let go of the bedcurtains and wound his hand into Remus' hair, using his hold to turn Remus' head and pulled him into a deep kiss as Remus rode out the final pulses of his orgasm.

Sirius let go of his cock to swipe his hand through the still-warm come on his belly before taking hold of it again, the slippery stickiness of the come a balm to the skin that had been just this side of too chafed for continued wanking.

Remus utilised his newly acquired kissing skills to drive Sirius out of his mind, sucking on his tongue and nibbling erotically on the very tip even as he massaged Sirius' shoulders and chest, occasionally glancing over a sensitive nipple. Finally, Remus pushed back, breaking their kiss and looking down to watch Sirius roughly fisting his cock, on the edge of coming but not quite there.

Remus' softly spoken, "Can I help?" nearly pushed Sirius over the edge; his hand caressing the head of Sirius' cock did. With a shout, Sirius arched up, coming hard, his vision whiting out with the force of it.

"Keep stroking," Remus whispered into his ear before nibbling gently down his neck.

"Fuck!" Sirius shouted, Remus' teeth sending shockwaves through him. "Fuck," he whispered, as the last pulse of his orgasm rushed through him.

"Later," Remus murmured against his neck. "I'm still new at this whole being queer thing, but I know the rules. There's nothing wrong with a little mutual wanking between friends, but you're not coming near my arse until I get a Hogsmeade weekend out of you at the very least."

That surprised a bark of laughter out of Sirius. "But what if I want you near my arse?"

Remus pulled back and blinked down at him, lips slowly spreading into a smile. "Well, then, that's a bit different, isn't it?"

Sirius smirked and relaxed back against the headboard again, though he had slid down in the bed a bit and his neck was at an odd angle for looking up at Remus. "Different, eh? Means you want to jump my arse. I don't blame you. I've a very fine arse."

"Well, I would hate to have a go with someone so eager, Mr Black. Never know where that arse has been, do I now?"

Sirius' eyes opened in shock as he said, "Oi! I've told you everywhere my arse has been."

"No, you told me-your-best-mate. Me-your-future-lover—"

"You-my-current-lover," Sirius grumbled.

Remus' smile now split his face and the warmth of it lit his eyes. "Me-your-current-lover has never had a full accounting of all the blokes who've had their turn on your arse."

Sirius reached up to pluck at the bedcurtains to keep his eyes averted from Remus' when he admitted, "Full accounting is easy. There's been a grand total of none." Swinging his gaze back to Remus', he said, "But that's not because my arse isn't the finest to be had, mind. It just means my arse is picky about who it allows near it."

Remus reached down and gave Sirius' arse a light pinch. "Not too picky. You'll notice it didn't even bite me."

Sirius laughed and said, "Idiot. My arse doesn't have teeth. Can't bite."

Remus grinned and said, "That remains to be seen. I think your arse just likes me and doesn't want to scare me off."

Sirius slid the rest of the way down in the bed, pushing and pulling until Remus was lying half on top of him. He was getting the post-orgasm sleepies now, but didn't want Remus to think he could have the last word. "'Course my arse likes you. It has good taste. And if the rest of me hasn't scared you off by now, a biting arse certainly won't. Just give it up, Moony," he said around a yawn. "You're quite stuck with me."


"Me in all my many splendid forms. Now shut up and sleep. I want to watch you wank in the showers again when we wake up."

Remus' chuckles shook the bed, but Sirius didn't care. He was already asleep.
20th December 2007 05:10
very hot stuff
20th December 2007 05:36
Remus certainly is a quick-study, isn't he? Lovely, sexy and sweet and the drawing is just gorgeous!
20th December 2007 07:01
"Be someone else for a minute because I need to talk to you about you and I don't want you to overhear our conversation." *giggles* Sirus is so adorable in his quest to help Moony.

And that picture is so hot! The intensity between them as they're both realizing this is more than just a wank is so evident here.
20th December 2007 09:19
Sweet and sexy and such a lovely picture!
20th December 2007 09:30
This is wonderful!
20th December 2007 10:19
Wow!! That was truly fascinating and hot!! As well as incredibly funny XD
Sirius talking to Remus the friend about Remus the potential lover cracked me up and had me literally lying over the keyboard in laugh-induced hysteria XD XD XD

And the art really portrays the wanking scene well. It's absolutely gorgeous and hawt!! O.O
20th December 2007 11:36
Suddenly he stopped and spun on his heels, his hands splayed to the sides in a way that made him wish he was wearing a frock coat so that it could flare dramatically around him. HAHA. *pictures Snape*

I have been in a R/S mood the past days and had run out of fic. Just after I told my friend I wanted a "boys wanking!fic," here this is to cater to my needs.

