Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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19th December 2007 03:06
God, *I* wanna go defile a monument or something now!

I'm not sure why, but somehow, that strikes me as the ultimate compliment. LMAO!

Both the prose and the art are wonderful and perfectly compliment each other.

THAT is because [info]artisticentropy is awesome. She's amazing at picking up on the moods and ambiance of what I write and perfectly portraying it visually.

But I have to say... *snerk* the turkey-phoenix impression just laid me out!

::grin:: As soon as I wrote the opening paragraph of this fic, my first through was, "Oh, man, [info]artisticentropy should illustrate this one..." And thus, this month's collab was born. ;)

Thank you! :D
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