Beautifully created, both of you.
20th December 2007 12:12
I missed this. It was a lonley 4 weeks without my internet. :D
20th December 2007 14:04
Wow! This was hot, both very in character and the drawing is as hot as ericahpfa's stuff always is! ie. very!

20th December 2007 14:16
This was adorable! I think my favorite bit was the exchange: "Moony, have you ever known me to study?" Remus opened his mouth and paused, closing it again with a softly whispered, "No, actually. How the devil did I miss that?" Your Sirius in particular felt spot-on!
20th December 2007 14:41
The story is fabulous and artwork is gorgeous. Both are quite sexy.
20th December 2007 15:06
I love the characterisation. And the dialogue. Too many perfectly Sirius lines to catalogue!

And the art - how can ballpoint pen be so expressive?
20th December 2007 15:39

*is a puddle of goo*

That was excellent. The fic and the pic go together so well. Hot and sweet.

20th December 2007 19:42
Awesome - I love it when the boys teach other new tricks. And the art was unbelievably delicious! :)
20th December 2007 20:34
OMG Eey and Erica!!! I'm in heaven! My fave author and artist collaborating together!!!

And holy shit was this the hottest thing ever? *dies* I swear I love you guys more than words can say!!!!
20th December 2007 20:48
Oooo fantastic! Both story and art are amazing!
20th December 2007 21:01
OMG FTW. *flails*

Just brill. Both the hot and the lol.
20th December 2007 21:28
Guh! Hot!

I loved your Sirius. He's got quite a way with words, and you can tell he's got an ego, but he's not a completely arrogant SOB. He actually reminded me of Capt. Jack with his dismissal of gender cutting into his sexual conquests. (Then I started wondering about his position on sentient magical beings, and things got really pervy. *smirk*)

The art was also gorgeous. Who wouldn't want those two beautiful guys in bed?
20th December 2007 23:11
Eeee, this was charming and funny and hot! I felt bad for poor Remus at the beginning, but Sirius had him well in hand. So to speak. ;-)

And every fic should have such delicious art! Yummy muscles on both of them.

"You're bloody gorgeous, you know? I've wanked over you more than once."

"Over me?"

Ahahaha! *pets Remus*
21st December 2007 01:04
*_* I find it hard not to like anything you two do...and then together...*fans self* I might turn into a puddle of goo in a moment.

This was absolutely BRILLIANT! I love the way that they talk, the characterization is perfect for them. Their both boys and Sirius is so convinced that the sun hangs for him alone. XD The smut it a wonderful bonus to this, but I think I could enjoy listening to them just talk about anything for hours.

The art is beautiful as well. I always love your style. I love their hair probably the most. Heheh...just want to run my hands through it.
21st December 2007 01:23
Wonderful. Hot, funny, cute, and did I mention hot?
Love the situation and what you did of it, love your characterisation and the dialogues, and absolutely adore the art work! *drools*

*scrolls up to look at it again, then drools some more*

Oh, yes, before my brain totally melts: I so can't picture Sirius any other way than this damn sure of himself and as "equal opportunity man".
21st December 2007 03:28
I think this is the best fic and art collaboration I've seen in a long, long time. Their voices are just right (humor and sweetness combined perfectly - that line from Sirius that he wanted to talk to his friend and not his potential lover? Perfect!) and the art is gorgeous. Love this so much.
21st December 2007 05:36
i wish you could have seen the cartoon-esque head explosion i had over you writing remus/sirius. in fact, if this comment is completely incomprehensible, it's because i'm still trying to reassemble my exploded brain.

wow. cute and sexy and that picture is fanfuckingtastic ghhhgghhhkk. love, just so much love aimed in your general direction. wow.
22nd December 2007 23:33
Hee - very lovely!
23rd December 2007 00:07
You really nailed the Sirius/Remus dynamic here, hon.
Love it, as you know since I drooled all over it in chat, lol.
The art is gorgeous, the story is hot as blazes and there really DOES need to be more mutual wank fic in this world. *g* Just saying!

Great job, ladies!
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